Status on m1/m2 update?



  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,125 Expert
    edited August 2022

    I do. I do not need to like/love the company. I even may "hate" it, like MS or Intel (I have seen many times sticker "Intel inside" placed on toilet), no problem. If product works and is OK, it is OK. I do not buy because of company/brand, I buy because of product features.

  • Laureano Lopez
    Laureano Lopez Member Posts: 102 Advisor
    edited August 2022

    And yes, Apple made better translator from x86 to ARM than Microsoft, the truth sometimes hurts :)

    Here we go again….. this is better than that. My toy is bigger than yours.

    That's pure trolling.

    I don’t know about you, but I don’t buy or use any products from companies I do not like. Why would I?

    Are you serious? Like, you're seriously claiming everyone can choose all their consumptions?

    I guess you're all having fun. Whatever, congratulations.

  • Mutis
    Mutis Member Posts: 504 Pro

    I know @kubrak doesn’t use Apple products because it was stated in one of our conversations over the AS topic but (aside the first question about discontinnuation of Reaktor and how will you react guys) I’m now intrigued by how many of you use or have used Apple products for music making…?

    It’s like this is a topic about M1 support for Reaktor and I’m not sure if the people involved has any/booth products.

    Starting by myself: I don’t own Reaktor (came here due new forum mess topics) and I don’t own M1 Apple device but mac mini (late12 maxxed), iPad (mini 4) and few iPhones (mostly SE first gen) as standalone devices. I buy things 3 or more generations behind the newest at cheaper prices, aside iPad which was new but 3 year old when I purchased it (2015 model bought at 2017-18 afair…)

    and you? Maybe even doing some polls will be most helpful to NI than mac vs pc or ARM vs x86 neverending topics…

  • Maciej Repetowski
    Maciej Repetowski Member Posts: 701 Guru
    edited August 2022

    It’s usually people who never had or used a Mac who are most vocal in threads like this :)

    I’ve started making music on Atari ST and Notator (which later became Logic), then moved to PC and about 15 years ago, to Mac. I have 2018 Intel Mac mini 64GB Ram and 2TB SSD and I will be upgrading next year to either Mac Studio or AS Mac Pro.

    Besides that, my wife has AS iMac, we both have iPhones, Apple TV and iPads. I also have Apple Watch.

    As for Microsoft - I love my Xbox Series X :)

  • colB
    colB Member Posts: 1,032 Guru

    I'm not "attacking" NI, but have it your way ;)

    Hmm... some things you have said:

    NI managed to make 1 of their engines M1 native (Kontakt) in 2 years time. This is beyond pathetic, IMHO.

    the amount of technological debt NI has accumulated over the years beggars belief.

    The sad truth is that NI can’t deal with ANY technological change on ANY platform in a timely fashion.

    Your negative hyperbole is telling on you ;)

    And yes, Apple made better translator from x86 to ARM than Microsoft, the truth sometimes hurts :)

    This truth (assuming it is true - I really couldn't care less) doesn't hurt me. I have no allegiance to Microsoft, I am not a zealot for, or a disciple of any company. I have criticised Microsoft, and Native Instruments many times for many things, and will continue to do so when it is deserved.

    Apple have done some things better than Microsoft, and the reverse is also true, but as I've said a few times already, that is irrelevant here. It's interesting that you (and others) have tried to turn this into an Apple vs intel/MS pissing contest.

  • Maciej Repetowski
    Maciej Repetowski Member Posts: 701 Guru
    edited August 2022

    I’m highly critical about NI, but I’m not “attacking” them. I will continue to do so, when it is deserved, in my humble opinion, as a Mac user.

    As for Mac vs PC platform wars, it is PC guys who use derogatory terms like junk, zealots, disciples, ******, mess, madness, etc.

    It looks like PC users are unable to discuss other platforms in a polite and respectful way. There is so much hatred and bile…

    Mac users have been very civil so far. No one have said the words “Windoze” or “Micro$oft” yet :)

    BTW, this is Mac related thread so I’m not even sure why PC users are posting in this one, enlighten me please?

  • Laureano Lopez
    Laureano Lopez Member Posts: 102 Advisor

    Yup, we're feeding trolls. Bye.

  • Maciej Repetowski
    Maciej Repetowski Member Posts: 701 Guru
    edited August 2022

    Do you have a Mac? If not, why M1/M2 compatibility would even interest you?

    So who is trolling who?

    Well, there was a thread recently about Native Access 2 and Win 11 problem, if I recall. I didn’t see any Mac users posting there and telling people that they should buy a Mac because PCs are junk and that this was all Microsoft’s fault :)

    So my question still stands: what makes PC users post in Mac related threads?

  • KoaN
    KoaN Member Posts: 142 Advisor

    There has been respectful and disrespectful comments on both sides and let's not put everyone in the same bag.

  • Laureano Lopez
    Laureano Lopez Member Posts: 102 Advisor
    edited August 2022

    This is a Reaktor user forum, and I don't owe you an explanation, but I'll give it anyway because this has gotten beyond disrespectful. You may remember I started with

    I hate Apple and their fans with a reasonable passion (?), but here people do the same with NI: tiptoeing around as if they were benefactors and we had to thank for the generous gift of their attention and wisdom. This is a user forum, not a lordship.

    Since I came up here, I've read

    You are so cute

    I can’t imagine a more ignorant comment

    Try to live in the present, mate

    I actually left for some days after I considered the biblical overtones of

    I do think Apple's motivations are complex and do account for the user accordingly

    were too much for my sanity. Then we got

    I will advice you study by yourself

    you seem smarter than this, mate

    who needs bipedal body form? It's just crazy! Don't get me started on opposable thumbs!

    Take it or cry against it

    the truth sometimes hurts

    I'm sure I'm missing some. When I said Apple "sucks" I meant, as I later clarified, that I don't consider it an innovative force, that its business practices are distortive and anticompetitive, that its negationist policies are painful for developers and in the end for users, though these end up blaming 3rd parties, because the policies are actually effective. I even illustrated those points with examples. You may remember I liked your comment about Apple's target audience, because I agreed. Among the "technically good choices" I mentioned, I consider macOS to be a good Unix implementation, and Core Audio / Graphics much superior to anything other platforms can offer. This is common knowledge, as much as this, or this. I worked on Apple devices for a number of years, and it was horrible, particularly dealing with support, and with the hardcore fans I worked with and their constant sense of entitlement. My "interest" in M1 compatibility is low for my own stuff: as I said before, a single header (which I had written beforehand) was enough. Nobody asked, but for measure, I consider Windows a hodgepodge that's been progressively corrected and is now rather solid, but the immense amount of background bulls*t in the last versions makes it very unreliable for real time. So, you can imagine why

    a bit of objectivity wouldn’t really hurt

    This kind of inflammatory comments do not help anyone

    There is so much hatred and bile

    and the like, come a little aggravating at this point.

  • colB
    colB Member Posts: 1,032 Guru

    Do you have a Mac? If not, why M1/M2 compatibility would even interest you?

    I would have thought it was obvious?

    Reaktor has a small development team with limited resources. Work on M1/M2 compatibility has taken those development resources away from features and improvements for however long it takes. That impacts all users. So all users naturally have in interest in this topic.

    I personally also want to see Reaktor succeed, and in the modern social media climate, much damage can be done by loud people with unrealistic expectations and negative attitudes. So my natural instinct is to defend the Reaktor development team to the extent that I think they are being unfairly criticised. There is a lot of negativity towards Reaktor development in this thread.

    It amazes me that those users that are getting the benefit of 100% of development resources for a sustained period are the ones being the most negative about the process.

    Well, there was a thread recently about Native Access 2 and Win 11 problem, if I recall. I didn’t see any Mac users posting there and telling people that they should buy a Mac because PCs are junk and that this was all Microsoft’s fault :)

    1. Did the resolution of the Native Access 2 / Win 11 problem take up all development resources completely for literally years?
    2. Are you implying that folk here are telling Mac users to buy PCs because Macs are junk? where is this being said? Or is that just you still desperately trying to turn this into a PC vs Mac war, instead of a discussion about the timescale of native AS support for Reaktor?
  • Maciej Repetowski
    Maciej Repetowski Member Posts: 701 Guru

    The original question was about Reaktor’s compatibility with M1/M2 processors, very much belonging to Reaktor sub-forum. It was not off-topic.

    If you say “I hate Apple and their fans with reasonable passion”, you basically declare that you hate me, a fellow musician. How is this not derogatory and disrespectful?

    Words do matter.

    I don’t hate anything and anyone. I don’t use what I don’t like, that’s all. I don’t “hate” Microsoft or Windows, or their users. I don’t call PC computers junk or ******. I don’t call their users zealots or sheep.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,125 Expert

    So my question still stands: what makes PC users post in Mac related threads?

    Because some Mac users, instead of being happy that they will get SW ported to a new platform for free, are complaining that it takes too long.... And complainig that they want AS native port now and do not want fiddle with Rosetta....

    That is all.

    AS native and VST3 comming in 4-9 weeks... Hopefully.

  • djadidai
    djadidai Member Posts: 528 Pro

    TBH I don’t consider “Apple/Mac sucks” to be a well educated statement - hence my opinion about that comment being ignorant. I’ve posted here now and then to show that this thread has gotten out of hand, I might even have mentioned here (or other post) that me, as I am sure others would agree on this, are tired of this debate, again to mark this “here we go again” comment by me. Lastly, that last paragraph in Maciej’s post was spot on tbh and I couldn’t stop laughing bcs it made me think of “touché puddycat”from tweetie(?) so, can we please just drop this VS thing now?

This discussion has been closed.
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