[NKS] Freelance Soundlabs 3rd Party NKS Libraries for Komplete Kontrol / Maschine



  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,089 Expert

    Yes I have been working with the Beta for a month which supports VST3 plugins and testing it heavily with Roland plugins since that is what I get asked for and I had already done 90% of it over a year ago including artworks, but only VST2 and so couldn't get it working on macOS so I shelved it all.

    Cannot say much more other than it was announced a few days ago that VST3 will be supported by the next KK/Maschine releases. When that is we are still unsure but I can also say this will still need the VST2 version of plugins installed for everything else since most plugins don't automatically switch between VST2/3 and require different NKS files to be created.

    In regards to performance, probably depends on the DAW and number of tracks I guess. I work typically as efficiently as possible using the least number of tracks as I can, a trait I just got use to working with MOD projects in old 90s trackers and understanding that a wrapper will always add some overhead makes sense to keep things as lean as possible. there are still cases where I don't use KK at all on a track such as drums, I never load any drums into KK but rather into a drum rack directly in Ableton so I can use them with Push. Also I will freeze tracks often if I don't need to edit them and save KK for mostly my main few tracks that need automation or control of some kind.

    Prob a discussion for a dedicated thread this one tho.

  • Diam
    Diam Member Posts: 322 Advisor

    Yeah, I hear you. I guess its pretty amazing that we can have that control over third party plugins in the first instance, so some sort of trade off is to be expected. In a way it could be a positive, in that it encourages you to consolidate/freeze or bounce to audio more, which is probably a safer methodology especially for backups.

    Well, that will be a nice little Chrimbo treat either way. Granted we see the alpha before then.

    Thanks for the updates and input.

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,089 Expert

    Quick update for Air Music Hype

    Just posted an update for Air Music "Hype" which adds some extra tagging (I forgot to actually tag most of this one)

    Can download from My Download area if you own it

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,089 Expert

    UVI Falcon Factory Update


    A free update is now available for the UVI Falcon library that updates the library for Falcon 2.8 and adds 110 new presets. Users who have this can download this latest update Here

  • CubaseThomas
    CubaseThomas Member Posts: 29 Member


    thanks for the quick update. Just bought another library from your collection to support future updates!

    Unfortunately I cannot use your 2.8 update yet. I'm on a Mac....

    I can load all the previous NKS presets you made, I can load Falcon 2.8 into Komplete Kontrol manually, also the 2.8 presets inside of Falcon, but I cannot load them via the Komplete Kontrol with your library. I get this error: Falcon cannot be loaded.... strange. The previews work fine.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,362 mod

    Thanks but only for the 2.8 sounds I get a "Falcon can't be loaded' error (on Mac) - all other patches load so it's not that the plugin isn't present.

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,089 Expert
    edited October 2022

    Yeah I’m not home at the moment to check but I believe the issue is the fact when I loaded the default template I start with it loaded the VST3 version of Falcon since I’m using the beta. I can have that fixed tomorrow.

    Scratch that, it's something slightly different as the issue and will affect macOS users (windows users should be fine) but I should have a fix for this possibly today, just have to wait for Falcon to install on my mac so I can test a few things out.

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,089 Expert

    This issue should now be fixed.

    If you downloaded the MacOS Falcon library with the latest update for 2.8 then you will have to Download it again and just replace the sub folder for the 2.8 update files. This should now fix the issue and Falcon will load as normal.

  • Peter Kilgour
    Peter Kilgour Member Posts: 10 Member

    I've just updated and re -scanned Komplete Kontrol on my Macbook Air M1 and my user libraries aren't detected (Freelance Soundlabs) .

    I het this prompt (with Cherry Audio Dreamsynth for instance):

    "Dreamsynth could not be loaded, as it may not support Apple Silicon or VST2 to VST3 migration"

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,362 mod
    edited October 2022

    That's one you need to use the VST2 with still (which means running KK using Rosetta)

  • Peter Kilgour
    Peter Kilgour Member Posts: 10 Member

    Yes, but I'm not sure what has to happen for my libraries to work?

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,362 mod
    edited October 2022

    It needs to be running under Rosetta to able to load the VST2 versions of those plugins such as Dreamsynth that don’t support migration between NKS presets (or projects) made with the VST2 version and the VST3 version.

  • Peter Kilgour
    Peter Kilgour Member Posts: 10 Member

    Thanks for the reply. I understand that I just don't understand why there aren't any VST3 presets because all of the Cherry Audio synths can be VST3. Does this mean that Freelance has to create a new set pf presets?

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,362 mod
    edited October 2022

    Because the NKS presets were made with the VST2 version they expect to load the VST2 plugin, for plugins that support migration (in a host that supports it too) it is possible for the VST3 to be automatically substituted, but CherryAudio plugins don’t have that capability yet even though Komplete Kontrol supports it.

    Eventually I’m sure NKS banks will be available either made with the VST3 or converted but give it time. I’ve already made available a bunch of VST3 templates to get people started in the NKS user library

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