Maschine 3 update issue
I purchased the maschine 3 update last week and Native access isn't locating it. Checked my entire computer and I can't find the file. It's pretty annoying. Reached out to NI support and of course i got nothing from them. Can someone point me in the right direction please? Appreciate it.
Maschine Software not showing up in Native Access
Just got my brand new Maschine Mikro MK3 and the maschine software is not showing up in native access at all. I've started my account, entered serial numbers, restarted the software and my computer multiple times, nothing is working. I'm on a Mac version 14.6.1. please please help!
How do you install Maschine Factory Library from the .iso file?
I found the file via "Legacy Installers Maschine 2" on NI Support… Do I need a special program to open the .iso? I'm on a mac
How to intergrate Maschine 3.0.1 and Cubase 14 Pro
I want to be able to integrate Maschine 3.01 with Cubase 14 but no matter how I try or how many YouTube videos I watch nothing seems to work. I've attached my settings and I can see activity on the Maschine track when I tap a pad. Is there any online instructions as to how this can be achieved. The main issue appears to be…
i have my maschine 2 installed on my imac but i cannot activate
the os on my imac is not compatable with natice access 2. is there anyway to activate on this computer without native access 2. native access 1 doesnt give me the option
How to access my maschine software and the others software/plugins that come with my maschine mk3?
I have registered the serial number in Native Access and it said it was succesfull but in my available products there is only prism massive and monark. No traces of the Maschine software and the rest of the plugins/samples included. Please someone help me!!!!
Is anyone else having issues with vst3 loading in over sized?
When I load in certain vst3(serato,rc20)on maschine 3.0 they appear to look over sized, yet if I place the mouse cursor over the plug in it seems as if the nobs are in the place.
Missing Voucher for Komplete 15 Select
I recently received my MK3. I registered my Maschine in Native Access and received some of the software like Massive & Maschine 3 but I did not get emailed the voucher code for Komplete 15 Select. Can someone help. TIA.
How to set MIDI mode as default when opening DAW? (Maschine Mikro)
Hello! I am using Maschine Mikro with DAW Cubase 14 PRO. Whenever I turn on my PC I need to press Shift + F1 on my Maschine Mikro to set it in MIDI mode. Question: Is it possible to set MIDI mode by default?
Map "Note Repeat" to external controller
Hi, I don't like to have to use two buttons on my Maschine Mikro to use the "Repeat Note" Function. Is there a way to learn it to another controller? Most of the functions can easy be learned to my AKAI MIDIMIX, but I cannot find the "Repeat Note" function in the software. Thank you
Mashine 3.0.1
The update from 3.0 to 3.0.1 is glitchy on M2 Studio Mac/ Sonoma / Left Columb Browser lockes up and doesnt access the patternt when clicked in ideas mode Realised 3.0 worked really good…but will go back and re download Please share if anyone experiences the same
Unregistering my Maschine MK1
Hi all I have sold my Maschine MK1 and now need to unregistered it however the hardware unit doesn't show up under my products on my account nor on Native Access. Should it appear there or is there somewhere else where I would need to unregister it? Also, if it's only the Maschine 2 software ID that needs to be transferred…
Chord Modifier
Hi, would really like to see a modifier on the hardware to switch from chords to single notes. Would greatly help inputting passing notes.
Issue with registering my Maschine Mikro MK3 HW to Native Access
I am trying to register my maschine mikro mk3 hw to native access, but when I input the serial number it claims that "an error occured when processing your serial." I am 95% sure I'm inputting the right serial, as when I input anything else it simply says "invalid serial." I tried closing and reopening NA, then installing…
I just got the Maschine Mikro 3 and it does not make any sound.
It looks like the library is empty, but I can't figure out how to get the sounds from and how to make the hardware to make sounds
Can’t reach support
this is annoying , I thought buying my Maschine plus used from guitar center would sort of guarantee that the serial was transferred or at least unregistered from the previous owner so I can use it but that was not the case, and it looks like support for Maschine is terrible , I should probably just return it before and…
Issue Maschine 3 Software when using browser on Mac
Hi, In Maschine 3, every time I review the library using Computer, anything will be loaded automatically without double clicking. Is there any way to stop it? I just want to use the arrow up and down to review the sample before loading. Thank you.
Mashine Software & NI Accessibility Helper
Hello, I am seeking an answer to the following issue please. When using NI accessibility helper with Machine MK3 must I keep the Mashine software open or is having an instant of the plug in open in Logic Pro all I need to do in order for NI accessibility to work? Thanks for your help.
License Issue
Bought a used Mikro mk 2 today didnt realise that I would need to sort the registration as the previous owner hasnt deregistered it, the shop where I bought it from dont or wont give me the previous owners details (data protection) and I guess everyone has gone home for the holidays now :( is there anyway I can get this…
Frequent Crashes with Maschine 3 GUI
Hello, I am experiencing an issue with Maschine 3. The software launches, but crashes when the GUI appears. Without any message . I often have to restart Maschine 3 several times before it stabilizes. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your support.