Ask me anything: Kontrol S-Series MK3



  • mickeyl
    mickeyl Member Posts: 61 Helper
    1. "NKS 2 is also a global map, rather than per preset. Both Kontakt and VST developers had to do NKS 1 maps per preset, which takes an age, especially if you have a lot of presets. This doesn't mean the global map has to display a rigid and unchanging list of parameters - they're mapped globally, but how they display on the keyboard is fully dynamic, and can change as parameters change in and out, if the content manufacturer implements this. "

    Oh my… FINALLY! This is about the best news I've heard since the NKS debut. Although thanks to this fantastic community's reverse engineering we got many plugins with presets, it has always striked me as a very shortsighted technical decision. Thanks for reconsidering this.

  • thelucioguy
    thelucioguy Member Posts: 5 Member

    Regardless - the bottom line is: not a single unit of anything should be shipped from YOUR warehouse unless all supporting software/resources are ready to roll - period. That is basic Marketing 101. Don;t care which company or which product. The retailers may have erred in selling the keyboards, but the issue lies with you. You can take responsibility for it, or you can play the victim. Either way, I have a $900 piece of furniture until you have the resources in place.

  • Stormchild
    Stormchild Member Posts: 57 Advisor

    Yeah that's the plan. The mk3 looks awesome otherwise, so I'm looking forward to it. I've got an S49 mk1 and have been wanting to move to 61 for years…just waiting for the right time.

  • Shadowin
    Shadowin Member Posts: 6 Member
    edited September 2023

    Maybe this has been brought up, maybe not. But I am hearing that this may be able to support all plugins, down the road? Or - only plugin companies that have partnered with NI and have setup NKS2 for their plugins? I am really on the fence between keeping my current A49 and buying a Push 3. Push 3 has its limitations, but at least I can do all my non-NI plugins on it. I am not talking standalone, as I work in my studio and I do not take things out to sit in a bean bag or something. Obviously, my DAW is Ableton Live 11 and am just looking for some insight, as I feel that if I end up getting a new Kontrol MK3, then I really won't also need a Push or vice-versa.

  • Stormchild
    Stormchild Member Posts: 57 Advisor

    Dedicated mute and solo buttons could have been used as modifiers though — for example, hold mute and then press the button above each channel you want to toggle. This would work in addition to a single press of mute/solo (which would toggle it for the current track). That would have allowed using the channel buttons for direct selection, which is something I find very useful and do a lot more often than mute/solo.

    Would it be technically possible to allow a long-press of a channel button to select the channel instead of toggling mute/solo?

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 2,888 Expert

    You don't need the new keyboard to support plugins, the current A/M/S series support any plugin if you either create a simple template yourself or use ones created by others already. See my signature for a link to many full preset libraries for a huge range of popular plugins or the user library section on this forum for a heap of templates and libraries.

    A lot of users (myself included) use both Push and Komplete Kontrol together as they complement each other well. Komplete Kontrol is great as a librarian for all your VST plugins and presets with simple access to control and record your parameters without the need to map things first and of course gives you a traditional keyboard.

    Push is then great for controlling all your Live instruments and effects and especially useful when it comes to programming drums. Each makes up for the limitations of the other so personally if I were you i'd look into Push first then possibly upgrade if you feel you need to.

  • Stormchild
    Stormchild Member Posts: 57 Advisor

    A lot of users (myself included) use both Push and Komplete Kontrol together as they complement each other well.

    Yep, I'm using Push 2 and KK S49 mk1 here. Really good combo.

  • Ed M
    Ed M Member Posts: 149 Advisor

    Thanks @Chris_NI , looking forward to what's in store for the future!

  • 67maxx
    67maxx Member Posts: 17 Member

    Hi, I am making NKS libraries for some free instruments (which I'll release for free as well), but I own an Mk2 keyboard. Will my libraries be still compatible with the new NKS2 and vice versa? Should I change something, like images size?

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 4,628 mod
    edited September 2023

    I can answer that - yes they will be compatible in that NKS 1 libraries like yours will open on MkII and MkIII keyboards

    I don't have the new keyboard yet myself but I did post an example of the additional graphics the new keyboard needs in the u-he Filterscape VA update in the NKS User Library (based on what I could see in the recent Diva NKS2 update) - it would make sense to include the old and new graphics which can co-exist to ensure backwards and forwards compatibility for NKS1 libraries

    I also posted specs for those graphics in the NKS User Library thread

  • stevemakler
    stevemakler Member Posts: 14 Member

    Hello native guys,

    Does those news Mk3 series will be compatible with maschine+ hardware Even with usb-c port ?


  • Chris_NI
    Chris_NI Product Team Posts: 53 mod
    edited September 2023

    Yes, we are in early discussions with the team at Reaper, but cannot commit to a timeline yet when it will be released. But it is in the works, as the next DAW we integrate with.

    @Gryphon304 FYI

  • shenrei
    shenrei Member Posts: 6 Member
    edited September 2023

    Is there a set specific release date retailers are allowed to sell the MK3s?

    How long is the supplied USBC cable? 6 feet?

  • Super8boy
    Super8boy Member Posts: 85 Helper

    If you connect the Kontrol S MK3 to the back of an Ableton Push3 Standalone, will it work to play keys, using it as a simple Midi keyboard?

    I only have limited space, so it would be annoying to have to keep a second keyboard just for that, when the MK3 hopefully will do the job.

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