Kontakt 7 very very long to launch



  • LauLau
    LauLau Member Posts: 22 Member

    Hi Mordicus,

    unfortunately I don't have any nks files on my C: drive, I thought I had some, but no.


  • FM Music
    FM Music Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Hi LauLau and Mordicus,

    I have the same problem, even worse than yours, 2/3 minutes before the Kontakt startup. This has happened since Kontakt 7.1 . Until Kontakt 7.0, everything worked fine. Just 5/6 seconds of waiting. May I ask you if you've managed to solve it eventually? I've tried everything mentioned here, but still, I've no solution in sight.

    Thank you!

  • LauLau
    LauLau Member Posts: 22 Member

    Hi FM Music,

    It's much better since I have deleted all XML files I had mentioned. I had no nks files to delete. Unfortunately I have no new information.

    I've tried to update to v7.2 today but it failed cause windows defender found a virus when unzipping the file downloaded with Native Access. I don't know if it's a false positive.


  • FM Music
    FM Music Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Thank you very much LauLau,

    A false positive, that's incredible! Well if I have some news I'll share it with you, please do the same :-)


  • LauLau
    LauLau Member Posts: 22 Member

    Hi FM Music,

    I tried again and it worked yesterday. The file has probably been changed cause there was no virus alert anymore.



  • TimABRT
    TimABRT Member Posts: 3 Member

    Most people try to work through this issue as a software issue. I had problems with Kontakt and with guitar instruments in Kontakt. I had slow loading and crashes constantly with Kontakt. I ended up putting Kontakt and all Kontakt libraries on an SSD drive. It is actually a separate internal drive. Now Kontakt works great for me since the SSD is so much faster. I have stopped using hard drives for data storage except for backup drive.

  • LauLau
    LauLau Member Posts: 22 Member

    Hi TimABRT,

    My system and all my banks are on separate SSD drives.

    To solve slow kontakt launching, I've found that I had to delete all non NI XML files in service center folders. I have to verify every time I make some plugin updates (Arturia, softube ...).

    To solve slow banks loading, the best way is to make an folder exclusion in windows defender.



  • PhatMonkey
    PhatMonkey Member Posts: 37 Member

    I have had back and forths with NI over the Kontakt 7 loading times issue, we managed to get it down from 1min 45 seconds to 45 seconds which is not ideal by deleting xml files. Other instrument affected is Battery 4 which was also around the same loading times. Kontakt aka Kontakt 6 on the other hand that uses the same exact libraries loads very fast. My ticket is still open and they are still investigating.

  • AZ Mountain Geek
    AZ Mountain Geek Member Posts: 1 Member

    Just wanted to add a "me too" to this thread. Kontakt 6 takes about 3 seconds to load standalone. I recently purchased Kontakt 7 and it takes 40-60 seconds to load standalone. Just to clarify - I'm not talking about time to load a library. The problem is when opening the Kontakt program itself. Will take a look for the XML files mentioned earlier in the thread to see if that helps. I have not opened a support ticket (yet) since this is obviously a known problem, but I too would like to see info posted in this thread by those with open tickets and by NI reps.


  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod

    @AZ Mountain Geek Unfortunately these issues are very system specific and there is no magic trick to fix it without contacting our support agents here: http://bit.ly/NIsupport_kontakt

  • PhatMonkey
    PhatMonkey Member Posts: 37 Member

    It is a pity they cant use the Magic Trick for all systems they used in Kontakt 6 which like the previous post said loads in a few seconds as opposed to 45 seconds plus for Kontakt 7 hahaha...

  • sacer11
    sacer11 Member Posts: 60 Helper

    I have the same problem, and also Native Access 2 takes this long time. I bet it's a copy prtoection theme. Has anyone found a solution. Any NI VST like Battery 4, Kontakt 7, Komplete Kontrol and Maschine 2 need 5 Minutes to load on a 5950X 16 cores with 7000 Mhz m.2 Gen 4 SSD on Win11. Only Raktor 6 and Guitar Rig open up in seconds. I have upgraded Komplete CE12 to CE 14 andf now it takes much more Time. Since they take so much time, i don't want to use any NI product. Thats a timekiller

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod

    @sacer11 You should get in touch with our installation specialists: http://bit.ly/NIsupport_install

  • itronic
    itronic Member Posts: 4 Member

    Just registering my interest in this thread as I am having the same problem with Kontakt 7 (and Battery latest version, which I have removed as it also took too long to be scanned by various DAWs, causing various issues).

    All other NI VST(i) work no problem, including previous versions of Kontakt.

    Instrument loading times in Kontakt very quick, and subsequent instances of Kontakt 7 in a DAW load in under 3 seconds. Even if the fisrt instance is deleted prior to inserting another instance.

    Out of interest which xml files can be moved/deleted?

    I have contacted support as well.

    All drives are SSD/M.2 and on Windows 10

  • sacer11
    sacer11 Member Posts: 60 Helper
    edited May 2023

    Kontakt 5 and Kontakt 6 Open up very fast. It’s only Kontakt 7, battery 4, Maschine 2 and Komplete Kontrol.

    maybe battery, Maschine and Komplete Kontrol share the same engine or the same scan. If I remove some xml files from my service Center folder it Fasten up, but not comparable to Kontakt 6.

    Kontakt 6 needs 5 seconds and Kontakt 7 up to 4 minutes, if I remove some xml, it‘s now under 2 minutes, but it’s much too long and some NKS instruments are missing. It doesn’t make fun, opening an project with one instance of battery and you have to wait 3 to 5 minutes. If I avoid NI in my Ableton projects than a complex set, needs less than a minute. I have a lot of other NKS instruments and some Freelance soundlabs NKS banks.

    i have opened a ticket last week but no answer till now.

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