Status on m1/m2 update?



  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,325 Guru

    Don't blame Apple for Reaktor's neglect. It is no longer the star of anything in the Soundwide portfolio. For the sake of developmental efficiency among all the Soundwide teams... I suspect it will be abandoned.

  • colB
    colB Member Posts: 1,032 Guru

    If that is true, why exactly are you here wasting your time on the Reaktor discussion forum?

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,325 Guru

    If you don't use Apple M1/M2, why are you wasting your time commenting on its status?

  • Mindspan
    Mindspan Member Posts: 5 Member

    What's funny is you clearly have no idea what you are talking about. Apple's M series of chips are miles ahead of their predecessors in MacBooks, and are definitely an insane upgrade over what had come before. I own a fully loaded M1 Max with 64 GB RAM etc, and there is absolutely no comparison between it and my previous MacBook Pro in terms of performance.

    Apple announced their move to Apple Silicon on June 22, 2020, and provided developers with free M1 Mac Minis to help them through this transition at the same time. It's been OVER 2 YEARS now. There is no excuse for a company that caters to creatives (a key demographic for Mac users) to basically ignore Apple Silicon all this time. The ONLY product they have upgraded it seems is KONTAKT (which I am grateful for). I was considering dispensing with my ancient Peavey DPM C8 88 in favour of the S-88, but if this is the level of support Apple Silicon users can expect, I will likely be purchasing something else from a competitor who is more responsive to its user base.

  • colB
    colB Member Posts: 1,032 Guru

    What's funny is you clearly have no idea what you are talking about

    And yet nothing I have said disagrees with anything you say in this post. And all the points I've made previously still stand unchallenged. Please find fault with what I have actually said rather than what you would like me to have said before attacking my level of knowledge. Thanks :)

  • Mindspan
    Mindspan Member Posts: 5 Member

    "When Apple do it, they spin it as an upgrade to their existing platform" It's not spin. It's fact.

  • colB
    colB Member Posts: 1,032 Guru

    The hardware is fundamentally different, and the operating system has been updated/ported for the completely new hardware. That's a new platform, not an upgrade to an existing platform.

    If it was an upgrade to an existing platform, the complaints would be valid, but it's not so they aren't.

    Be patient!

  • Dan
    Dan Member Posts: 3 Member

    And yet, Cycling74's Max - which also includes an optimizing compiler - has been native on Apple Silicon since last October.

  • djadidai
    djadidai Member Posts: 528 Pro

    This never ending argumentation about apple or intel or amd. You are all wrong/right. It doesn’t really matter since I can bet my life that it’s only 0.0001% of users who REALLY need all that performance. The rest just want to be right in the arguments because they invested money and feel inferior if they are not right or don’t own the best of the best. None of this really matters.

    People have different preferences and as long as there is free will people will select different computers. It’s NI’s duty to fix so that their softwares have full compatibility to all the different platforms they choose to endorse their products, and if they don’t there will be larger problems for them ahead. It’s not our fault, the customers. We have all the power at the end, stop buying or continue buying.

    Don't turn against each other. The “fight” isn’t among ourselves. Make music, not war!!

    peace ✌️ and love ❤️

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,125 Expert
    edited August 2022

    There is not anything to fix on NI SW, it runs fine on HW and SW it has been developed for...

    M1/M2 is different HW and NI SW has not been developed to run on it. There is no obligation to "fix" it.

    Of course, if they will not provide AS compatible SW they will loose Apple customers sooner or later... I am pretty sure, NI will come with native AS plugins, soon....


    Apple has provided with Developer Kit at about two years ago... But, it did not have M1 CPU... And OS was just betaversion.... Great support for development on completely new platform.

    And what functions on M1, does not function on M1 Pro/Max/Ultra....

    That is great platform to develop SW for!!!!

    And yes, M1 is comparing to previous Intel models beast.... Using AMD Ryzen would bring similar results like M1, without all those troubles. But Apple would probably earn less. And fom Apple´s point of view it may be more comfortable have everything on ARM (again, more profit for Apple...) So, what it brings to users must go aside. Anyway, they will not blame Apple, but instead "slow" SW developers....

    I wish, NI releases AS native plugins soon, and starts to focuse on something interesting. Improving products, or creating new ones....


    Cycling74's Max is different from Reaktor.... Users code has to be recompiled, if user does not do it, it is full stop... Reaktor compiles all code, even user one... Max also uses Java that is platform independent by nature... Reaktor just x86 maschine code. And one day hopefully also ARM code...

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,325 Guru

    So you're saying Reaktor is stuck in the past?

    Welp, it had its run.

    Time for modern code and software design!

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,125 Expert


    So you're saying Reaktor is stuck in the past?

    No, I am not saying anything like that. How did you came to that conclusion.

    No dependence on that if thirdparty developers recompile their code (that might not be available in many cases to others) for new platform.... What has been written years ago should run without any change, if Reaktor is ported to AS. Much better than Max....

  • colB
    colB Member Posts: 1,032 Guru

    I think you are misunderstanding what the debate is about. It's not apple vs intel/amd. It's about whether it's reasonable to be angry at Native Instruments for taking as long as it takes to redevelop their applications for a new platform. Some folk think that it should be quicker.. because they want it yesterday, and it's too slow for them, so it must be NIs fault. Others think that if you adopt a new platform, you need to accept that there will be problems with the transition, and it's unreasonable to blame third party developers in this situation. Just accept it and be patient.

    Personally, I don't like Apple, but I like ARM, and I think that the move to ARM is positive, and only really possible for a company as powerful as Apple, so on the whole I think its a good thing. But I also think that the bleating from some of their users really does come over as entitled nonsense!

    At least in terms of Reaktor, NI seem to have focussed all their development resources on the AS transition to the detriment of all the non Apple users, and yet most of the complaining is still coming from those Apple users... hmm, funny that!

    So what this is really about is whether folk should be attacking NI for using the resources they have and taking the time it takes to bring a product to those same people

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,125 Expert

    I would add. There is Rosetta 2. If it does not work, or does not work well, it is not NI's fault. It is Apple's fault, and Apple should fix it ASAP.

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