Maschine plus upgrades (ableton push 3 released)



  • Flexi
    Flexi Member Posts: 405 Pro

    The TUI on iOS is vastly superior to Windows, it is designed from the get go for TUI, Windows is not, and trust me, I think Windows is a superb OS, but for Touch it is third best behind iOS and Android.

  • Flexi
    Flexi Member Posts: 405 Pro

    There are a lot of M+ appearing on ebay!

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,125 Expert
    edited June 2023

    I speak about it, on Win it works, now. Actually, for many years, already. I speak about x86 Win tablets, not ARM ones...

    For iPad SW has to be ported and maintained, as it is not compatible with MacOS. It costs. And SW for iPad is way cheaper than one for MacOS. Less money for licences.

    And as iPads are decently capable, porting SW to iPad may also cut investments of users for Mac version... Yet another decrease of income....

    But, IMHO, the whole idea of plugging any tablet (Win/iPad) into musical gear is not very good idea. It looks like smart solution, but brings more obstacles than benefits....

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited June 2023

    Valid point.

    If we account for inflation those prices were truly horrifying but keep in mind that in 1988 computer prices were also crazy, now we walk around with computers in our pockets, also the manufacturing cost and target audience were also way different.

    I think we kind of moved past the 'pro' mentality that some companies still use (like 'Avid' or 'Blackmagic') that target companies or commercial big studios, bedroom musicians are by far the biggest market now. I personally can't justify 1000$ extra for a standalone module with that amount of RAW power but many people are fine with it, it's sold out worldwide for a reason I guess.

    No. MPC was just an example, I said 'standalone' in general multiple times, I not trying to put down AKAI at all.

    My point is it would be better to be able to upgrade an MPC One (for example) internals rather than buying a whole new one, that's all, to me this is just common sense... Im not factoring in the actual price of X VS Y product, that's completely irrelevant. If Ableton inspires the next MPC or any other similar devices to be somewhat upgradable at their own pricepoint, or go from controller to standalone that would benefit us all...

    Native took the MPC general concept and made a controller with Maschine MK1, it was groundbreaking and inspired AKAI to also do controllers, the MPC Renaissance came out 3 years later... hence the MAS mk1 changed the game, I'm glad they did and this is not putting down AKAI, people build off each other.

    I find it very hypocritical to only criticize Apple for not being upgradable then 1 min later defend another brand that does the same, be it AKAI or NI, or any other. (not you specifically, just in general)

    If you disagree with all of the above that's fine, I disagree with people all the time, and you don't see me crying about it with anyone else... sometimes people even make me rethink things and I change my mind, I always accept the possibility of being wrong, no pride here in that regard, this is how one can learn but your a tone is often one of provocation. Let's just ignore each other because this conversation is going around in circles and we both just repeating ourselves. I'm not here to convince anyone I am right.

  • Mutis
    Mutis Member Posts: 504 Pro

    Check the links I posted mate... even MS is going ARM...

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,125 Expert

    And so what? MS cannot go x86.... If they could, they would make x86.

    There is no real need to go ARM. Most computers run on x86 and most probably will for many following decades. My bet is, x86 will vanish because of quantum computers, not because of ARM or any other RISC technology...

  • tetsuneko
    tetsuneko Member Posts: 825 Expert

    I a starting to see people report about bugs, crashing with Push 3 standalone.. maybe hold on to your Maschine+ for a bit longer?

  • olafmol
    olafmol Member Posts: 217 Pro

    I'm actually (also) surprised by the issues i'm reading from the first early adopters. Sounds like the Push 3 has been rushed a little.....

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,325 Guru
    edited June 2023

    I am actually a hardcore Mac user, and only a very casual iPad user.

    My preaching for iPad adoption is mostly strategic. Such a move would vastly improve the desktop experience as well.

  • Mutis
    Mutis Member Posts: 504 Pro

    I’m mac user and I was very iPad centric but as time goes I look more into “standalone” and that’s why I point towards elkOS but also put links to support claims, not just opinions (some of them even with proper true experience on the platform)

    About the neverending discussion hardware development cycle is usually 3-5 years so we are entering the time for M+ mk2.

    Let’s see what happens the next two years…

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,125 Expert

    ”No dummy, iPads have fleas, Surface is better”

    I do not say Surface is better. I say, using the both iPad and/or Surface (or any x86 Win "tablets") as "plugin" computer is, IMHO, bad idea.

    I also say, that NI already knows how much is their SW used on x86 Win tablets. NI customers may use it so for many years. So, NI may sort of extrapolate usage data to iPad....

  • Maciej Repetowski
    Maciej Repetowski Member Posts: 701 Guru
    edited June 2023

    I personally think that computer and controller is one thing and standalone turnkey device is another.

    iPad (or Win tablet) with a bunch of stuff attached to it is a solution to a problem which does not exist, IMHO.

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,325 Guru

    From Kubrak quote: I also say, that NI already knows how much is their SW used on x86 Win tablets. NI customers may use it so for many years. So, NI may sort of extrapolate usage data to iPad....

    Extrapolation of past x86 Win tablet usage data to predict future iPad usage data would be extremely flawed.

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