Big shoutout to all NI Maschine Developers and a HeadsUp to all Maschine Users



  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,095 Expert
    edited September 2023

    Sorry, I will.

    Apologies to @LXNDR_BE for derailing the thread.

    I just wanted to show both faces of the same coin to new users searching for informations.

    And congratulations for your achievements. If you produce good music, probably you would be able to achieve them no matter the software/hardware you use.

    I’ll move on

  • GoliatGar
    GoliatGar Member Posts: 28 Member

    Could you recommend some of that services? Thanks in advance !

  • Cretin Dilettante
    Cretin Dilettante Member Posts: 234 Pro

    I could not possibly imagine a situation where programming tempo and time signature changes is so hard that they avoided implementing it since V.1. It just sounds like really stupid planning, from my perspective. Whoever has overseen Maschine's development is a massive idiot, needs to be fired if they haven't already, then ridiculed for messing up such a fundamental feature. I know most of you guys are DJs, but if you understand music theory, even little baby basic theory, you know that tempo and time changes are a pretty fundamental technique for composing. Yes, plenty of music has been written in just one tempo and time signature, but human beings don't always perform to an exact pulse and some pieces of music speed up and slow down for dramatic effect. It is such a fundamental aspect of music, that for Native Instruments not to have included features to automate tempo and time signature FROM THE OUTSET, shows how short-sighted and incompetent the team is, as a whole. You would literally have to be a team of musically illiterate techno DJs to think such a thing was acceptable, and you know what? They probably aren't -that- musically illiterate, because they thought to include time signatures other than 4/ obviously, the team working on Maschine knows that musicians from all sorts of genres could see the why is it so damn hard to implement? Why are they so foolish? You cannot excuse this blatant incompetence.

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,948 Expert

    You can change tempo to your liking using the 4D controller in tempo mode.

    Maybe, if you consider the team might have imagined Maschine to be a musical instrument rather than a DAW, it might make sense.

  • djadidai
    djadidai Member Posts: 528 Pro

    Lol, ok, Cretin the only musically educated around here, because you know so much about music theory and wish to create such advanced music that us ignorant techno DJ’s can’t even grasp, if the tools aren’t enough for you, why do you keep using it? I mean, if someone has a teeny weeny bit of knowledge about tools they would know not to use a screwdriver to hammer down nails.

  • Max Trau
    Max Trau Member Posts: 39 Member
    edited October 2023

    His big brain is so much filled with advanced musical theory concepts such as time signatures, he hasn't the idea to check if the instrument he's buying can handle the one feature he wanted before burning 1k cash in it.

    And here remains the salt, sparkling all over the forum every time he can, about how maschine is ****** because you can't automate time signatures.

    And, btw, here you are sir , 4 bars of 4/4, 4 bars of 3/4, and 4 bars of delightful advanced, non-dj, exquisite 12/8 for your ears, all in maschine, all automatically, almost magically changing from one to antoher

  • Cretin Dilettante
    Cretin Dilettante Member Posts: 234 Pro
    edited October 2023

    How am I supposed to snap to a tempo using the 4D encoder? If I'm playing 1349's Sculptor of Flesh (I once read someone's sheet music transcription and converted it to midi "by hand/mouse".) and most of the song is at 150BPM (I think, I forget) and then a separate section of that same song is at 200BPM (also an approximation), it's not going to sound right even if I quickly turn the 4D encoder. I mean, cool, great I can automate everything in Ableton with Maschine as a plugin, but what if I want to take the project to a gig on the Maschine+? I'm going to have to drag the computer with me just to keep time...and honestly, if I'm dragging a computer with me, why not just convert everything to stems & do an Ableton-based set?

    You all need to change your ways of thinking. I'm not a pretentious jerk, I am a loud & passionate consumer advocate.

  • Max Trau
    Max Trau Member Posts: 39 Member

    You can use an external Midi clock for all your advanced clocking needs, such as the jmk clockstep (sorry, i'm not allowed to post link here, i'm not here since long enough, according to the rules of the forum)

    In maschine+, you create a pattern that will send a PGM CHG to your midi clock, wich will recall any preset you want. In the preset of the Clockstep, you can store BPM and time signature (and various other things midi-related).

    Then, you have fully automated tempo and time signature changes, in Maschine +, without the need of an external DAW.

    Or, you can set your time signatures in maschine standalone (i assume it's the same on Maschine+, i don't have one myself), and set your desired tempos changes by tap tempo, either directly on maschine+, or via a tap tempo pedal, as i assume your hands will be busy playing guitar.

    To set time signature on maschine :

    Change the Prject Time signature to wichever you want

    Write your pattern

    Set the Project time signature back to default 4/4

    Your pattern will still be played in the previously set time signature, within the 4/4 project

    If you let your pattern as is, you will have to set your scenes by time signatures (meaning a scene will only have 3/4, or 5/4 or whatever time sig you want)

    you can transform those pattern into clips for more flexibility

    You can also play patterns with different time signatures together for true polyrythm madness. Here on example with a 4/4 beat with a 7/4 hats on top :

    it seems to me, you clearly chose the wrong tool for your genre. Of course you can do any genre on any instrument, but some are more fit than others. One could play cajun bluegrass on a church organ, but it's far more easy on a banjo. You can play prog/black metal on maschine (or maschine+ in your case), but it's far more easy with a drummer (and a click track programmed on a DAW, and you will go back to the very thing you want to avoid)

    Just my 2 cents, from a musically illiterate techno producer

  • Cretin Dilettante
    Cretin Dilettante Member Posts: 234 Pro

    I don't play any instruments, I "think" music and the computer does it for me. That's the whole point. The Maschine+ is $1500 (with taxes, If I recall) and you still need an external midi clock and to manually adjust your grid within the pattern view to get other time signatures. That is stupid. That is lame. Defending the company for doing this to us is anti-consumer...or pro-corporate-cuckoldry. I don't know. You clearly didn't read my other posts and jumped in to be butthurt along with everyone else. I know how to do XYZ, but I think it's stupid that I have to do XYZ because other applications do what I want better. Don't go blaming me for choosing Maschine to play the "wrong" genres of music, because I chose it based on the advertising/videos/screenshots from when the Mikro Mk2 first came out. I already had Sonar X2 as my main DAW and needed a drum machine/sampler to write & perform live beats for a synthpop band. The tight integration between the software and the controller on even the entry-level version impressed me a bunch, and even though the time sign/tempo features weren't there back then, I didn't really need them. I like a bunch of different music, and have an idiosyncratic musical background. I read books, watched videos, and taught myself how to do all of this stuff. I'm not a prog/jazz/metal snob, I just want to be able to write music inspired by those genres, with the tool that has helped me write & performed multiple other genres with ease. Yes, I can do it all 1000000X faster in ableton with a launchpad and a poopy korg keyboard, or even faster with a Push controller. But I want to do it in Maschine, because I've been using Maschine since 2016 & the hybrid experience is unparalleled. In fact, I'm putting together a set from some songs off my next album, which I've written almost entirely in Maschine, to be performed using only the Maschine+. But if I ever want to branch out, I'm going to have to abandon the platform & just go back to "Laptop & Midi controllers" if it refuses to grow with me.

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,948 Expert

    @Cretin Dilettante asked

    most of the song is at 150BPM (I think, I forget) and then a separate section of that same song is at 200BPM (also an approximation)

    200 is 4:3 of 150.

    Programm the Patterns accordingly, which means the note lenght and position are multiplied with 3/4 or at 75%. Thus, as an example, the downbeats of a 4/4 rythm in 200 BPM would fall on the 1st, 3rd, 6th and 9th of the bar’s 16ths, with a signature or bar length of 3/4 in 150 BPM.

    Naturally, that would all be much easier if NI implemented geometric operations on notes (like triple/double/half/third time or by multiplication with floating values), for all the note’s dimensions (pitch, time, duration, velocity).

    Additionally, it would be nice if a local tempo could be set for each Scene.

  • Cretin Dilettante
    Cretin Dilettante Member Posts: 234 Pro

    Nice flex, but ultimately you're just arguing for the sake of defending an incomplete product made by a company that doesn't care about you. I'm on disability and from a non-traditional musical background. I don't want to do extra work or use workarounds to do something I paid more than enough money to be able to do. Period. All arguments to the contrary are pure copium. I get that the DJ thing ruffled a few feathers, but I didn't think my point would be completely lost on you all.

  • djadidai
    djadidai Member Posts: 528 Pro
    edited October 2023

    Lol, all got the point, you’re not getting the point. Poor musical Einstein being light years ahead of his time, a misunderstood genius. Gotta be tough being the only musically enlightened amongst us others of lower form of musical species.

  • Max Trau
    Max Trau Member Posts: 39 Member
    edited October 2023

     "I know how to do XYZ"

    No, you clearly don't.

    First, you don't know how to read a spec sheet or a manual and watch youtube reviews. It would have prevent you angst, rage, and the loss of 1,5k

    And above all, you clearly don't know how to behave on a forum. Stick with your problems (wich aren't, in fact, but you chose to ignore the solutions you might have), or get out of the NI ecosystem, i don't care.

    You are despising every people here, we won't miss you.

  • Cretin Dilettante
    Cretin Dilettante Member Posts: 234 Pro

    Both of you should apply for a job at Behringer, with how insecure you both are whenever you or something you associate with your ego are criticized. You and Uli would get along swell. <3

  • Max Trau
    Max Trau Member Posts: 39 Member

    I feel very confident, as i know how to use the gear i paid for to make the music i intend to.

This discussion has been closed.
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