I have two maschine jams and maschine software

toogood Member Posts: 12 Member

I have two maschine jams and maschine software and I would love to have both working to reflect when I have 16 groups. I get one to work but the next one is dormant until I press midi mode. Is there something I can do in controller editor?

Best Answer

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,442 mod
    edited June 2023 Answer ✓

    They are the same models, so they share the same drivers, so it is impossible to have them both run at the same time! The one has to be in MIDI mode.

    I have seen this mistake many times, people buying 2 identical devices, which is really the worst choice you could make, if we talk about machines handled by a computer! They are not CD players...

    However, you can have 2 Maschines on 2 computers, both running Maschine software and you can synchronize them by Link or by MIDI.


  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,442 mod
    edited June 2023 Answer ✓

    They are the same models, so they share the same drivers, so it is impossible to have them both run at the same time! The one has to be in MIDI mode.

    I have seen this mistake many times, people buying 2 identical devices, which is really the worst choice you could make, if we talk about machines handled by a computer! They are not CD players...

    However, you can have 2 Maschines on 2 computers, both running Maschine software and you can synchronize them by Link or by MIDI.

  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 824 Pro

    If you utilize 2 maschine Jamsand as sunborn has pointed out, it is not possible currently to use them simultaneously in the normal operations of maschine.

    there are some aspects of Maschine you can control via midi mode, whereby plugin mode of maschine within a host Daw allows you to control the volumes across x2 maschine Jams... and some other aspects as well... but it is very limited and also requires configuration.

    You eventually come to the realisation that maschine Jam... is best used for jamming, switching scenes, patterns within maschine! where Maschine Jam becomes a great asset is in the ability to control external programs via midi mode, this is quite literally where it shines for example...

    intergrating Maschine plugin + Daw + Vstplugins+ Traktor + Remixlive + Virtual DJ + Ipad applications, routing audio & syncing them together in which ever way works for you...

    configuring the banks in midi-modeto control each application takes time... but this is where the Maschine Jams strength is.

  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 824 Pro

    As an added example of maschine Jam used as a plugin in my Daw of choice(Reaper)...

    i can add x4 instances of maschine plugin... and assign 16 buttons (2 rows for each instance(on a single page)) for triggerring the scenes & trigger them all independantly or simultaneously... if however i wanted to control the group volumes, i would need to focus the maschine application instance i want to control, and the touchstrips would update...

    configuring sounds on a individual basis is just a nightmare to configure.. and sometimes its better left to operate within maschine Jam controlled mode

  • bobbyduracel
    bobbyduracel Member Posts: 37 Member

    It could be "possible" given that devices like the APC64 can run in chains of up to four units… It seems like a decision, both to not allow this feature AND to require controller editor to change mappings - vs just allowing simple mapping through DAW. I love NI, but the little things are somehow missed at times…

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