Komplete Kontrol full screen and resizable?



  • Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    It is 8/1/2023 and still no change to the resizing issue. As well the scanning issues are still la problem.

    As a new user and someone who just purchased a Komplete S88 I'm already immediately feeling disappointment and frustration with these issues. This may lead to me going elsewhere if the issues get in the way to much. I just don't understand why such alarge and well known andloved compnay would ignore persistent issues. It would cost the company far far less money to fix these problems than it would in the I'm sure hundreds of thousands of dollars in lost sales simply because of a lack of care. At least that's the feeling users will have when nothing gets done... I bought the product because I love it and it's potential and I don't want to be forced away. I hope these things get fixed and as well other issues don't show up...

  • Member Posts: 3,107 Expert

    Well, the resize "issue" (or more a limitation because it does work as it is without resizing, just has a limitation in how many presets one can see if they have the tags open but it is 100% usable as is) since 10 years so buying into it and expecting an immediate change shouldn't be expected. It's something that would be nice to have for sure, but does not prevent things from working and the hardware can be used effectively to browse and load. Still nothing else comparable out there for what it does.

    In regards to "scanning issues", what do you mean? There is no known issue in scanning things. If you refer to plugin scanning that ius usually the cause of a dodgy plugin or sometimes a registration popup dialog that gets stuck behind the startup splash. Close to 800 plugins on my system, no such issues with scanning.

  • Member Posts: 3,277 Expert

    Well - you are only complaining (as all the others have) due to an insistence on using (presumably) a "'non-standard" 4K resolution when this software was designed for (and with 95% of the world still using) HD (1920x1080).

    Komplete Kontrol works perfectly here on my HD layout and I have the s61MK2 keyboard.

    While I "get" that resizing would be fantastic for all - calling this an "issue" - makes it sounds (to me) like the world owes you something.

    Jester hits it - yes it's a limitation (but one easily AND instantly fixed) by pressing a button or two on your display. Just because you own such a display does not mean the world (or NI) needs to fall in line to make sure you are okay.

    Rewriting KK from scratch is what is really needed here - and that is a not "fix" by any means.

    It's a full-scale project that will not be done by 9/1/2023 or 10/1/2023 etc and one that only NI will decide is necessary.


  • Member Posts: 283 Pro

    I you really "love it", then don't give up too quick. There are so many workarounds, different views and ways to make it work well enough. I started with S88 MK1 and eventually got and MK2 as well. And I NEVER use Kontakt instances in my DAW. ALWAYS Komplete Kontrol because the light guide was just so transformational. I still feel that way today. KK is not perfect and I have my doubts about whether it ever will be. But I still use it to this day because it is good enough and nothing is perfect anyhow!

    So just take all the negative rhetoric with a grain of salt, explore your options and make up your mind for yourself because it all boils down to your workflow needs.

  • Member Posts: 1,325 Guru

    My complaints with KK software have NOTHING to do with using a 4k monitor.

    KK software is poorly designed for use at ANY screen resolution. The panel layout and results selection behavior is shocking in how anyone ever gave approval for its development in the early stages.

    Zero talent for creating a good user experience went into the creation of KK software.

  • Member Posts: 81 Member
    edited August 2023

    I'm sure they can make it "full screen" enable without a lot of work, why not "expendable screen feature (for the standalone version) like we have for all "windows" till windows 95.......

  • Member Posts: 3,277 Expert

    Well - despite your angle (and tone) here - KK was clearly not designed with you (specifically) in mind.

    Use it or don't but it seems to work fine for me (and thousands of others).

    Hacking on it all day is old and tired. It is what it is (for now).


  • Member Posts: 1,325 Guru

    KK was designed in an earlier era of how to catalog and browse for sounds. The future of such functions look nothing like NI's current approach. Tagging will die quickly as the common method of finding sounds to work with.

  • Member Posts: 3,277 Expert

    You (and I) have no idea what's cooking (or not cooking) in the NI labs when it comes to KK.

    Maybe they will make changes - maybe they won't - but that still does not make any difference in the grand scheme of things.

    Case in point - from my chair - I do not care about tagging at all or what it does or does not do. I create - that is all.

    Plus - given the fact you can just slap any NI instrument right into a track in your DAW - why even beat yourself up over KK - just ignore it.

    Now - does KK need work - of course it does. But for now - KK does what it does - and it does just fine for me (and my workflow).

    If it does not work for you - that is your problem to overcome (or not).


  • Member Posts: 1,325 Guru

    Case in point - from my chair - I do not care about tagging at all or what it does or does not do. I create - that is all.

    Hmm.. if this is your position on tagging, then KK was clearly not designed for you.

    On device browsing and selection is a key distinguishing feature of KK keyboards... and tagging is the foundation for this process. Otherwise, why not just get a generic midi controller?

  • Member Posts: 1 Member
    edited August 2023

    The “it’s not a problem for me” post in threads raising a problem/issue/request is so pointless. Why even come into the thread in the first place! ;)

    edited to add: that is a rhetorical question—I would not be interested in your answer.

  • Member Posts: 3,277 Expert

    I completely disagree on the "KK was clearly not designed for you" comment. It was EXACTLY designed for me especially the part about someone else doing the tagging (NKS). which is one of the primary reasons I use this software -it works brilliantly in this context.

    Your "tagging" reference is making it sound like "tagging" in KK is a chore for you? How could a perfectly designed (and supplied) NKS library that displays all of it's patches, FX settings and everything else right on your Komplete Kontrol keyboard displat be a bad thing?

    Clearly you and I are on completely different planes here. I use the KK software as a "container" to load NKS compatible instruments into Studio One and then manipulate them at will via my S61MKII as designed. I do not even acknowledge that KK is even on screen and certainly could care less if I can resize it - since I rarely ever look at it.

    Maybe a description of what you are actually doing with KK (and especially why tagging has you all worked up) would help me understand your use case.


  • Member Posts: 3,277 Expert
    edited August 2023

    What is truly pointless is the nonstop whining (and a thread every 72 hrs) about "resizing" KK. And Battery. And Kontakt ad nauseum.

    If/when (OR ever) that NI decides to change/rewrite/enhance KK is when (and only when) any of this matter.

    It goes without saying that NI is certainly painfully aware that some users have issues. Why don't we simply let that play out instead of having thread after thread clog up this board with users threatening to sell their NI software and hardware because a date on the calendar has passed?

    Like that is really going to make NI work on this that much faster.


  • Member Posts: 1,325 Guru

    From this Vocalpoint quote: Your "tagging" reference is making it sound like "tagging" in KK is a chore for you? How could a perfectly designed (and supplied) NKS library that displays all of it's patches, FX settings and everything else right on your Komplete Kontrol keyboard displat be a bad thing?

    Whether tagging is supplied the library's developer, or done by an end user, tagging is an out-dated and clumsy approach to categorizing sounds for searching. Industry-leading browsing will undoubtedly replaced tagging with a far more powerful method based on machine learning spectral/time analysis of generated audio.

    And in the meantime, the current implementation NI library management is FAR from being "perfectly designed". It IS a bad thing when it can be source of constant irritation in it's poor implementation.

    The lack of KK software being full screen and resizable is only one factor in its poor implementation.

    The fact that you have no concern for the screen presence of KK puts you in very limited box of the potential of NKS.

    We need NKS 2.0 created with the industry-leading vision NI's claims to have.

  • Member Posts: 3,277 Expert
    edited August 2023

    While everyone is entitled to their "position" on what they think about KK - we are all different and what's important to you (slagging their implementation or your angles on tagging) does not necessary mean anyone else wants that. Like this tidbit for example:

    "The fact that you have no concern for the screen presence of KK puts you in very limited box of the potential of NKS"

    The only "limited" box in this statement is your belief that people care about the potential of anything - not just KK in this example.

    I (and I do not think I am alone here) purchased my S61MKII (and Komplete ULT) for one primary purpose - to make it easy for a non-keyboard doodler like me - make my music easier/better or in most cases - even possible?

    Did any thought of "potential" of NKS enter into my mind when buying all this stuff? Zero. Do I think it's still cool now? Of course. Does it hold me back or crash or kill my creativity - no.

    "Potential" = means nothing as it is merely a future state not yet proven.

    Any actual "potential" for a NKSv2 is only possible if the product is worthwhile AND the rest of the world joins the party. Even NKSv1 remains thin on "real world" participants.

    To be very clear - like anyone in here - I am always jazzed for "what's next" like say NKS 2.0 or KK3 in the future AND if it helps me be even better - great.

    That said - I will venture my guess that NI knows full well what "limitations" exist within the KK world (from resizing to tagging to whatever else ails the userbase) and also what they intend (or do not intend) to do about it.

    However - until the day NI actually does something about these (perceived) limitations to KK (as your irritation could be my normal workflow) - there is zero value in complaining about what I "don't have".

    Especially when what I "don't have" might never arrive.


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