Supreme Edition MOD



  • Michael Niotakis
    Michael Niotakis Member Posts: 54 Helper

    some ideas @johell667 -> Feel free to paste your attempt and we'll try to help with the animation.

  • johell667
    johell667 Member Posts: 5 Member

    @Michael Niotakis Thank you for the link but even in the thread you send me they are wondering what is the delta value and how it work. It is hard to do try and error because you need to restart the software everytime......

  • SĂ»lherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,202 mod

    The way i approach it is to do the values in the software directly and then make a note of the values i used, then close traktor and insert the values. I do this for several presets at once.

  • Michael Niotakis
    Michael Niotakis Member Posts: 54 Helper

    yes @johell667 at first you might need to restart a few times however approaching it as @Sûlherokhh has suggested is a good approach. You will get a feel for it and your efficiency will improve.

    I'll go back to basics. You may have already worked some of this out but it might also help others.

    0.0 representing 0%/0 and 1.0 representing 100%/100. For the 'Delay Rate' value you _might_ need a 0.6 value to set as 1/8.

    In the original PadFXs.qml file line 138 for PadFX 1.5 you'll also note that some 'seem unanimatable' and setting a button that represents RST to 1 may complicate/override your starting values.

    For animation itself you might try this as a starting point

    drywet   : { value: 0.2, min: 0, max: 0.8, delta: 15 }, // Dry Wet

    "value: 0.2" (i.e. 20) is your starting value for Dry Wet, you want to increase to "max: 0.8" (i.e. 80) and you want to do that at "delta: 15". 15 might help you see the change but as for what that value actually represents ... I don't exactly know myself.

    Try running the opposite as well.

    drywet   : { value: 0.8, min: 0.2, max: 1, delta: -15 }, // Dry Wet

    Duplicating your effect on (up to) 8 pads with different values might help you understand the effect better and what your trying to achieve. That could be simply manipulating Delta in set increments to perfect it. Use PadFX Banks 7 & 8 (SHIFT + PAD 7 in PadFX Mode) to play with these values and then commit them to your main PadFX Banks. Always backup and good luck.

  • JhOcKeR
    JhOcKeR Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Hi Alexis!

    I Suscribe and download you Supreme Mod. I have a S4MK3

    Can u explain me step by step how tu change to Advanden Loop Mode / Loop Roll Mode / Tone Play Mode

    If I press Shift + Hotcue Enter in Loop Mode. But i canÂŽt change to the other modes.

    Thanks in advance.

  • Case
    Case Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Hey Aleix,

    Absolutely incredible mod! I've only found one issue and that is that with your mod enabled when I try to enable the metronome to fix the beat grid it doesn't work. Here's a screenshot from the manual:

    I know you don't have an S4 MK3 so this may be hard/impossible to test. For now I've just been disabling your mod for preparation and then enabling it for performance, but it would be great to just leave it active all the time!

    All the best,


  • Kn4llFr0sch
    Kn4llFr0sch Member Posts: 9 Member

    Maybe i missed this but is there a way to show keys in Camelot?

    Thanks in advance

  • skymakai
    skymakai Member Posts: 22 Member
    edited July 2023

    Any update since the release of Traktor 3.9? The mod immediately crashes Traktor 3.9.

    No updates to the mod since April (Beta 35), and I was experiencing Traktor 3.8 crashes using the Kontrol S5.

  • Vegas Armed
    Vegas Armed Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    I’m looking at getting this mod or the Joe Euston one but both seem to have issues with Traktor 3.9.

    Am I better waiting for an update?

  • PlayTheTureen
    PlayTheTureen Member Posts: 5 Member

    Does anyone know, how i can see the original BPM on my S4 Mk3 screens? Thanks!

  • MichaelKMusic
    MichaelKMusic Member Posts: 14 Member
    edited September 2023

    does anyone know if there is any issues with TP3 Version 3.10 public beta ? And Aleix's mod ?

  • Psytool
    Psytool Member Posts: 7 Member

    hello michael, I have today via native access center the update of tr. 3.09 to VERSION 3.10 installed, then of course as always the qlm directory with the contents of aleixs Supreme Edition 3.0 BETA 35.1 (for Traktor Pro 3.9+) entered. after I then started traktor came constantly the error message Traktor 3.10.0-mini.nicrash. i myself have not yet found a solution.

    should you already have a suitable solution, I would be happy about a featback. attached I put times my Traktor 3.10.0-mini.nicrash for support.

  • Aleix JimĂ©nez
    Aleix Jiménez Member Posts: 72 Advisor

    The idea is to release a new version that supports Traktor 3.10 tomorrow (Sunday) or this Monday!

  • Aleix JimĂ©nez
    Aleix Jiménez Member Posts: 72 Advisor

    Mine still doesn’t support 3.9/3.10, it will with my next release

  • Aleix JimĂ©nez
    Aleix Jiménez Member Posts: 72 Advisor

    You need to enter the settings from your controller, and you’ll find it there (Mapping Settings > Hotcue Button > Shift + Hotcue)

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