Maschine plus upgrades (ableton push 3 released)



  • wzdm.85
    wzdm.85 Member Posts: 67 Helper

    Sorry, what I meant was, every feature request you made in your post is available on Push (all models).

  • Flexi
    Flexi Member Posts: 389 Pro

    Are you saying that you cant access files on an iPad? when did you last use an iPad, that was a long long long time ago, and they are not that closed anymore either, you can write custom drivers now for iOS.

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,021 Expert
    edited June 2023

    Well, I used an ipad just yesterday actually.

    So you are saying I can plug in my ipad to my computer and copy music files straight onto it? I can copy video files to it, access the fiiles and projects I create onm my ipad via USB connection to my computer?

    Last I tried, you STILL cannot access any of that nor can you load anything onto it except via the app store, that seems pretty closed to me.

  • tetsuneko
    tetsuneko Member Posts: 807 Expert

    I transfer music between my macs and iPads ALL THE TIME. Wirelessly via Airdrop. Even large files transfer quite fast. Then, I can place them in my music folders on the iPad using the Files app (built into iOS since years). I can then use Algoriddim DJay to mess around with the music, make mixtapes/sets, or dump it into VLC for listening to in the background. It's not 2010 anymore, wake up and smell the coffee ☕️

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,912 Expert
    edited June 2023

    You can use iCloud and AirDrop if you work within the Apple universe.

    As soon as you add other devices to the mix it becomes less intuitive. You‘ll have to use a third party cloud provider which can be integrated with macOS, iOS and Windows, like Dropbox.

  • Mutis
    Mutis Member Posts: 492 Pro

    Or just audioshare app which converts the iPad into wifi hard drive… lr just plug a pendrive/hardrive to the iPad (cck or usb-c in the latest models) and use

    It’s not perfect of course but as I told Kubrak many times “please talk with experience/knowledge” (or almost drop some links to support the arguments)

    About iPad vs everything… well NI focused into AS transition and M+ stagnated… coincidence? Strategy? Zero relation?

    Will see.

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,021 Expert

    Yes, you can use a mirriad of apps to get files to and from, but not able to simply connect to a computer and get files on and off easily or simply access files from other applications easily. Still a closed architecture and not exactly the real point of my argument, for many reasons, ipads will not be the centrepoint for a solution outside dreams.

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,325 Guru

    From JesterMgee quote: for many reasons, ipads will not be the centrepoint for a solution outside dreams.

    I strongly disagree. I believe it is almost inevitable. It is the smartest strategy to maintain vibrant development of symbiotic desktop <=> highly-portable music creation/performance rigs.

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,021 Expert

    Fair enough.

  • Flexi
    Flexi Member Posts: 389 Pro
    edited June 2023

    No, you just need a good file explorer, iPads have had a bunch of updates for files, it is a while since i set mine up on to be honest, I rarely connect it to the computer to share files, but yes with the right explorer it is just plug in and push files across.

    I do get what you are saying, you only want built in software, but is more of a concept than a complete finished explorer, they add files features at the API level all the time and they don't expose them for general use (Probably a good thing for most users) for example the explorer I use is designed specifically for audio use, it has extras for viewing audio and so on, much like I would have on my Windows or Mac boxes.

    By the way, I am not advocating for Maschine on iOS, yes it would be nice, I'm just pointing out they aren't what some are claiming here, built in obsolescence etc.

  • myalteredsoul
    myalteredsoul Member Posts: 242 Pro
    edited June 2023

    The tablet I have is an Asus ZFlo with a 12700h, nvidia 3050, 1tb WD sn570 nvme, and 32gb of Ram. All in, it was $1400. If I was to rely on a tablet connected to gear in a live scenario, this would be what I use.

  • nanotable
    nanotable Member Posts: 98 Advisor

    The fact that iOS isn’t trying to replicate the desktop metaphor from the 80ies is a good thing, actually. Insisting that it’s the only valid approach to file management is kind of silly, tbh. Nobody should care about arcane things like file systems, we should care about content. Case in point: just look at what NI is trying to do with KK, it’s the same concept. Now, Apple (and NI, for that matter) hasn’t solved the problem completely yet, imho. But it’s getting there, and I hope they stay strong and don’t listen too much to dudes who think Norton Commander represents the End of History™ 😛

    From an user perspective, an iPad paired with a hardware controller could be almost ideal very soon, I think. Blazingly fast, efficient, lightweight, a great (touch)screen and increasingly stable, OS and API-wise. It’s not quite there yet, but I think Logic for iPad will be a shot in the arm for the whole ecosystem.

    A big missing piece of the puzzle are sustainable business models for developers on that platform, whether it’s just smaller companies focusing on a few AUv3 plugins or bigger players like NI or Ableton. The Digital Markets Act and 3rd party App Stores are going to play a role as well. I expect a lot of experiments in the next few years. A lot of them are probably going to fail, but eventually something workable for all actors will emerge, I’m sure.

    That being said, I bought a Push 3 controller a week ago and I’m loving it. It’s connected to an M1 MacBook Pro and Live Suite 11, and all in all it’s the best production environment — or advanced sketch pad, rather — I’ve ever owned. It’s not even close (looking at you, Maschine Mikro 3, collecting dust for a while now). Sure, I have to switch to the computer to finish a track, but I’m perfectly fine with that. However, it’s not really portable, and I can see myself going for a controller companion for my iPad Pro in a few years — if something nice makes it to the market. I’m pretty confident it will, and I hope NI will be part of that conversation.

  • olafmol
    olafmol Member Posts: 215 Pro

    Can we please stop this? Tnx

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,325 Guru

    Yep, it’s inevitable. ;)

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