connecting maschine plus with traktor pro
how can i connect my maschine plus with traktor pro? I use traktor pro with audio 6 interface and external dj mixer. it is enough if i simply connect the machine plus to my pc via usb. or do i need an audio interface with midi connectors to connect both to sync? (because my audio 6 has no midi connections) and then the…
New update Traktor Pro 3.7.1 Removed feature from S2 Mk2
After updating to TP3 3.7.1 when using the Filer/ Gain knob, the filter doesn't push to reset any longer. I use this in my workflow. How do I get it back? I have been a Traktor user since 2013 with this same controller. Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated.
Traktor S4 MKIII ASIO Issues and Track Crackling
So I recently got this controller for Xmas. Recently when I was streaming a set for VRChat I had some tracks crackling and messing up. I am using the Traktor s4 mkiii asio for my output with a Komplete Audio 6 for recording via inputs. It was working fine with my traktor s2 and earlier in the week but today I was getting…
Will traktor Pro 3 run on a Snapdragon 8cx gen 2
Hay Mates, As above, i need to know if i can order myself a HP elite Folio for DJ gigs, because i dont want to bring my Gaminglaptop to gigs where i dont have to use ableton. Anyone have a clue about this? Best regards! Alien
How to setup Kontrol S2 MK3 for scratching?
Hi all, I just updated to the most recent version of Traktor and S2 MK3 firmware but lost the feature to scratch. Am I missing something, forget to set something? The jogwheels now only have the pitch bend function, not the scratch. I activated scratch in the settings under jogwheel - on touching platter. Any suggestions?…
Traktor Pro 3 freezes for seconds with audio dropouts
Hello good day, I have the Traktor Pro 3 on my laptop, but working with it makes it almost impossible because whenever I load a track into the next deck, it freezes for seconds with audio dropouts. I have an i7 with 6gb 500gb s Thanks for a technical advices
Traktor Pro Plus subscription - will you keep it or not.
It's nearly 6 month now and my Traktor Pro Plus subscription is near to get converted in a payed one. So the question is, will it be worth to keep it running and to pay for it. Honestly I do not see that it would have been worth the money or that it will be worth paying for it during the next month. The interesting…
advanced and smart lists
There are a few things that I think are needed in tractor pro. I would like to share them with you. 1- The lists are divided into sections and have smart filters and sorting in their sections. so the lists will be more planned. I think this feature is suitable for the nature of tractor pro. 2- cue number display in…
Traktor Pro 3 & Beatport Link - any news on when the crackling will be resolved?
Every since Windows 11 update Version 22H2, Beatport Link and Traktor Pro 3 no longer get along. It's been over two months now and NI has been very silent on what they believe might be the issue, but it sure would be nice to know whether anyone actually has any information about this and when we can expect it to be…
Is Traktor Pro going to follow the trend in stems known in Virtual DJ and Djay apps
Hello, I own the latest version of Traktor pro on Mac, afater having bought several upgrades. I am interested in the possibility of mixing in stems (isolating vocals especially) REAL-TIME. For the moment, Native Instruments decided to implement the stem approach on tracks pre-prepared for stems (and so bought with stems…
Sound issue with Traktor Pro 3
Hello, I have a problem with traktor 3, I have a choppy sound when I use the software, I mix with headphones and with a Pioneer controller, currently under Windows 11, thank you for your answer
Key Shortcuts not working in Full Screen Mode?
So the following (Windows shortcuts) don't work when in full screen mode, but, they do work in Windowed mode: Open Preferences: ALT+F, followed by P Open Controller Manager: ALT+F, followed by C Open Audio Setup: ALT+F, followed by A Kinda makes sense, since the menu bar is hidden... Can anyone confirm that this is…
Traktor pro 3 unable to start correctly 0xc00007b error
I recently purchased laptop with win 11 installed on it, when i download and install traktor pro 3, and try to start application i get the error: unable to start correctly 0xc00007b.... Help please :)
Random cruise script
Hello, stuck on a home trainer, I would like to create a script to: a) launch a playlist in shuffle mode, b) launch the tracks from a determined cuepoint, c) once the track is launched, bring its speed back to 0%. Being a dummies in programming, does anyone have an idea how to proceed or an example tutorial that I could…
Using Traktor with different memory cards
would be nice if traktor pro could handle well different music libraries on different memory cards...