Machine Micro Mk 3

neil gahan
neil gahan Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

Hi All, Ive just bought a Machine Micro Mk 3, as I want to use it to trigger samples by tapping there pads while playing live.

The machine LEDS sweep in colour and then the unit goes blank apart from the LCD displaying "Machine Micro". ive tried several leads but nothing.

Is this compatible with my Mac? If so what am I doing wrong ?



  • neil gahan
    neil gahan Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    I would appreciate some help

  • neil gahan
    neil gahan Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    PS I'm using Mac Pro M3, & its on Sonoma 14.3

  • dusty
    dusty Member Posts: 27 Member
    edited March 13

    you are asking something pretty vague to be frank

  • neil gahan
    neil gahan Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    It doesn't work. When I connect it to my MAC, the pad lights sweep in mulicolour ( a start up sequence ) then it all goes dark apart from the LCD, lit up with "Machine Micro".

    I can't us it, do other people use this with the same spec Mac as mine ?

    Am I being clear enough now?

  • BJQ1972
    BJQ1972 Member Posts: 121 Advisor

    Not really. From your description it sounds like you've just plugged it into your Mac and randomly pressed buttons hoping something will magically happen.

    Is it new or used? Have you registered the hardware with native instrument? Downloaded the software?

  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 2,235 mod

    As @BJQ1972 asked, have you registered the Maschine and downloaded/installed the Maschine software using Native Access? Without those the Maschine is just a pretty looking brick.

    There's a "getting started" guide here if you haven't done that yet - . You need the download for "Mac M1" as that works on all M-series Macs.

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