Asus + Traktor Pro 3 and Windows 10 AMD Ryzen 9 5900x

Dj_Vd Member Posts: 12 Member
Hi,everyone !I recently bought myself a new Asus laptop with the most modern hardware! I hope that together we will solve the problem. And so, from equipment s4 mk3 + f1 and laptop asus ryzen 9 5900x 16 RAM, video 1050 geforce. In short super laptop, there should be no problems. But it doesn't work!! Sometimes there is a hangup of the sound, stuttering. At 256 and 512 latency behaves the same. Latensimun shows this. As I found out, this is a high-precision timer for improved media transmission. Naturally googling, problems occur. Solutions not found. All of them have their own. I tried to restore the system files, just in case, I turned off this high-precision timer specifically in the device manager. Nothing helps. And I don’t understand what it depends on. Maybe right away, maybe 3 hours to work out the norms. They also write that a problem with the power mode may be associated with this file. Well, duck, I have max performance and it's on charge. Where to dig?

I have state of the art equipment plus everything is licensed and it doesn't work the way I would like... I'm very disappointed. Perhaps there will be some fix, I heard there is an incompatibility of the program with hardware. Tell me how to be?



  • Dj_Vd
    Dj_Vd Member Posts: 12 Member
    I saw a topic created like this
    The problem is similar, but apparently not the same and I did not find the answer there.

  • Dbas
    Dbas Member Posts: 3 Member

    I'm not familiar with this software but the stuttering is usually indicative of latency/soundcard inadequacies, if you don't have a dedicated soundcard you can maybe give asio4all drivers a try and see if that fixes your issue. Gl

  • Dj_Vd
    Dj_Vd Member Posts: 12 Member
    I wrote above that I have s4 mk3, it has a great sound card. I have ASIO driver for my controller

  • Isotoxin
    Isotoxin Member Posts: 213 Advisor

    Which one SSD drive mode is selected (AHCI or other) in BIOS?

    It needs to be in AHCI to work fine. But settings change will require Windows reinstalled.

  • Dj_Vd
    Dj_Vd Member Posts: 12 Member
    I also heard a version that when charging is connected, the processor may sag, such as throttling, and some multimedia file may not load. Some write that recharging helps. This happened to me when I inserted the charge, but it was already on the charge too. Therefore, I do not know where to dig to solve the problem.

  • Dj_Vd
    Dj_Vd Member Posts: 12 Member

    Please, Help. Somebody knows the answer?

  • Dj_Vd
    Dj_Vd Member Posts: 12 Member

    AMD traktor 3.7.1 dont work too/

  • zephry
    zephry Member Posts: 692 Guru
    edited January 2023

    Most of the time the main issue for what you are having (Dpc Latency), is the battery. Try only using the power supply and disable the Battery in the device manager or if you can, unplug the battery. Unplugging is the better option because some things like external monitors can stop working if you disable the battery.

    The next most common issue is using any anti-virus or malware checkers besides Windows Defender. Windows defender is just fine.

    Disable or pause any background processing or updates checking while using Traktor. Things like support applications can constantly check and cause problems.

    Your graphics card updates sometimes run constantly in the system tray, exit anything you don't use that is in the system tray before starting Traktor.

    In the Task Manager right click and exit certain programs. Things like Microsoft Excel or anything that says updates. There won't be much you can exit in this area though, most the processes will just start again or are essential. Do this before at startup before any sessions especially live!

    The S4mk3 also needs the correct latency settings in Traktor and so far only the Asio driver (specified for the S4mk3) has worked for me. I typically use 256 or 512 for the rate and a usb buffer of 3ms. The test in the settings panel is very good you should have a somewhat level threshold not a large ups and downs. The cpu usage doesn't need to be all the way down, but not jumping is the goal.

    Most of my years using Traktor I have had my cpu usage about halfway in Traktor display area and in the latency settings panel. Now most of the time I am at a very low setting. But every once in a while some update or program creeps up that I have to find and disable.

    Another thing to do, that most people forget about is set aside a day or two each month for doing all updates. The support software that comes with most newer computers is pretty good now. But since I use Traktor I disable the automatic settings and startup and do this myself. BIOS updates are usually found here and are very important.

    In the Device Manager you can also manually check each device for updates. There is an option (1st option) to search and download updates. Any time you have issues with a PC in general checking for problems and updates in the device manager is a good place to start.

    Also turn of the options to have usb devices sleep in the Device Manager. Do this after every Windows update. Or adding or switching usb devices. This isn't really related to audio glitches (Dpc Latency) but necessary for using hard drives and S4mk3 while Djing.

    In Power Management use the performance mode and turn off USB sleep there as well.

    Last there is a program called Process Lasso, this has a paid and a free version, unless you really understand affinity settings and priority settings, just download the free version. You don't need to do any settings changes in this application, the default will help with optimized processing.

    And always restart after any updates or installations of anything on your computer before using Traktor. The only times I have ever crashed Traktor is after Windows updates or Traktor updates without restart.

  • Dj_Vd
    Dj_Vd Member Posts: 12 Member
    Thank you very much my dear friend for your reply! Much of what you listed I have already done. So far it hasn't helped, but there's always a little thing that gets in the way! I'll go over all the points you suggested. I still think it has something to do with nutrition! It doesn't matter how I work, on a battery or on a charger, this can happen. But I know for sure, when I take out the charger in the process of work, there is a strong delay. The sound can even hang from the word completely! There is clearly a conflict...

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,125 Expert
    edited January 2023

    Try to change the power settings. IMHO setting it to high performance is what causes your problems. Unless there is perfect cooling of CPU in your computer.

    Ryzen 9 CPU should run Traktor just fine. I use older i5 (4C/8T, 2 MHz) passively cooled and it runs Traktor pretty fine.

    Sidenote. Your texts are hardly readable. One have to scroll a lot. Better not to use formating if you want people to read it and help you...

  • Dj_Vd
    Dj_Vd Member Posts: 12 Member

    Thanks to all guys! If I find a problem, I'll post what helped. Yesterday the whole evening worked fine, but there were a couple of moments, as if on the verge. Plus, I will add that there was another case when I sampled in a remix deck, and it immediately froze in sound. It just started rattling.

  • Dj_Vd
    Dj_Vd Member Posts: 12 Member

    I also want to inform you that I bought an Asus laptop. And they, along with Windows, also come with programs, such as my Asus. These programs automatically change the power saving modes, the operation of the fans and everything else. Maybe it's because of this?

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,125 Expert

    Could be. Best to uninstall most of such rubbish applications....

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