How do I get the Komplete S61 Mk3's DAW controls working with FL studio?

DokiCinnabun Member Posts: 1 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Komplete Kontrol

Hello! I just recently got the Komplete S61 Mk3 and so far it's been working great! I'm very happy with it, and it works great with all my plugins. But one thing I've been having trouble with getting working has been the DAW controls that are on the Mk3 have not been doing anything. They won't even light up when I'm connected and have FL studio open. It'll control all the plugins just fine, and the physical buttons work great. It's just that the record, play, stop, and the physical "DAW" button don't light up at all, and don't do anything when pressed. I'm not sure how to get this to work, I am on the latest firmware. If anyone could help that'd be great!

Thank you very much!



  • Paule
    Paule Member Posts: 1,314 Expert

    If your keyboard works good with all others ask FL: Where is the issue.

  • Chris_NI
    Chris_NI Product Team Posts: 69 mod

    Hi, @DokiCinnabun - We are working closely with Image-Line on the FL Studio x Kontrol S-Series MK3 DAW integration and will release it with FL Studio officially, hopefully in the next few weeks, certainly before the end of 2023.

    Please keep an eye on this page which will explains how to setup the DAW integration for all of our Keyboards (MK2's included).

    The FL Studio section is the old MK2 integration, and when we release the new MK3 integration it will be on the top / before the MK2 instructions.

    I hope this is helpful and thanks for being patient with us while we finish these last bits of functionality.

  • Bluto
    Bluto Member Posts: 19 Member
    edited January 2024

    Hi, @Chris_NI

    is there an ETA you can provide on when the Kontrol MK3 S series will have full DAW integration with FL Studios? Your post states that this would happen "certainly" before the end of 2023 and here we are in 2024 with no integration and no updates, any update on the status of completion will be most appreciated.

    Thank You

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,345 mod

    Hopefully it will be in the next update for FL Studio, assuming NI have completed their part it would be up to Inage Line to decide when to release that, it may be they have other stuff they want to put in the update before it goes live

  • Rolqve
    Rolqve Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    on the first version of the s61 mk3 I was able to access DAW directly from the keyboard and choose flstudio and I could play and pause but since the update I can no longer find information on how to access the choice of software directly from the keyboard... has anyone already managed to at least press play or pause since the s61 mk3?? or access the software choice from the keyboard .. Time IS long :6 janvier (like Always? no adaptation for flstudio because for 20 years they have been saying they are making adaptations even fl studio promised it at the time and nothing has ever been done 💨💨)

  • Ovvation
    Ovvation Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    Any Update on the Fl Studio Kontrol s-series mk3


  • Bluto
    Bluto Member Posts: 19 Member

    I messaged @Chris_NI and he replied 01/04 saying FL is fixing something on their end, they discovered a bug thats being patched up. It can be launched using a script so it wont require an FL update expected to be ready sometime this week!🤞

  • natemercury
    natemercury Member Posts: 30 Member

    Hi. I followed the instructions to setup in FL Studio, but still no DAW control.

  • Bluto
    Bluto Member Posts: 19 Member
    edited March 2024

    That is because there is still no DAW deep integration yet for FL Studio. NI is incapable of owning up to their actions and inactions stringing us along for this long instead of apologize. They cant apologize because that means they are taking responsibility for their bogus advertising. I also find it peculiar that their answers contradict each other. "Were closely working together with Image Line" whats your definition of closely? "Straight forward script that doesnt require FL update to deploy" HMMM...doesnt appear to be "straight forward". NI said "while "WE" fix up the last bits of functionality" in October and ready "certainly" before the end of 2023. Then Jan 4th NI switches their tune distancing themselves shifting blame on Image-Line with "THEY" discovered a bug on "THEIR" side over the holidays...hopefully done in the next 2 weeks". Then the next update came weeks after stating "actually two bugs" so in the weeks that followed the last update, Image Line managed to find more bugs than they fixed but have been updating NI to let the community know this will be out before the end of 2023 from the get go? Then the responses became "I don't know what you want me to say, there is nothing more we can do" What happened to "CLOSELY" working with Image Line finishing up the last "tid bits"? Whats your definition of "finishing up"? Then did Image Line inform NI that it will be done before the end of January or February? Something doesn't add up here...Why is NI feeding the community updates over matters that are out of their hands if Image Line hasn't been providing NI updates for NI to report possible ETAs. NI you cant have it both ways and blame Image Line while updating us with baseless ETAs if image line didn't provide you with any of these timelines you preached about.

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,710 mod

    @Bluto if you have specific questions, just ask and I'll answer.

    We have been consistently forthcoming with our updates regarding the status of this implementation.

    Perhaps you'd rather no transparency than maximal transparency, with which comes the need to understand the ebbs and flows of ongoing development.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,345 mod

    If you just want transport the native MCU protocol mode works already (this is with MkII but MKIII can also do this)

    It's just the deeper integration that is lacking, which adds visual mixer controls, but you can do quite a lot with just MCU protocol

  • Bluto
    Bluto Member Posts: 19 Member
    edited March 2024

    Ahh the smug undertone from NI support, never gets old...Say Matt you got 900 bucks I can borrow? I can feel your empathy coursing through my soul from all the way up there on your totem pole, is it cold?... is it cold Matt? you need a bwanky? you need a bwanky DO YOU! We all could sure use one, whats that? oh! thanks for asking Matt!

    The compassion you guys show for your loyal customers never ceases to impress me. The so called "forthcoming" you speak of, about your updates thus far have consisted of gross miscalculations regarding the everchanging timelines of the ETA. I dont see how updating the community with ETAs and promises that come to pass unfulfilled is forthcoming or transparent since they appear to be baseless guesses if Image Line did not provide you with this information of a timeline to completion for you guys to have any authority in providing an ETA if its out of your control. You failed to address this when you had the opportunity to be transparent and forthcoming by providing us with what Image line stated their ETA was to you. Why are you Updating us with an ETA if you are unable to dictate Image Lines timeline when let alone NI is incapable of dictating your own timeline? I fail to understand the "ebbs and flows" behind the method of madness over there at NI. Do The ebbs and flows at NI consist of ongoing consecutive delays, misinformation, disorganization, unkept promises, and overall general mismanagement? I wrote a song for NI support it goes🎙️ "These are bona fide false promises at best but its false information none the less, cry baby! weaah! now drop cr4p on my mixer track while your at it cuz $h!*s about to hit the fan!"✌️

    is that too much forthcoming maximal transparency for you? So here are my specific questions for you, what is the date NI wraps up the 1st quarter and are you on track with fulfilling your obligations to complete the implementation this time around before the end of the first quarter? Hope you enjoyed my enthusiasm.

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,710 mod
    edited March 2024


    I'm sorry that it lands as smug to you. As many here will attest, I'm only here to help. With that comes an obligation to call out unbecoming or unhelpful posts. With that in mind: please reconsider your tone. Your last post is particularly unacceptable and that cannot persist.

    I think there's a fundamental misunderstanding here of what transparency means. To be fully transparent means to share the latest, greatest information as it comes. The best laid plans can, and do change (as indeed they did here).

    A normal development cycle for a feature will typically have a delivery date in mind.

    As development progresses, life can happen, particularly when the development involves multiple companies. People may get sick, or need time away for other reasons. It only takes one or two such things from either side for progress to slip. Ergo, a revised delivery date. Added to which, normal testing procedures may find bugs that require fixing, which again can (and did here) result in extending the timeline.

    To respond abusively to information about a change in plans isn't all that helpful, as much as it is frustrating. If you'd rather not be kept abreast of how things are going, look away.

    To your specific questions:

    • Q1 ends on March 31st.
    • There is no obligation to quote "complete the implementation this time around before the end of the first quarter".
    • Rather, the obligation is to continue the ongoing collaboration with Image Line, and continue to offer updates in the community as to how it's going even if you don't like the updates.
    • As of now, we have only the one known issue that we're working to resolve, then the implementation is ready.

  • Bluto
    Bluto Member Posts: 19 Member
    edited March 2024

    Now was that so hard to write what should have been addressed back in January? You could have said this back then and at any point in time you could have addressed that there was most likely going to be further delays as your equipped with this information about weather or not your team or Image line decides to take a months vacation or is sick. Whatever the case may be, if your aware that without a doubt is going to cause significant delays, then, was the time to be straightforward and forthcoming about these idk why it had to come to this.

    I believe there is a fundamental lack of understanding of what you think the definition of update here is. Its not wait weeks after time elapses from your unfulfilled ETAs to address the ongoing delays with an update only when a mob shows up with torches and pitchforks (figuratively speaking) is when you address any delinquencies with an update. How about next time when you say something that ends up falling through, why dont you provide everyone with a courtesy update instead of sit there and wait for the community to call you out. Unfortunately NI lacks the proper educate to keep us updated with any said "change of plans" because this is the first time were hearing the missing details bit by bit ,it is like pulling teeth just to receive any straight forward answer that I think we were all owed a while ago.

    "A normal development cycle for a feature will typically have a delivery date in mind" will you enlighten us on why this is not a normal development cycle then and why there was not a delivery date set as it seems that your being cryptic about what you are saying here. This is exactly what I have been talking about, these arent straight forward answers but rather more tip toeing around leaving bread crumbs for us who are left in the dark. There was a change in plans? I was only notified about delays, it was unbeknownst to me there was a change in plans that should be made aware of. There was only one bug left that was being patched up back in January so care to expound on why this one bug has caused such a cataclysmic failure in the architectural infulstructure of the implementation? The issue here is the gravity of the malfunction has been downplayed to "just one more bug to sort out" when in reality it is a major bug that has a domino effect consisting of many other bugs to patch. This promotes a false sense of what "coming soon" actually means.

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