Favourite DAW with NI



  • Member Posts: 11 Member

    I personally enjoy working with Maschine running inside of Logic X. I also like playing around with other DAW's. It's just got to be a good experience.

  • Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I have been using Studio One 6 with a Komplete Kontrol S49 mkII and Komplete 14. The integration is pretty seamless.

  • Member Posts: 1 Newcomer
    edited April 2023

    I believe it's just a mater of personal preference. For me, FL Studio is a way to go along with Maschine+ in controller mode and, Komplete Kontrol S-Series and of course generators and effects from Komplete Standard.

    It is a bit quirky at some points as I use M1-based mac and things are still getting "M-ready", bugs here and there with native M1 versions, but in general it's not that bad to make me switch to something else.

    FL Studio is something I used in young days (Fruity Loops back then), it was my first touch with a DAW before even knowing what DAW is. With so many years of using it FL is the software you can learn to a point of doing pretty much everything closed eyes.

    I like the approach it takes to make "One DAW to rule them all". As I like to experiment with different genres it served me well being it's a deep house production, to heavy metal live at stage digital mixing console where you plug instruments directly and route to channels. It's just cool to have your live band preset saved into a single project to a point of each drum mic, guitar cab etc going to it's own "preset". Plus you can have your VSTs in live mode and apply final tweaks on the master channel. It saves a lot of hassle especially when playing festival gigs without your own audio engineer. (nice trick to get control on stage) and deliver processed chains to master mixing console It's just amazing what Ozone and Neutron can do for a live gig if there's a bad mixing engineer on the master console. Trick - give him just a couple of channels so he can't ruin your performance :)

    Downsides: You need two redundant racks in case something crashes + the mixing guy will be p...ed for ozone replacing him lmao

    So by far my vote goes to FL Studio. Of course it's just a matter of personal preference I am sure most of the other DAWs can do everything mentioned.

  • Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Pro Tools because it's better than all the others. Okay, not really. Actually, Pro Tools drives me crazy, but I know it the best and can move very fast. You could say Pro Tools has me institutionalized! Like an insane asylum!

  • Member Posts: 8 Newcomer

    personally I use FL21.It's popular among amateur producers in China for its accessibility.

  • Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Gonna be that guy and say Reason.

  • Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I have tried many DAWs over the years, but for pure simplicity of use (and a very good price) it been Reaper for me for many years.

  • Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I've been using Cakewalk since the DOS days when it was just a sequencer. Currently I'm using Bandlab's version of Cakewalk and I love it. Especially since it's free and has a lot of great free features.

  • Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Best and most versatile DAW on the market to me is Cubase hands down; and it integrates well with all Hardware and Software thus far. I know the tools all DAWs lack and exactly how to make them better but unless a company offers me a deal for my ideas I guess they will die with me; because it will be a shame for a company to create them and get awards and major money as I get nothing.

  • Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    NI has a long history, and any DAW that supports third-party extension plug-ins will work just fine. So I think the best is the one that is easy for me to use.

    I use a variety of DAWs, but my main one is currently Studio One. However, if you want to use any DAW in earnest, I think it's ultimately the most profitable to buy the highest grade product.

  • Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Renoise. //I guess I'm the only one here who's use Renoise )


  • Member Posts: 2 Member

    I have been using Logic X and MainStage for many years now + Maschine , now I am only using Maschine when composing , i find it much more inspiring and I am tired of working with daws I can’t touch, my left arm loves it cause I can drop the mouse for the most times. I think Maschine is the best workstation I have experienced , i had the Roland Fantom for a while but send it back and found out that Zenology Pro is Auto mapped in Maschine . If I want to mix in Logic it’s easy to do from Maschine into Logic , but I love the hands on kontrol with Mascine and Komplete Kontrol s MK 2 and that perfect Keyboard .

    I would love to see a Maschine plus with power to load decent piano and organs , i would recommend NI to make it possible for customers to choose configurations like Apple do , I am willing to pay more for a higher performance grade and NI could make real pro gear for the stage 😊

  • Member Posts: 4 Member

    I switched from Logic to Ableton Live last year for one main reason: the community

    A lot of us aspiring producers don’t go through much/any formal training on music production, and so a lot of learning is done through stuff like YouTube tutorials. If there’s one winner in the abundance of YouTube tutorials and information others are sharing regarding a DAW, it’s Live hands-down.

  • Member Posts: 6 Member

    As a Bitwig user I tend to use stock plugins or Serum, Diva and a few others. Kontakt is a bit cpu heavy, but if I had Maschine I would go crazy daily!

  • Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Nuendo 12 for composing broadcast music, sound design and Mixing TV, Cinema and Museum.

    All the output config I want up to 22.2 Atmos, ambisonics etc. Mixing on 34 HP on Grand Palais in Paris via DANTE virtual card.

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