how to reinstall native instruments to new computer.
In searching for information regarding what to do with Native Instruments when I get my new computer. It appears you have to reinstall on the new computer, however all my Native Instruments content is on external ssd's and I will migrate my old iMac to the new m3 one when it arrives. How can I have all my software…
concerning kontrol s61 mk3
hello, i'll interested in kontrol s61 mk3 mostly for the keybed it has, planning to buy after a month or two, but not much satisfied because the cases happen to others where it's main board got bricked while trying to update .. after few months is it still a nightmare setting up the keyboard or thing has changed to better?…
impossible to open battery 4 on Komplete Kontrol and S49
Good morning After uninstalling and reinstalling the trial version of Battery 4, it appears in Konplete Kontrole, but says "cannot find the plug-in. I scanned several times and battery4 still does not open even though I see and hear the sounds of the library. Can you help me understand. Sincerely
How to recover Kontrol s49 keyboard license?
How to recover Kontrol s49 keyboard license?I sold a kontrol s49 keyboard to a friend, but for various reasons it doesn't work for him. I had to transfer the license to him, but now that he has returned the keyboard to me it seems that it is not possible for me to get the license back.Is there any way I can get it back?If…
Ableton Live Lite, downloading after buying keyboard ?
Hi Guys : Where can I download a free Lite DAW Ableton12 version after buying a new brand new Kontrol S49 ? Your reply will be much appreciated. Thank you in advance ! Jeff
I can't find the pdf manuals for all NI applications
I would like to have a URL link to download the pdf manual for all applications (absynth, massive, fm8...ALL) which is not found in the installation directory. Thank You
S49 MK2: When I load an Instrument some of the keys are not playing any sound.
I have a MacBook Pro M3Max Sonoma, using S49 MK2 Keyboard with Komplete Kontrol Standard. When I load some instruments, the keys on the keyboard lights up telling me that key should have a sound, but when I play some of the keys there is no sound playing. Everything is updated.
space Key & balance Play Series
Hello everyone I have a small problem with all the "Play Series", every time I stop the sound with the space key the balance leans towards "A" completely. what can I do? thanks in advance
No tracking info after order - no support reply
hello I have recently ordered the m32 and have yet to receive any tracking info and it still stays processing, I have reached out to support with no reply :/ starting to worry I could have been conned in in the UK.
Kontrol S-serie question
Hi Guys : Last week I bought me a brand new S49. Where can I find all info to start playing this bk, please. I am not familiar with Kontakt yet but I am learning.😉 Thanks for your reply. Best wishes, JJ
Komplete Kontrol where it stores scales data on the disk?
Hi all, Komplete kontrol with their native keyboards, e.g. on S61, you can select a scale and then it enables only notes of the scale on the keyboard and also switches on the lights to the corresponding keys that are in scale. Is there a way to add custom scales? I play Carnatic music also and then so many scales that are…
space bar -> Macro
hello, I have an automation on "ethereal earth", and when I touch bare space to stop, the automation becomes inactive. What should I do to avoid this? it’s the “blend AB” that jumps Thanks in advance
Can not record Native Instruments sounds in Garage Band.
I hooked up my A25 controller to Garage Band. In settings-devices-input devices there is no keyboard selection available. I am up to date with my firmware. I can not record any sounds from Native Instruments in Garage Band. I can use the A25 as a MIDI controller and record with Garage Band instruments only. Any thoughts?
No pictures after downloading Session Percussionist or Schema Light...
After downloading both Session Percussionist and Schema Light with Native Access, I don't have the picture for either of them in both Kontakt 7 and Komplete Kontrol…I have uninstalled not only Session Percussionist and Schema Light and then installed them again, but have done the same for Kontakt 7 and Komplete…
Plans for MK3 to support hardware and software simultaneously?
So, I've just learned that in order to use my MK3 with external gear, I have to disconnect from my PC… This is….Odd….but I guess understandable with its current limitations. I'm hoping that the MIDI support introduced with the MIDI mapping update will rid us of this issue?
Installed sound bundles do not play - no sounds
Could you help me somebody please ? I have installed some sounds bundles and everything was ok - sounds played via keyboard mk3 s61. But yesterday i bought and install LACRIMOSA from DIO8 bundle. But this installation was done on another disk in my PC (disk D: instead previous installations which was done on disk C: -…
Wrong icons in Komplete Kontrol
Loading Komplete Kontrol on Studio One displays wrong icons on multiple places, I tried reinstalling KK but no luck. First time opens correctly, but after opening/closing it multiple times on different projects it gets messed up.
Komplete Kontrol Template Pedals not changing!
Hi everyone, I am not sure if this is the right place. Maybe not, because I think this is clearly a bug. However I have a really annoying problem using Midi templates in Komplete Kontrol: When I change the CC of a knob and then switch templates it will be applied correctly. However when I change the CC of the CTRL-Pedal,…
Problems with Komplete Kontrol in Ableton Live 11
Hello everyone, for several days, I have been trying to find a solution to a problem that I am encountering, with Komplete Kontrol and with KONTAKT, I specify that all my software runs with Windows 11. When I launch Komplete Kontrol in standalone, it opens without problems, the same if I launch Komplete Kontrol using…
S88 MK2 keyboard will not control Logic Pro
I can't get the Play/Record/Stop buttons on my S88 keyboard to trigger those actions in Logic Pro 11. I can load Komplete Kontrol instruments in Logic and play them on the keyboard (and record them on a Logic track). When I open the Control Surface Setup in Logic, I see this error message: "device…could not be loaded."…