Coming up next for MASCHINE and MASCHINE+



  • apeirophobe
    apeirophobe Member Posts: 15 Helper

    Regarding midi FX - I really wish M+ supported midi out in Reaktor ensembles and the ability to route the midi output freely within M+ (internal midi busses). That would give us custom sequencers and midi FX.

  • TheLoudest
    TheLoudest Member Posts: 110 Advisor
    edited March 2022

    good idea! but I'm afraid that Reaktor is not suitable for the (limited) UI of Maschine+... Maybe I'm wrong, I haven't tried to use it apart from a simple "preset player"

    but I think there could be simpler modules to put on our tracks

    a bit like the Hapax MIDI FXs which only have 8 parameters each, all displayed simultaneously on the screen.

    The good news is that, indeed, NI already has this type of midi modifiers and other creative effects somewhere.. (I hadn't thought of Reaktor!)

    so it would be even easier to integrate that into Maschine/Maschine+ for them! It's not like they're starting from scratch

  • AlexBuga
    AlexBuga Member Posts: 26 Helper

    Speaking of Auto Sampler. I sampled 1 (ONE) note from my MC 101 of a Rhodes piano.. And boy it sounds nice playing chords on Maschine.

    I can hardly wait to auto sample it with more velocities and save sounds with samples.

  • kson
    kson Member Posts: 11 Member

    This is nice and all, but I'd really like to see work on the plug-in and its compatibility with DAWS (cough, Studio One). I've had a heck of a time finding out how to work with multiple tracks. I've searched for good videos, joined Groove3,, etc. No one approaches it from working primarily on the DAW side of it.

    Can you make pop-up text please so that I know what each function does by hovering over the item? I love the sounds, but it busts the groove when you must stop and search for things. I've even tried just working in Battery with my expansions, but no demos or patterns there.

    FYI, I have a Mikro mk3 and I work mostly from the DAW and plug-in. Love the product itself but I think it is unnecessarily complicated.

    If someone can suggest some videos/courses or something to help with this type of workflow, it would be appreciated.

    NOISIBOI Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Here we are in mid March and nothing....

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,360 Expert

    Mid March is 4-5 days away. March does not have 22 days. 😁

  • onetruth
    onetruth Member Posts: 10 Member

    I'm looking forward to the chord inversions.

    I guess everyone has their own idea about what's really needed most. For me it would be the facility to make a sound mono, but that must be just too complicated or not useful enough to be worth implementing.

  • Dsaro
    Dsaro Member Posts: 6 Member

    Hey @Chris, thanks for the heads up. I have hawk eye i prefer insight, but this could be really useful. Thank you; how are you pinning the meters? Are you clicking something on the actual plug in?

  • basehead617
    basehead617 Member Posts: 137 Advisor

    I think release is planned for around a week from now?

  • Tame0121
    Tame0121 Member Posts: 6 Member

    what would be nice if we had a update to making sampling on maschine way better.

    1 detecting the key (game changer) this can be done by ear but yahno

    2 extracting midi from audio (this is fast become a DAW need for me when sampling)

    3 on not repeat can u add dotted notes

    4 note stuming we have somthing like that but if you can do it on chords mode that would be great for a more real sound

    5 hopfully the new auto save saves a new project and not over write the project

    6 please please give us a way to make are own chord Banks like in cubase

    7 A way to hear my own sounds in the in the browser

    all in all maschine is the best for me making music the software great but it could be more!!

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,360 Expert

    On the subject of key detection, there's a useful free iPhone app called Auto-Key (from Antares) that works well.

  • Matt_NI
    Matt_NI Administrator Posts: 1,130 admin

    Hey everyone,

    Thank you so much for all the feedback! Just a quick heads-up but we will be closing this thread a couple of days before the next release.

    We'll start a new one with the announcement of the update and we can move the discussions there. We'll also have thread specifically about auto-sampler (how to, tips ...) and so keep an eye on what's happening in the next few days 😉

    Curious to hear what everyone thinks about big cluster thread like this one? It looks like it can be quite challenging to follow since the topics seems to shift quite rapidly.

  • tetsuneko
    tetsuneko Member Posts: 825 Expert

    This must mean that we are getting close to 1.4! Looking forward to it.


This discussion has been closed.
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