Note dropouts at beginning of playback on ARM version Logic Pro Komplete Kontrol



  • Izzie G
    Izzie G Member Posts: 28 Member

    Oh wow, for me it's everything that's loaded up with Komplete Kontrol that does this, so that's interesting that it's only the Play series stuff that does it for you.

  • mickeyl
    mickeyl Member Posts: 62 Helper

    Yeah, for me it's also with everything. And indeed, it seems to be influenced by which track is selected – which makes it even more mysterious.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,795 mod

    A couple of questions to all of you:

    Do Logic and Komplete Kontrol both have Full Disk Access? How to Enable Full Disk Access on macOS

    Are the libraries installed on an external hard drive and what is the format of that drive?

  • Izzie G
    Izzie G Member Posts: 28 Member

    Hi Jeremy, to answer your questions, yes, both Logic and Komplete Kontrol have full disk access. And no, my libraries are on the internal drive, and that's formatted to APFS. Hope that helps.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0 Member


    Mine is the same as @Izzie G.

    It is strange that while the problem is similar, mine is only an issue with Play Series / Kontakt.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,795 mod

    Hey all, I was able to reproduce the issue and filed the bug under this reference: KBDSW-7423. I forwarded it to the Komplete Kontrol team. I'll update the thread when I get more info.

  • mickeyl
    mickeyl Member Posts: 62 Helper

    @Jeremy_NI Great, this has been a plague. Crossing fingers that the engineers can fix it soon. Thanks for the update.

  • iocontrol
    iocontrol Member Posts: 7 Newcomer
    edited July 2023

    @Jeremy_NI Does the bug also include loss of instruments on save and close?

    You closed my thread and it wasn't solved. Also, the ticket that's open, that you requested I respond to, hasn't been responded to - so I cannot send anything to a colleague who hasn't contacted me yet.

  • Izzie G
    Izzie G Member Posts: 28 Member

    Thank you Jeremy. I wish all you luck on getting this figured out. Now if only they ended up making Absynth m chip native as well.

  • gibsonlp223
    gibsonlp223 Member Posts: 16 Member

    I'm having a similar issue, but my computer is an intel mac, not an ARM. One thing that I've noticed that fixes it is setting your Multithreading setting in the logic prefs (Audio -> Multithreading) to "Playback Tracks". However this may cause some issues with other plugins spiking your CPU during playback. It's a band-aid fix for me at least.

  • Izzie G
    Izzie G Member Posts: 28 Member

    That's interesting that your intel machine does that as well, as Rosetta is the bandaid fix for me. My multithreading is set to just playback, but this is on native mode. So if I switch to Rosetta, it'll work how it should, with multithreading being set to playback only.

  • Jojo123
    Jojo123 Member Posts: 373 Pro

    Im on an intel Mac and "blipping notes" have had serious implications for me. Logic hard crashing. For me, it was solved by going back to a prior version of KK. I hadn't done anything else to my system so I knew as soon as I updated KK that it was culprit. My ticket is still opened and the last I heard was 24th April.

    Ive just answered someone else with a similar problem so I hope NI gets this sorted.

  • Izzie G
    Izzie G Member Posts: 28 Member

    What was the version of KK you went back to? I've been having this issue since around November of last year.

  • Jojo123
    Jojo123 Member Posts: 373 Pro

    Im on 2.7.2.

  • Jake J
    Jake J Member Posts: 13 Member

    I'm also experiencing sound dropout issue at the start of playback with Komplete Kontrol and Maschine 2 in Logic Pro after getting a new MacBook Pro M2 and performing fresh installations of the softwares.

    After conducting extensive testing, I discovered the following details:

    1. I tested both Logic Pro and Garageband, and encountered the exact same issue. When a track containing Komplete Kontrol is armed, it plays fine. However, if I select another track and then press play, the sound dropout occurs at the beginning of the track with Komplete Kontrol. I confirmed this behavior by also creating a new project with one instance of Komplete Kontrol and another with a Logic stock plugin. The Logic stock plugin worked fine, as did all other NI software except for Maschine 2.
    2. Interestingly, I noticed that some dials within the Komplete Kontrol Software change their positioning when I press play and then stop. I haven't set up any automation or control for the dials yet, as this is a fresh installation. I observed the same issue in Garageband.
    3. It's worth mentioning that the sound dropout at the start of playback also happens with Maschine 2 software in both Logic and Garageband. I tested all other NI software, and they functioned properly. The problem appears to be specific to Komplete Kontrol and Maschine 2.
    4. I conducted another test by enabling MIDI 2 within the settings. In this case, Maschine 2 and Komplete Kontrol caused Logic Pro to crash. However, all other NI software worked fine with MIDI 2 enabled.

    To summarize, I'm using the latest versions of Komplete Kontrol (2.9.4) and Maschine 2 (2.17.4) on Logic Pro (10.7.8). Macbook Pro M2

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