Komplete Audio 6 - USB Connection - Any benefit in connecting to USB3 port instead of USB2?
Is there any benefit in connection the Audio 6 to a PC to a USB3 port instead of a USB2 port?
Can't find guitar rig in Komplete 14 Standard
I just bought Komplete 14 Standart and I have 2 questions: first is that I couldn't find the Guitar Rig, the second is that when I drag a groove from STUDIO DRUMMER to a MIDI area in Kontakt 7, the MIDI notes don't go. I'm using FL Studio. Thanks
Transferring licenses.
Has anyone experienced long delays in transferring Komplete software packages?
Pc to mac
Good morning. I bought my komplete 13 to work on a windows pc. I plan to migrate to a mac computer. Could I download my komplete on macos at no additional cost? thanks For your answers.
Hello If I have native instruments complete 11 select, can I get ultimate 14 for the price of the u
Hello If I have native instruments complete 11 select, can I get ultimate 14 for the price of the update?
NI Customer Service NON-EXISTENT?
Last night I attempted to purchase an S-61 Black Friday deal. First Attempt failed after second attempt succeeded, my order history showed that BOTH orders went through. After not finding a Customer Support phone number, I finally researched the corporate number whose recorded line is UNINTELLIGIBLE> I had to listen 3…
When does cyber season last until?
When does cyber season last until?
Cremona quartet is included in Komplete 14 Collectors edition?
Hi, I'm a newcomer and I'm goin to buy Komplete 14 Collectors edition. It seems that Cremona quartet is not included in Komplete 14 Collectors edition, can anyone confirm it please? Thank you
Can I delete VST2 files?
Hi, new windows install, new K14 CE install, not interested in backwards compatability with my old music. I have my NI software on a seperate SSD, I have the "VSTPlugins 64 bit" directory there. For most products, it installed a ".VST3" in "C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3" and also a ".dll" in the "VSTPlugins64 bit"…
Can someone tell me what the NI support email is or how can I check a ticket status
I have tried to find this out for some time and it seems to not exist. I have been to the support page, and it just ask questions and tries to provide answers. Finally I found a way to open a ticket, even though it's not in the category of help I wanted. Now I cannot find any way to track that ticket. My initial impression…
37 Key Controller
I'm sure this must have been discussed here, at some point. But, why is there no 37 key controller? All of the other major manufacturers have them, why not NI? Anyway, I'll be using the M32 in the meantime. I already have a 73 key Korg Nautilus, and a 61 key Yamaha PSR-E373 all very capable to be used as controllers,…
When is komplete standard off sale?
I want to get komplete 14 standard on 50 percent off sale. Is that included in " Komplete updates and upgrades", or in "All other Cyber Season offers" ??????? - stated in terms and conditions
Selling hardware.
If I sell my S61 mk2, do I get to keep my K14 and other software? I know it used to be if you sold the hardware you didn’t, but think that has changed now?
Which location would be better for the native instruments library, internal or external?
Please advise which location would be better for the native instruments library (taking up 1.6 TB of disk space) a) to the internal drive of Mac Studio (4 TB) b) to an external SSD drive I care about maximum efficiency. My new computer is: Mac Studio / M2 MAX: 12 CPU, 36GPU / 96GB RAM / 4 TB SSD.
Just purchased the MK3 S88 Kontrol
Hey new here, not only here but to the Native Instrument family all together. I just purchased the Komplete Kontrol MK3 S88, which should be hopefully delivered before Christmas. Is there anything that the community can tell me about, what I'm getting myself into? Peace out and Thank you in advance. Tim
Komplete Audio 1 or 2 as monitor controller?
I’m looking for something to adjust the volume of my studio monitors and also somewhere to connect my headphones to. I want to be able to play audio through both at the same time and control the volume of each separately. I’m not a musician so I won’t really use the analog inputs much (although I might end up connecting a…
How to transfer the entire installed package (VST+banks) to the SSD without re-downloading?
Hi. I have downloaded the entire package after reinstalling the system, I have a problem because I made a mistake and installed the libraries on the HDD partition. Can I transfer the entire installed package (VST+banks) to the SSD without re-downloading? I would like to avoid downloading it because it involves taking my PC…
new Komplete start plug in bundle
I already have Komplete start the Ozone 11 EQ, will this new dnload duplicate other plugs as well? How do i keep from installing another Ozone 11 EQ? thanks
Input-Microphone is very quiet on Komplete Audio 2
Hello, i use an Beyerdynamic M90 Pro X connected via XLR to my Komplete Audio 2 on a Macbook Pro (M1 Pro) with MacOS Sonoma. When i record my Voice within Adobe Audition, i can see that the Voice is very quiet and also there is no really Waveform visible. I need to turn the Gain nob to Max to barely hear my Voice, but this…
S88 Mk2 not playing sounds keyboard mode
Hi I’m experiencing a problem with my S88 Mk2 midi controller. I have a 2020 MacBook Pro that has 4 thunderbolt ports as the hub of my production studio and use a Universal Audio Apollo Twin X Quad as the center of my production studio. Recently started to record so I installed Protools as my DAW. Now my S88 midi…