Coming up next for MASCHINE and MASCHINE+



  • Murat Kayi
    Murat Kayi Member Posts: 433 Pro

    I want that too, and all. But, and I reckon it won't take long until people are fed up with me bringing it up, if you own a Maschine Jam: play touch strips in note mode to strum through chords that you can set up any way you like.

    Have I mentioned the Jam needs to live? I should make that a T-Shirt or something

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod

    @Murat Kayi and @Kubrak :

    I don't want to drag this Jam convo but maybe there's some confusion with the terminology here? Arrangement View has been around forever, it's Ideas Mode/View that was released around the time Jam came out. And yes, much to many users disdain at the time Ideas became the non-optional default mode for what is now retired hardware... So now any new current-gen user is presented with a Session View like grid view that really doesn't make that much sense for a 4x4 controller.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,124 Expert

    Sorry, you are right. I had Ideas View in my mind, not Arrangement View.... :-(

  • Olihop
    Olihop Member Posts: 153 Advisor
    edited February 2022

    Personally I find the idea view quite useful to build scenes with the patterns. It's also a way to trigger scenes while keeping the pad matrix free to play.

    In fact, I would like to have this kind of view (optional) for patterns too. In the pattern view, I would like to have the possibility to select a pattern area, loop it, delete it and rewrite it by playing with the pads or via the step mode. For this purpose, some modifications could be done by using the eight knobs and keep the sub-functions accessible by the shift key.

    Currently, I find it very complicated to modify a section of a pattern with the controller.

    In fact for more coherence I think that the Idea View should be moved to scene mode. It would be a second view to build scenes. Because when I click on the scene button I naturally expect to build my scenes. And the arranger button only dedicated to the arranger. This is where everything is confused and confusing for the user.

    this is how I see it:

    • button arranger: arranger view to position the scenes in the sections
    • button scene : section view renamed scene view
    • button scene (shift+btn2) : idea view
    • button pattern : pattern view
    • button pattern (shift+btn2) : clip view
    • button pattern (shift+btn3) : new pattern view with pattern selection via the buttons above the screens. And release the right screen to display zoomed sections of the pattern.
  • Koltovich
    Koltovich Member Posts: 17 Member

    You wrote such a large amount of text because of a small problem and distracted from a bunch of real more important problems for many. The real problems that have been voiced flow away far behind your abundant texts.

    This is a priority number 100 issue. Do you want to vote and see for yourself?

  • Staykool
    Staykool Member Posts: 78 Helper

    Hi everyone. I owned a Maschine Mk3 and Maschine Studio for many years.

    Just bought a Maschine vapor gray and traded in the older MK3. I notice that the tension on the 8 encoders knobs is very tight on this new unit. So when making selections I have to turn the knobs with much more force.

    Is there anyway to loosen the tension so I when I turn them they are not so tight. Is this just me or is it this way with all brand new units. Does the tension get better over time?

    All my other Maschine were several years old. Very easy to turn the encoders. A nice light touch.

  • Koltovich
    Koltovich Member Posts: 17 Member
    edited February 2022

    I wouldn't be surprised if you're the only one who liked old pens. This was a problem for most. They were terrible. The fact that the handles have been made more viscous is excellent. Under no circumstances should they be changed!

  • Philb
    Philb Member Posts: 1 Member

    Please add live slicing to the Mikro MK3

  • tempsperdu
    tempsperdu Member Posts: 438 Guru
    edited February 2022


    You wrote such a large amount of text because of a small problem and distracted from a bunch of real more important problems for many. The real problems that have been voiced flow away far behind your abundant texts.

    This is a priority number 100 issue. Do you want to vote and see for yourself?

    You don't seem to find it a problem OK, but others do, as you would notice on the old board.

    I wrote about duplication as part of one post. All the other posts mentioning it were in reply to queries from others, mainly yourself, who seems to think you are the sole arbiter of what is important or not.

    The fact that NI haven't done anything about it probably means they haven't been so devastatingly distracted by it that it has impeded progress on any other developments.

    In theory, as the code exits, providing the option shouldn't be such a big deal to enable.

    I accept people have differing views to myself, maybe you might consider that option.

  • Murat Kayi
    Murat Kayi Member Posts: 433 Pro

    And yes, much to many users disdain at the time Ideas became the non-optional default mode for what is now retired hardware...

    Hi @D-One I am not sure why you think I am confusing Ideas View with the Arranger, but maybe that only pertained to @Kubrak. Anyway: For me, that new philosophy was the entry point into Maschine and I started out with a Maschine Mikro! So, no Jam at first. And as I had no struggle with change I found the Ideas View super awesome! Away with the linear approach, just create patterns and so on. But when the Jam came along all that was kind of taken to the power of 10.

    That the ideas view was a new graphical narrative that the old controller layout could not mirror I did not know. I still think there should be a view on the MK3 and related controllers that mirrors Idea View as it is meant, i.e. not adhering to a specific group

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,124 Expert

    @Koltovich said

    We urgently need to teach the IDEA mode to work more closely with the ARRANGER mode! It is necessary to give the opportunity to record directly from IDEA to ARRANGER, as Ableton Live and Akai Force can do it. Today, Maschine have this weak point.

    One may press New Scene, when satisfied. And press it again when satisfied again. Not ideal, but more or less, OK.

    But yes, there could be sort of real time record of the changes to the clip. Or better said many clips.

  • Olihop
    Olihop Member Posts: 153 Advisor

    For me there is a big problem of consistency. The Idea View is a view that allows to build scenes so naturally it should be accessible in the scene mode. Scene mode : Shift>idea view

    And the default view when you click on the arranger button should be the arranger view which is used for positioning scenes in sections.

    Moreover the Section View when you click on the scene button (mode song) should be the default view when you click on the scene button.

    as it is, impossible to make more confused

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited February 2022

    Hi. Sorry, reading it back I wasn't very clear. The terminology thing was in direct response to Kubrak, the rest was kind of for you both but especially due to you saying this:

    @Murat Kayi said:

    What confuses the hell out of me, otoh, is that the Maschine Jam is the only controller who mirrors the main and central narrative of Maschine's GUI, namely the pattern view. It is there in the software, but on the flagship controllers, it is nowhere to be found - instead, in each group there is an isolated list of patterns which follows a completeley different sorting order and placement. I never saw anyone talk about it, but I find this bonkers.

    As you said it yourself it's confusing to see a Grid view that is a "central narrative" of the software yet it's only present/mirored in one HW unit that for many is considered sort of an add-on; having to buy another HW for the GUI to truly make sense when you have a flagship 600/1000$ controller (MK3/Studio) is a bit sour tasting; this is just my personal opinion tho, not a fact.

    For the record Ideas is useful, for sure, it's just awkward to be used with Knobs on a 4x4, and anyone familiar with where this approach comes from expects things like pattern sync changes too, which never happened, it got released then its on to the next thing on the priority list, this happens often. Jam also sold the dream of performance recording but that's another even more sour story.

    Anyway, it's the principle that a new and sort of experimental HW with a different layout from the proven one has dev priority for a few years and then dies leaving permanent SW changes behind that is a dangerous approach IMO. I would like this story to not be repeated with the M+ but time will tell.

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