I have been advised that MacOS Catalina 10.15.7 is unsupported, but my Mac says my system is current
What do I need to do to be able to run a supported version of Maschine Mk3 on my computer? Thanks in advance. Mike
Has anyone had an issue with maschine 2 not recognizing their hardware?
Ever since I updated to 2.18 my software doesn't prompt the hardware at all. I've tried everything and nothing seems to work. I've gone thru reddit and NI forum but couldn't get it fixed. So I've been using mouse and keyboard and clicking in chords and such.
will machine make full use of apple m performance cores?
until now it seems only reaper can use all cores for audio production. i am getting to limits very often, too often and even worse it shuts down a lot and makes working not comfortable with a brand new mac powerhouse using maschine
Maschine in hosts :open/close VST plugin windows
Hi , i moved to Bitwig to use with MIDI hardwares . I would use Maschine Jam and Studio in another computer system , i use them in Zenbeat just to get automations . I remember that i could open and close vst plugin windows with Maschine hardware without to have Maschine window opened (while Maschine is in host ) and it…
Maschine plus tempo delay 'glitching' while unit is midi synced.
when I have the M+ sync slaved to my MPC it seems to be trying to 'find' the correct tempo (you can actually see the tempo decimal point shifting around quickly) but the result is the delay tails get 'smeared' its impossible to get the delay effect to sound normal no matter what settings I used. Its brutal because I love…
How do I get essential software to run a second hand Maschine if I can't contact the seller?
About six months ago I bought a second hand Maschine MK3 online, mistakenly presuming I would just have to provide the serial number to NI to get any essential software that would allow me to put it to use. I had purchased some other unrelated equipment for my studio and got involved with that first, and then starting four…
Does anyone else Hang On "Waiting for Product Scan"?
Since the most recent update 2.15.2 Maschine hangs on startup for an unreasonable amount of time, in upwards of 10 Minutes. Does anyone else have this issue?
MASCHINE MK3 R2 HW software not appearing in native access
Installed native access & registered my hardware but nowhere is the software appearing for a download in native access, when i log in online & look i can see my software is available, i've tried inputting the serial direct to native access to no avail & have tried restarting my mac & the native access app, but it is still…
Mikey's Maschine FL Studio Integration
"…the deepest hardware integration to ever exist for FL Studio."
Are ANY additional instruments or FX coming to the M+?
i understand specifics about updates cannot be shared (and shouldn’t be mentioned prematurely) but have there been any general mentions or signs of this happening at some point? Or anything indicating it definitely won’t happen?
<<TRCK, TRCK>>, and <<DEV buttons no longer work. Please fix
Significant usability issues are present because certain important functions just don't work on Maschine MK2’s with the official Ableton Live 11 scripts snd template. Specifically the <<TRCK, TRCK>>, and <<DEV buttons. These are very important to navigating around and choosing macro knobs for Maschine to control. Pushing…
How to sidechain reverb?
So I'm trying to sidechain the reverb for more clear vocals, but reverb should be still there kinda like between the singing. I know it's very basic thing to do, but I rarely use these kind of tecnics and want to learn more. I just started to use effect sends and I almost got it right, but the problem is that compressor is…
File View - Drag and Drop into Serato Sample
I just upgraded to the latest version of Maschine. I am also on the latest version of Serato Sample. Before the upgrade I was able to drag and drop files from the File View within Maschine into Serato Sample. The weird thing is, sometimes is works with certain .wav files and not others. I then close Maschine and reopen, it…
Small green play button. Can I remove this?
Can I remove this?
Windows 11 Mk3 audio glitches/static and delayed playback praking at 100% cpu load
Hello, Im running Win11 on a Microsoft SurfaceBook2 laptop intel core i7 32gb Im experiencing severe audio glitches and intermittent playback delay. Im running ONLY maschine mk3 and no other software. No web browser, no wifi, no external HDD. I have tuned Windows as best I can with recommended settings. I have tested the…
MK3 not detecting software which is already open
I’m not sure if this is related to the latest update, but i could’ve sworn i used to be able to power on/off the mk3 freely and it would detect the software if it was already open. Now if the software is already open and i power on my mk3, it stays on the default Maschine logo screen. Anyone else having this issue? I’m…
Maschine Mk3 - changing patterns in sync
Hello Is there a way to change patterns no just after clicking on another one but in sync that I choose? I know about scenes, but during live show I can not start to creating them, I need to act fast and smooth. I need to change recorded patterns quickly. I know Live! has this and will have to use it, but really tried to…
Logic Pro (ARM mode) - Maschine Plug-In Mode Error
Hi, I have noticed a problem with the Maschine Plug-in Mode. When I try to open Logic in ARM mode and load up the Maschine Plug-in it reports not being able to find plug-ins (such as Kontakt 7 - AU). It seems to work fine when opening Logic in Rosetta mode. Is there a solution to this ? Thanks
I'm still waiting...
No formatter is installed for the format not-found
My Maschine is Still Connected to someone elses account.
I Just bought a Maschine Mk3 from a pawn shop and when I try to set it up it says the controller is already registered. I have no Idea how to contact the seller and I don't think the pawn shop can contact the seller. Is there anyway NI can register it with my account or anything else?