How to load Battery 4 into Maschine +
I purchased the [Komplete Now] subscription specially to get access to [Battery 4] and managed to install and load it just fine in Maschine 2. But is doesn't load automatically from Native Access on Maschine+ on standalone mode. I purchased other instruments and some loaded, others didn't. My library on the Maschine+…
Can I load more than 16 samples on Maschine MK3 per group? How do I access another sample bank?
Can someone please assist me. Trying to access additional sample banks, is that possible? Wanting to know if there is a way to load 32 or more samples in this group. Thank you.
Volume variation across several scenes
Hello, In the Maschine 2 software, when a pattern is repeated across several scenes, is it possible to do a fade-in for 1 sound across all scenes? I read everything I could find and still don't know the answer. Thanks,
Feature Request: Quantised Pattern Launching
Been requested a million times before, but much of the community want the ability to change pattern in a quantised way, just like what can be done with scenes. Such a critical feature for live performance. Add it and relaunch Jam: such a great piece of hardware - such a missed opportunity due to this key software feature…
Why has Maschine been taking sometimes over 10 minutes to open?
OK, I've submitted things to Centrecode Beta / Bug reports etc, etc, remarkably unsuccessfully, so I'm on a blitz hoping that someone will actually address this issue in something that could remotely be seen as being a professional manner. It has consistently been blamed on either 'my configuration' or due to the amount of…
My son lost his NI account thus no ID transfer to his old man
My son gave me his maschine and Can't find the serial number or access his NI account. How am I now able to register the machine to be able to use this good bit of kit? any help would be great.
any update on bug filed under reference MAS2-29623
still can't update to new Maschine, old version is starting to have noticeable similar issues as each os progresses
Compatibility issues between Pro Tools and Maschine software
Hello all, I'd appreciate some help here.. I have recently installed Komplete 11 on my MacBook Pro M1 running the latest version of Monterey OS. The files were pulled from my old Windows machines SSD onto my new SSD formatted to APFS. In the latest version of Native Access, some files needed repaired and a few others…
trying to figure out how to stop sound from playing into new scene
Hi, I made a beat using Hybrid Keys and the sound is playing into a new scene but I want it to stop. Usually when I use the sampler I just set it to ADSR to do this or use choke groups. I tried using the choke group and choke button on the hardware in this case. Doesn't seem that I can automate\record this change though.…
is there a way to control a komplete plugin from machine
hi together, is it possible to use komplete and configure e.g Jacob colliers plug-in while just use maschine and kontakt together without an additional daw ? adrian
My Maschine Plus can’t find updates?
I bought this Maschine Plus from Zzounds a few weeks ago, I finally open it, so that I could set it up for registration so that I could download updates and to get my 9 free expansion sounds. Soon as I turn it on it goes to update but when I press the update button, it says updates can’t be found and it won’t open up to…
Maschine Mk3 and MK2 not working?
Hello all, I'm having issues with Maschine MK3 loading NI plugins, like Session Strings and Noir. Maschine 2 attempts to open the plugin, then crashes the entire DAW and closes everything. The plugins work in Kontakt as well as Komplete Kontrol. I only have issues when opening in Maschine DAW. Please help! I'm using…
What are advantages of Maschine+ over MK3, is MPC Live 2 a better choice ?
Hello, I'm very happy with my maschine MK3 but I'm still wondering on ordering an autonomous Maschine plus. I was just wondering about the date of released of the ne maschine product. I'd like to move with my maschine Plus in order to make music on holidays and weekend without bringing all my stuff. The advantage il that…
Maschine plus live input muting
Does anyone know how to mute a live external input. I have an input routed into a sound with effects. When I try to mute it; the light dims but sound still comes through with effects. I have the sound output set to master. I saw something in the manual about allowing audio muting but can't find it in settings.
M+ expansion are not loading
Hello, maybe someone knows a solution to my problem: (sorry, I'm writing through Google translator) I have Maschine+, and a 256gb flash drive from Samsung (U3, A2, V30), on which all expansions (about 100) are installed. But, every time I launch M+, some expansions are not available (they are displayed in the “available…
Second hand license issues
I have been trying for weeks now to contact NI about this. Still they have not given me a simple answer of how to get this item working. I do not have license key as the one it was suplied with doesn't work and would like to have that cleared and changed to my account. Why is this so hard? all the FAQ stuff just runs you…
Some Instruments are not working in Maschine.
Have just plugged Maschine in again after not using for months after being tempted by the Expansions sale! I've done all updates and updated OS. Everything is working fine except any Kontakt instruments and the Rolling Tides Expansion. You can preview all sounds and kits, but when you load them in they won't play in pad,…
Send audio to Maschine MK2 (TD-3)
I'm struggling to send audio to my Maschine mk2 from my Behringer td3. I have it set up as follows. Midi out/through from td3 to midi in Maschine. Midi out Maschine to midi in Td3 Td3 appears to be sending a midi signal to Maschine, but it will only play it if i assign a sound like a drum, piano, etc to a pad, and then its…
Somebody can help me to instal and use my Maschine MK2 please ?
Hello Everyone, I've just purchase a Maschine MK2 to use it for some live. This is the first time I use NA but I still can't use the MK2. I put the serial number, and nothing more. I work on a mac pro M2 now. And if someone have an Idea about what I can't download "Controller Editor" on Native, I would like some help too..…
Mashine doesn't connect - system won't work
downloaded software. Mashine doesn't connect. Sometimes I can get a orange light in the lower left pad. Sometimes all the pads are lit but nothing recognizes nothing.