Coming up next for MASCHINE and MASCHINE+



  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,124 Expert
    edited February 2022

    One may edit modulation/automation. To certain extent.....

    @Koltovich said

    You will be surprised, but this applies primarily to you. There are many people who think like me. To them, your bloated problem is very small. And they see other more important issues.

    There might be many people who think like you. And there are also people who think like @tempsperdu. For example me. ;-)

    Any slight change to legacy behaviour may strongly negatively influence the workflow....

  • Jano Bermudes
    Jano Bermudes Member Posts: 4 Member

    Hmm, yeah, underwhelming. NI has now split the code base with M+ and can’t maintain a decent schedule on either. Each has specific features required or bugs that need fixing to make them what they should be conceptually and when we look at the current release schedules we think in years (like how long it took to fix the midi out bug).

    who cares about vst3 if vst2 is functionally equivalent.

    im into the whole komplete ecosystem but I do think it might be time to sell the plus and look elsewhere.



  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,948 Expert wrote:

    who cares about vst3 if vst2 is functionally equivalent.

    1. it is not, VST3 is a major improvement over VST2 (who would have thought?)
    2. Steinberg (inventor and owner of the VST technology) does neither license nor support VST2 anymore. Developers are forced to upgrade their plugins.
  • Koltovich
    Koltovich Member Posts: 17 Member

    So, what is next? Can we stop spamming on this topic and do something more productive?

  • tempsperdu
    tempsperdu Member Posts: 438 Guru
    edited February 2022

    @Mods ...can something not be done about this troll?

  • basehead617
    basehead617 Member Posts: 137 Advisor

    Can someone explain how the auto sampler is different than what already exists? It's already easy to set up a sound/pad to record maschine outputs or external sources.. synced to a bar start or listening for audio. This post doesn't really say what is different about it.

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,948 Expert

    It automatically creates a multi-sample instrument by automatically sending a row of MIDI notes with varying note and velocity, sampling each and storing them as a single sampler preset. That’s what auto-samplers do in general.

    Detailed specs would be nice, indeed.

  • Ruffiano
    Ruffiano Member Posts: 10 Member

    I'm a Maschine+ "pretty new" user coming from 20ys of FL Studio (since v3).

    I really love Maschine+. It's great and pretty stable, but I have to say that there are many small things missing that are mandatory if you want to have control over you mix and to call the Maschine+ the "perfect" gear, like for instance a master vu-meter or better a spectrum analyzer, maybe a more customizable EQ (with a visual feedback), maybe a better mastering fx and some vocal fx like a vocoder.

    It would be nice to have a way to rename samples and projects and to tag them, and a "sorting" or "jump to a letter" features to go faster while browsing.

    What do you think? Am I the only one thinking about this missing features?

  • TheAndroid
    TheAndroid Member Posts: 15 Member

    It would be nice to have a way to rename samples and projects and to tag them, and a "sorting" or "jump to a letter" features to go faster while browsing.

    Quick tip : while browsing, you can press SHIFT to go faster in the list (instead of a single increment, it skips an entire page I think).

  • arón nitta
    arón nitta Member Posts: 3 Newcomer
    edited February 2022

    I think if 3rd or 4th knobs able to zoom in zoom out in edit samples would be more useful. Knob1 start Knob2 end Knob3 zoom in zoom out. Guys what do you think?

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,948 Expert

    Only works for accurate adjusting Start and End point while zooming if you have small hands.

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  • Schmapps1
    Schmapps1 Member Posts: 144 Pro

    I just tried to watch that video and….whoa. That seems complicated and hard to understand. I, for one, certainly hope that whatever autosampling method Maschine implements is a lot easier to use than whatever THAT was. Haha

  • Koldunya
    Koldunya Member Posts: 16 Member

    Thanks so much for an autosampler finally, and VST3 is much appreciated, too :D @Matt_NI

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