Coming up next for MASCHINE and MASCHINE+



  • ridin4biden
    ridin4biden Member Posts: 9 Member

    I pray for stability! Every time my Maschine+ reboots all songs are lost and have to be retrieved on my computer. And it reboots usually on its own, not because I asked it to!

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,948 Expert

    Fortunately I’ve never experienced something like this. If all user content (Songs, Groups, Sounds, Samples) is vanishing because of a reboot, there’s something major wrong. Could be the SD card or the SD card reader in your M+.

    I strongly suggest to contact NI support.

  • Matt_NI
    Matt_NI Administrator Posts: 1,130 admin

    We also made the same conclusion with feature requests. It seems to be what makes the threads quite cluttered and for the topics to go different places. We knew it was going to be a bit tricky since we needed a bit more time to work out how to approach this topic. We're making progress though and hopefully we'll have a workflow in place soon (in or out of the community).

    I'll circle back on structure and moderation with D to see what we should be doing. Thanks for the input everyone!

  • TheLoudest
    TheLoudest Member Posts: 110 Advisor

    I had the opportunity to participate in several beta-tests for different sequencers, and each time there was a dedicated space for feature requests...(even on the Akai MPC "betatest forum" which is supposed to be dedicated to bug reporting...) It's not "hypocritical", it's just for the sake of efficiency. And nothing prevents the manufacturer from taking a look at it on occasion...

    Anyway, everyone knows that such a sub-forum does not commit the manufacturer to anything.

    but if we really want to have an effective feature request policy, nothing like voting (as @Olihop points out above) especially with a short list of features...

    But there it is immediately a little more "engaging" for the manufacturer .. it's a whole different story .. 😉

  • Matt_NI
    Matt_NI Administrator Posts: 1,130 admin

    That's where we're sort of heading toward but there's a few things we need to clarify internally first to make sure there is the right workflows and expectations. In Q2, there will be a process for FR one way or another that's for sure. What that means is still to be defined.

  • TheLoudest
    TheLoudest Member Posts: 110 Advisor

    @Matt_NI wrote:

    In Q2, there will be a process for FR one way or another that's for sure.


    this can only be good news for everyone. 👍️


  • tempsperdu
    tempsperdu Member Posts: 438 Guru


    Why do you guys keep adding what seems to be more complicated work arounds

    Hopefully I'm not the only person here concerned over what appears to be a lack of consideration for the user experience and speed of work flow, which seems to be being either ill-considered, (if at all), or torn asunder.

    Yes we are gaining new features but at the cost of speed, ease of use and readability. All things that Maschine was highly regarded for.

    IMHO, it certainly wouldn't hurt if more focus were directed there.

  • OhulahanBass
    OhulahanBass Member Posts: 211 Pro

    It would be kind of cool and possibly helpful to you all to have a FR ranking thread. One where every new FR is added to the list, and all forum members can vote once for each request which are auto ranked and displayed on the original post. When a new feature is added the FR is removed from the rank/priority list.

  • OhulahanBass
    OhulahanBass Member Posts: 211 Pro

    I'm all for this. Though saying so seems selfish as with the Autosampler I will get the last feature I've always wanted. Still, I would be super encouraged if stability, efficiency and workflow were the priorities from here on. Maybe toss in a new plug addition with each update if NI feels obligated to add features.

    My absolute least favorite thing about Maschine Plus, and the reason I could never suggest it to anyone, is the crashing and CPU crackles that require the knob twiddle. I personally still love my hardware and experience enough to jam in standalone for fun, but I never do anything serious in standalone mode because of the stability issues. Sadly, until those are fixed, M+ in standalone is simply not a serious instrument.

  • tetsuneko
    tetsuneko Member Posts: 825 Expert

    I hate to sound like a broken record, but if you continually run into glitches and crashes with your Maschine+:

    • Make sure you have updated to the latest OS, including firmware
    • Replace the included microSD card (and the adapter) with a quality branded U3 type SD card

    If you think you are losing projects after a crash, make sure you are not looking for your songs via the "recent projects" menu, and always use the BROWSE mode instead. This one tripped me up in the beginning...

  • ridin4biden
    ridin4biden Member Posts: 9 Member

    @tetsuneko Word! You're right the projects are there! I wasn't thinking about those "recent" ones because there's two that are stuck there from months ago... whereas the actual recent ones are not there and that resets after every reboot.

    *I do indeed check for updates regularly and that's why I'm on this thread now eagerly awaiting the next one!

    *I am using a quality SanDisk card!

  • Triggi
    Triggi Member Posts: 49 Helper

    I love to have this since the first day of mk1! Or even better a global "performance recording"!!!! I would pay for but i think such feature is a must and should be free while we are still waiting for a long long time!

  • OhulahanBass
    OhulahanBass Member Posts: 211 Pro
    edited March 2022

    I got a Kingston U3 128GB micro SD in there now and have swapped the holder a couple times. I bought a full size Kingston U3 SD to try next but I don't think the occasional crash or the CPU crunch requiring knob twirling is a result of any of the SDs I have tried. So far I have tried the stock one, a SanDisk and a Kingston.

    I have always used the latest firmware. I have wiped it and reinstalled once too.

    Are you not experiencing any crashes or CPU crunch on light to medium projects? if so, I may need to send mine in.

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,325 Guru

    I come here for the latest news on release info for Komplete Kontrol...

    This is the week? ! ? ! ?

  • Fabio Barbon
    Fabio Barbon Member Posts: 27 Helper

    I am afraid to report that with latest firmware and top quality SD cards, despite keeping CPU load constantly under 60%, audio glitches, crashes and spontaneous reboots still happen daily.

    After leading software projects for 20+ years I guess i’m entitled to say that adding features instead of putting every possibile effort to fix this major product defects is unbelievably unprofessional.

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