Hardware and software need to be ported into iPadOS



  • [Deleted User]
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  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,124 Expert

    My feature request is that NI will develop AI core that will write music instead of me. I will go for a walk, iPad will crunch numbers for some time and I will have multimillion TOP10 hit, every second day.

    Sounds like good feature. ;-)

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited March 2022

    That sounds nice, but making it is the most fun part 🥲

    I'd prefer an AI that does the social media promo for me so I don't have to hang around Instagram or whatever the next popular social app is.

  • [Deleted User]
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  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,124 Expert


    That sounds nice, but making it is the most fun part 🥲

    Yes, AI would love such a work. We have to be human and care for good of other beings. We would have to find another sources of fun than creating music. NI AI will do it all. ;-)

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,325 Guru

    I do believe that NI is on the wrong path with current products. It would be a slow death spiral to only have a refinement of the current conceptualization of how music is created.

    I am very certain there is new generation of products happening within the skunkworks of NI+ iZotope.

    Too much $$ has been infused to simply be pursuing the current path. That is part of the evidence.

  • mrgum6y
    mrgum6y Member Posts: 6 Member

    I still think there is huge potential for the development of iOS apps that compliment NI products rather than try and emulate the maschine experience.

    You could have apps that gave graphical editing of parameters on the machine plus, or how about an app that provided a midi gateway so maschine hardware could be used as ipad midi controllers. (I think this would be some sort of Komplete Kontrol Lite).

    Most active musicians are going to have tried ipad music making as it is so accessible So by make some utilities that make maschine hardware useful in that arena, increase the chances of hardware sales.

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,325 Guru
    edited March 2022

    This future NI/iZotope/iPad music creation ecosystem will bring in new users by means of a bottom tier subscription coupled with the use of only the touch screen surface.

    The progression will then be for a user to add an NI hardware performance controller and a higher subscription tier.

    And as "simplified" as this sounds on the surface, it will be more capable in regards to nuanced control and sonic complexity compared to what we can do with current NI offerings.

    Imagine changing articulations with facial expression.

  • Simchris
    Simchris Member Posts: 328 Pro

    Main downside to working with ios is forced end of life on supported models, frequent connector changes, and moving to new device purchased items no longer in store will not get reinstalled while migrating. None of these issues have affected my Windows box, that can still run old kit in 32bit while my new ipads cannot run old apps for music i purchased from app store. My 10 year old mac can run latest mac os, while my 10 year old ipad cannot run anything current due to crippled os support. Soooooo.... have fun with that.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,124 Expert

    People are complaining that NI plugins are small on their 32"+ screens. And the solution would be so simple. They could start using 10" screens instead.

    Simillar with audio monitors. Guys spend 1000+ USD on monitors, hundreds on controllers, thousands on powerfull computers, but they are fools. Should use iPad or even iPhone instead.

    The life is so difficult now, but it will become miraculously easy with iPad music creation.

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,325 Guru

    When you need/want a larger screen workspace, this ecosystem will seamlessly transfer to it. And will integrate in scale and/or panel windowing as desired.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,124 Expert

    When one does not need bigger screen is the right question, I guess.

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,325 Guru

    When you break things down to fundamentals.

    Creating and/or performing music is an action between your brain, your senses, your body and all that is external to it.

    "Computers" have been a channel between these things. The iPad is just another "computer" to serve as such a channel.

    However, the iPad has now reached a stage of power/portability and a vibrant user base (that speeds its evolution ever faster) to enable a new "untethered" ecosystem.

    Our "brain extension device" is now light enough in weight, efficient enough in power consumption, and capable enough in processing to make this possible... and in a way that comfortably fits into our lives.

    To compete with this ecosystem by trying to keep up with embedded linux..... will not be possible. The cracks are already very evident.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0 Newcomer
    edited March 2022
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  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,124 Expert
    edited March 2022

    Real cracks. :-DDD If Apple allows it, people will be able to use Maschine 2 on iPad. If they attach mouse, keyboard and MK3 they will have 'brain extension' of dreams.

    So I guess, the ball is on Apple's side of the playground. If it will not happen, blame Apple, not NI. ;-) NI will port everything to AS and it is up to Apple make it available also to iPads. Apple has that ecosystem & experience thing, so it should be damm easy.

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