Does Guitar Rig 7 work with Mac M3, Sequoia 15, running ableton live 10?
Hello. A clear answer to this would be really appreciated. I can't seem to find a definite answer. Thank you.
Guitar Rig
Hello Friends I have guitar rig 5 / 6 /7 installed and it was offered when I did my purchase. I was previously using GR5 and was quite comfortable with it. I have all my user patches done on GR5 and now I am unable to load those patches in GR7. GR5 however shows up as a demo, though my patches loaded but in demo mode. Why…
Guitar Rig 7 Output Randomly Fails
Hi there, I'm using Guitar Rig LE 7.0.2 as an insert on an Instrument Track in Cubase 13, and after a random period of time the output stops working. I think I may have isolated the issue to Fire Seeker, although other components could be contributing. The Dirty Metal preset for example only works for a few seconds, or…
downgrade to guitar rig 6 player?
Hello. from another discussion I gathered AMD Phenom(tm) II X6 1090T Processor will not run guitar rig 7 player, is there any way to get a downgrade to Version 6 player? Regards
Guitar Rig 7 just got weird...
I've had GR7 for a week and it's amazing. I've been in it everyday for 3-4 hours, so I'm figuring it out. Today, for some reason, right in the middle of scrolling amps after recording with it for hours, it started changing parameters with whatever the current amp is that I'm using….by itself. It's as if I've accidentally…
FCB1010 & Guitar Rig 7
Bonjour à tous, Je cherche à contrôler guitar rig 7 sans passer par Ableton, flstudio … avec mon contrôleur midi FCB1010. Pour être précis, j'utilise guitar rig 7 en stand alone sur windows 11. J'arrive à contrôler guitar rig 6 avec le fcb 1010. Il semble que la programmation du fcb 1010 ne corresponde pas à guitar rig 7.…
Sound Breakup/crackling problem
Gr6 & 7 I am getting severe crackling when I use GR6 or 7. Dell Inspiron PC, Win 11 w/ Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-9400 CPU @ 2.90GHz. At first I was just using standard PC speakers (USB and rear speaker jack) Used for yrs. w GR6 (7 kept shutting down unexpectedly so I eventually gave up on it but today it's been up most of the…
Guitar rig 7 importing presets
When I import presets I only can see them when I switch to demo mode. However, when I try to play them, it says that I must activate guitar rig to do that. When activated once again I can't see them, so I go into demo mode and there they are. Help
How to get sonority of the SPOTNICKS song ORANGE BLOSSOM SPECIAL
RIG 7. HOW TO GET SONORITY OF THE SPOTNICKS . Orange blossom special
Guitar Rig 7 stopped to work
Hi, it worked smoothly for over a year. SInce yesterday, it does not open. Neither in standalone nor Ableton. just a buzzz sound for a milisecond and then nothing. RIg 6 opens ok. I reinstalled but nothing. Any ideas how to fix?
No plugins Guitar Rig 7 Pro
Hi again, I can use Guitar Rig ONLY on standalone mode. I dont have any plugins on folders Native Instruments. Is there someone who get this issue ? Thaks.
Guitar Rig 7 Pro
I have components but I dont have any preset after install. I cant save my own preset and I cant import preset !!! What a mess. At least I just have to content by only 1 preset . No support by email / phone
Upgraded to Guitar Rig 7 and lost old presets, help!
I got Guitar Rig 7 pro in a bundle so I sold my version of GR5. I think this was a mistake/ I did not open all my old projects and save off the GR5 presets tweaked/used. So now if I open the project (in Reason) with GR7 installed, it shows a missing GR5 plugin and no way to use GR7 to load these settings. I think I need to…
Guitar Rig lite or player version for Maschine Plus
Hi, is some sort of Guitar Rig Lite or Guitar Rig Player version planned for Maschine Plus for standalone use? I am asking because there is not a single amp and cab sim effect available for Maschine Plus for standalone use. Thanks! Best Regards
Difference between Update from Guitar Pro 6 to 7 and full version of Guitar Rig 7 Pro
Is there a difference in functions between these two versions? The pluginboutique writes "Important note: This is an update from Guitar Rig 6 Pro, the full version of Guitar Rig 7 Pro is also available." pluginboutique.com ("Guitar-Rig-7-Pro-Update-From-Guitar-Rig-6-Pro") I own Guitar Rig 6 Pro (v6.4.0).