Q&A with Maschine/Maschine Plus team?
I know that probably both teams are very busy and it is not easy for them to find time for Q&A, but I think that such a meeting and exchange of ideas between us Maschine users and the team of developers is somehow needed. Or maybe something like this is already planned?
Kontakt 7 won't load in Maschine 2 anymore?
For some reason, I'm unable to load Konkakt 7 into Maschine 2. I used to be able to by going to the VST3 group menu and selecting it from the list of options, but it no longer appears. Kontakt and Kontakt 7 both appear in the list of plug-ins in the Plug-In Manager under Preferences, and I've tried reinstalling Kontakt 7…
A number of my projects are now not opening.
The Maschine software starts to boot up and then just cancels, no error notification. The latest incident is on a track I've worked on with no system changes or updates between opening. Does anyone have an idea what might be causing this?
Adding scenes or changing scene length with existing clips
I've been using Maschine to write music for years, and I recently started using external synths. But, I'm having a problem using clips for that external audio. Clips themselves work fine - the problem is if I have an existing clip with some audio, and want to add a scene or change the scene length for other groups…
Maschine HW changes Scale?
Don't know why I didnt ask over the years in the Community. For years on the MK HW if I set Root Note/Scale Type go into Chord Set, lay pattern then switch back to Keyboard mode. I get W-H Dim as TYPE for my scale. Not the SCALE that was set prior to going into Chord Set. The Maschine SW/HW and KK S-series manuals do give…
Cannot access third party libraries in Kontakt 7 from Maschine
Hello all, I am having an issue with Kontakt 7 and Maschine, and accessing third party Kontakt libraries (such as libraries available from Soundiron). I have added the libraries into Kontakt 7 as in this article:…
Maschine VST3 not recalling window size
I've changed the window size in maschine plugin, but it always loads up as the small size in a saved project or DAW preset. VST2 did not have this problem. Can anyone else confirm?
Maschine Mikro MK3 Stuck on ‘Busy… Loading?’
Hey all, this is an issue on two separate PCs (windows 10 and windows 11). I think I’ve drilled it down to Kontakt instruments.. Basically, when I try to load a Kontakt instrument from the browser on Maschine 2, my Mikro MK3 screen shows ‘Busy… Loading’ forever, and I have to close Maschine 2 and relaunch to get it…
no more connection to my MiniFreak Synth via Midi (USB)
I have Maschine MK3 and Komplete Kontrol S61 MK2 and an Arturia MiniFreak Synth all connected via Midi/USB to my PC (Surface Studio). Until now, everything worked fine: Midi-Out (Group H, Pad 1, where I have the MiniFreak V loaded) was set to 'MiniFreak' Channel 1, MiniFreak listens on cnannel 1. Audio Out from MiniFreak…
Maschine-NI DAW
I was surprised not to find this topic in a search of the forum, so I am posting it here. First of all, I am a longtime user of NI software products, and a new user of Maschine. I know that Maschine has varied uses, but based on an intense period learning Maschine, and perusing many forums, and watching many videos, it…
How to avoid VST Scan on Maschine SW?
Is there a way to bypass Maschine software from scanning vst folders every time it opens? Takes forever to open when you have a ton of different vsts. Would like to be able to run an initial scan and then just run a manual scan anytime you make a change.
Can't drag&drop sounds in a group
Re Maschine 2 v2.16.1 On this page of the NI documentation In the Moving Sounds section it says I can move/rearrange sounds in a group by: Click and hold the desired Sound slot(s) in the Sound List or in the Pad view. While holding the mouse button, drag your mouse toward the desired location in the Sound List or in the…
How to fix this? - Maschine Plugins missing
I have only just began to use maschine and I started making a certain track on my computer at school. Unfortunately, I no longer go there and I took the project home to complete, but these plugins are missing. Does anyone know what they are and how to get them on NI? Thanks!
Maschine 2.18 VST3 unable to load embedded Maschine Project in Cubase
Using the Maschine 2.18.0 and 2.18.1 VST3, Cubase does not load the Maschine Project embedded with the plugin if it was created with Maschine 2.15.2 or older. The embedded Maschine Project loads fine when using the Maschine 2.16.1 VST3 plugin. Project is loaded with the Maschine 2.18.1 VST3 plugin, if the Cubase project…
Automation, Again
Hi guys! Been mixing a song with my Maschine Jam, managed to pull out and record the automation I wanted. Now I am struggling to record more automations, the touch strips on my Jam do not apply any Filter now that the first automation has been recorded. I also tried to set up a new Performance Filter instance, but still,…