Logic now available for iPad - thoughts?



  • tetsuneko
    tetsuneko Member Posts: 825 Expert
    edited June 2023

    So none of you are using Logic? You just enjoy spitballing about ARM vs AS, win vs mac.. how boring

  • Mutis
    Mutis Member Posts: 505 Pro

    I will do if I end buying new iPad compatible but with the amount of apps and Logic Desktop on my oldie mac mini late12 I can work. The reason why I look into standalone solutions (where the iPad has some sense) is for live gigs but I also look into Toraiz, Roland MV (with Zenbeats integration) and keyboard/module arrangers.

    Logic for iPad isn't perfect (ATM it seems not thigh integration with Launchpad controllers like Logic Desktop but it's probably because Apple thinking in touchscreen alone as being enough like Logic Remote or just segmenting the market as usual)

    Also I look into Dj apps with stems capabilities (since there's not standalone hardware solution doing it afaik) and the most portable solution again becomes Djay over an iPhone (also considering getting one of these instead new iPad and see how good LIDAR camera is for 3D scanning...)

    But none of that is boring when money as investment is involved IMO.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,105 Expert
    edited June 2023

    I’m using it. As far as my tests at the moment, I don’t find it the “game changer” people are screaming about. I didn’t have any big troubles so far (taking in consideration how new it is and that many AuV3 must adapt to it, but they are doing it fast, being it THE MIGHTY LOGIC FOR IPAD), but I haven’t even found anything I couldn’t do before with apps like Cubasis or others, maybe needing the help from some AuV3 here and there (but I don’t see the difference between opening an AuV3 or a Logic plugin, exception made for more choices in the AuV3 world, where one can chose between this or that reverb, following his taste). It’s a little bit like saying to someone “if you buy Kontakt you have anything you need. Don’t buy Noire or Picked Acoustic, because in Kontakt you already have piano and guitar”… Or “Why buying FabFilter Timeless 3? You already have a delay in Maschine”…

    Not saying that it is a bad product, just i don’t see why people are all screaming “now we have a PROFESSIONAL app on iPad”. Everything I do in Logic I could do it before… It IS good, but maybe more suited to someone who doesn’t have anything else.

    But take my analysis with a grain of salt, for a couple of reasons:

    firstly I’ve never been a huge fan of Logic. Even the one on my Mac get barely used. I largely prefer Studio One. But we all know DAWs are a matter of the one that fits you better: they are all good and one is better for one user, the other for another.

    Second I’m not a huge fan of subscriptions too (even if I admit it has a very good price). My only problem is with the “if you stop paying subscription nothing remains in your hands and you don’t have access to your work anymore” thing. So probably this is influencing how I see Logic on iPad

    The only times I think “wow, this app is really surprising me” is when I find an app that allows me to do something that I couldn’t do before. Or that it does it REALLY better. Logic on iPad at the moment doesn’t enter any of these 2 categories

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,105 Expert
    edited June 2023

    Just a little suggestion to help you see another prospective: don’t think of standalone solutions only for the live gigs aspect. What really changed my way of working is another aspect: the “I grab it and I do something, fast”. The reason why I like using also my iPad for making music is the “I have 20 min and I want to have fun” or the “this evening on the sofa is boring cause this movie is bad. Let’s make some music without having to turn on my whole studio and staying with my family” factors.

    These are the reasons why I really appreciate having the choice of different workflows. Making music on a standalone and/or an iPad EXPANDS my possibilities, it doesn’t substitute them. Will I end up making some loops that probably later I will use in my full studio with more complete programs? Probably! But this is also transforming what I do in my studio: having a way to put down really quickly my inspirations allows me to work on something different when I have the time/will to turn on everything in my studio, but I go there because I already have some pieces of the puzzle I want to work on.

    (Btw: LiDAR camera for 3d scanning is not bad at all, but only if you think “I already have an iPad. Cool, I can also make 3d scanning”, not if you think it’s a 1:1 replacement. A little bit like having a normal car allows you to go make a fast run for fun in the Nürburgring circuit, but it will never be like doing it on a F1 Ferrari 😉)

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,325 Guru

    I also see the iPad as an expansion of a person's workflow options rather than a substitute. It's one more tool in a creative ecosystem that fits a time and place as the "best" choice.

    A voice memo on my iPhone can find a seamless path into this ecosystem. Capture a song bird and collaborate with nature.

    The "new" in all this is the significant "pivot point of possibilities" in further refining workflow.

  • Mutis
    Mutis Member Posts: 505 Pro

    I use iPads that way ATM but my only complain about them as standalone is when I got a warning message and force switch off due being at sunny day. That pissed my off but show me about how to get fans into my iDevices for these gigs.

    In fact due my needs and workflows as time goes I need less gear. People tend to think "more difficult better crowd feedback" so makes their own workflows convoluted IMO. I just need a backtrack for sing and it could be even a karaoke-like but I know the usual reaction when I say that.

    I'm working on enhanced covers where I have some more control over song parts and I try to recreate parts instead just get the stems (instrumental) and go for it but there's a lot of people getting their bills payed by old Kentron and similar (midi GM sometimes). OTOH when I want to avoid all of these I just go with musicians (those who can play I will say) and just chill/jam. In a perfect world both will be the same but in my country is hard to make a living with a band but you can doing backing tracks. Also duos with some backing or live looping etc but usually these gigs ends hiring a dj random...

    So I see standalone as simplified tools not expecting doing everything I can at Logic Desktop. In fact I use old iDevices and only if I end buying something for LIDAR I will use it for Logic (the irony). If not I will go probably the Rc505mk2 path or Toraiz... I'm still wondering and fighting against my own preferences to get what I truly need to perform in these gigs. If I was more prolific in lyric writing maybe I could go more "my own flava" but as I said in my country that's very hard so I'm happy doing covers reimagined.

    That's another reason why I left other tools (and communities) and probably I will end leaving this too. I don't expect NI doing anything in the path I need and my days of "forward thinking" in ttablism are long gone. I need Vdj for iPad...

    brick end.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,105 Expert
    edited June 2023

    Since you use iPad… Loopy Pro over the 505 MK2 all my life!

    I bought the MK2 when it came out thinking I would sell my MK1 for few bucks. But in the end I decided to keep the MK1 and sold the MK2 for few bucks less than what I paid it.

    Loopy Pro is waaaaay too much more flexible to go back to the old paradigm of “adapting to what the gear can do”. Why should I adapt to a looper when I can make the looper adapt to what I want to do? And even discover it is so flexible and deep to allow me to do things I didn’t even knew I wanted to do? ☺️

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,126 Expert

    @Maciej Repetowski

    OK, I misunderstood you. From following it seemed to me that you are indirectly saying that RME is not Class Compliant.

    I was not sure if you just do not want to add information about state driver development (RME DriveKit - Beta), but because of context (preceeding paragraph), I came to conclusion it is not the case. And you are saying that RME is not usable on Apple or only with beta drivers...

    I would only go for class compliant Interface for Mac at the moment. And USB, not TB (TB future for audio interfaces is uncertain, until TB4 will become common).

    RME has DriverKit drivers as Beta, last time I checked.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,126 Expert

    IPad is not replacement for Mac. At least not for most users. (Say Apple users, not me.... ;-) )

    MS Surface (which is alike iPad) may well serve as replacement for notebook. I am in process of "ditching" three older notebooks (need to move all stuff and so). I replaced them with two Surfaces. One for my job and second for web, email, Traktor, Maschine and alike.

    And beside I have tiny, easily transportable desktop, that is roughly as strong as M1 Pro, but has more RAM, for music production and like.

  • Maciej Repetowski
    Maciej Repetowski Member Posts: 701 Guru
    edited June 2023

    No problem. I will give longer explanation about why I do not recommend RME for Mac computers presently. I agree that RME is quality company with very good audio interfaces. Most of them (but not all, i.e. RME Digiface USB, which I used to have) can be switched to class compliant mode for use with iPad/iPhone, Mac or even PC (driverless). But then TotalMix doesn't work and all routing is done via MacOS or on hardware itself (which is quite limited in comparison with TotalMix). So in most cases having a driver is preferable with RME interfaces due to having access to TotalMix, even if they can work as class compliant.

    However, until recently (as they were using deprecated KEXT drivers on Mac), they were suggesting to remove SIP (MacOS System Integrity Protection) and to reduce system security, in order to install Kernel drivers (KEXT). Removing SIP and reducing security just to install audio interface driver is not acceptable for any sane Mac user. Hence Beta of DriverKit driver was released (which was quite a bit unstable, to say the least) and there was a backlash from Mac users and some brusque responses from RME team on their forum.

    When RME's DriverKit will be out of Beta (unless it already is, I haven't checked for a while) or if one has RME interface which works in Class Compliant mode and doesn't mind NOT using TotalMix - RME is OK for Mac.

  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 1,080 Guru

    Everybody is buying UAD now anyway, so I don't think you need to worry at all about RME gaining more marketshare than it deserves.

  • Mutis
    Mutis Member Posts: 505 Pro

    Loopy Pro is a no go for me, sorry. I was very excited about it and there’s last year gbb champion using it but it doesn’t fit my workflow.

    I’m a big iPad as standalone promoter but even for me some red lines are set. I need to see if Logic/Zenbeats with newer iPad (mini 6 probably) could do the job (and I need to test it direct at sunlight in sunny day at my country which could be around 35 celsius degrees). Roland have its own issues for sure so maybe I ditch live looping at all…

    The point with standalones, and I understand die hards with what I’m going to say, is “limited options improves muscle memory”. Even with a firmware update like mk1 had allowing for new functions (some of them never used by bbxers BTW) the limited amount of switches, buttons, faders and limited internal specs (cpu, ram, io…) made the mk1 an instrument with a acceptable learning curve. OTOH Loopy pro is infinite and keeps growing. It’s amazing tool but if I need such flexibility I will bring my mac mini with Ableton and maxforlive. That solution is more powerful and less convoluted because “experimentation” is limited to max. Everything else is placed and you have a “static” startpoint as canvas, not a blank canvas itself. For that max is the path… but as I said I need less and less as time goes so Loopy, Drambo and even AUv3 are mostly out of my live set. If I bring an iPad for looping/backing I will never using one of these apps.

    I’m mostly on covers/classic arranging for my live set. The time where I was forward thinking are gone or almost have shifted into teaching/learning tool areas because I want to improve my keyboard playing skills. ;)

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,126 Expert

    @Maciej Repetowski

    No problem. I will give longer explanation about why I do not recommend RME for Mac computers presently. I agree that RME is quality company with very good audio interfaces. Most of them (but not all, i.e. RME Digiface USB, which I used to have) can be switched to class compliant mode for use with iPad/iPhone, Mac or even PC (driverless). But then TotalMix doesn't work and all routing is done via MacOS or on hardware itself (which is quite limited in comparison with TotalMix). So in most cases having a driver is preferable with RME interfaces due to having access to TotalMix, even if they can work as class compliant.

    It is a pity to loose chance to use TotalMix. There is easy solution, simply switch to Win. :-DDDD And no problem with iPad is yet another bonus on top. ;-)

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,105 Expert

    Perfectly understandable. What I said for DAWs (one is good for someone, another, for someone else) is applicable to Apps too.

    But in the case of Loopy Pro what you say is a little strange. Being it “modular” you can build it exactly how you want. If you want a really easy template, you can make one with e.g. only 4 loops on screen (doing them complex or very easy tasks) and once you have the functionalities you need, stick to that template for every song. Muscle memory would be much “helped” (with maybe just 3-4 gestures to remember, like swipe up to retrospect looping, swipe left for erasing last layer,…).

    In any case, i won’t advocate it. As I said, if it’s not for you, it’s not for you. To each one his apps 😉

  • Maciej Repetowski
    Maciej Repetowski Member Posts: 701 Guru
    edited June 2023


    Sure, I could switch to PC/Win. However, I research my purchases thoroughly so I do not invest money in incompatible hardware or software, therefore I do not need to switch platforms. I’ve been on Mac platform since 2004 (19 years now) and I still love my Mac very much, thank you ;)

    As for iPad, I use it as media consumption device (reading, browsing internet, YouTube, etc.). I have no problems with it at all, it just works ;)

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