BUG - I can't relocate samples in Battery 4 - (BT4-2680)



  • portthames
    portthames Member Posts: 49 Member

    Thanks @Uwe303 yes I have.

    Maybe the scan library route might make sense in some circumstances, but my sample library is 2TB approx, and just to raise again these are samples already saved in the instrument, with the project file, i.e. they weren't sourced from the B4 library originally.

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,331 mod

    I tried it with my 2 computers and it really does not work, there is no way to tell battery to look for the samples on/in another drive/folder permanently. Even creating battery kits and open them up, save project, does not work - there is definitely something wrong.


  • portthames
    portthames Member Posts: 49 Member

    Indeed, spent days on this, and you cannot even load project -> relocate samples -> resave - properly recall projects with Battery 4. Kontakt is fine.

    @Jeremy_NI Could you kindly help here please?

    Many thanks

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod
    edited July 2022

    Hey @portthames I'm really sorry. You are experiencing another bug of Battery 4 (BT4-2677). Unfortunately, this will not get fixed any time soon.

    There is a workaround:

    1. open the session, 
    2. resolve the missing samples, 
    3. save the patch per instance, 
    4. delete all instances (but not the MIDI tracks), 
    5. save the session, close the DAW.
    6. Open the session again, load the instances, load the saved patches, save the session.

  • portthames
    portthames Member Posts: 49 Member
    edited April 2022

    DBL POST but can't delete. Mods can you pls?

  • portthames
    portthames Member Posts: 49 Member

    Hi @Jeremy_NI that's a pity but cheers yes it does seem to work.

    BTW may I ask why Battery 4 appears to be of a lower priority?

    Thanks again for getting back!

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod

    Hey @portthames Well, there is a lot of work on VST3 and M1 compatibility at the moment for many products. This should also come for Battery 4 at some point, maybe this issue will also be addressed. It's in the backlog.

  • Jeppe
    Jeppe Member Posts: 1 Member

    Hello. Im having this bug also. When are there gonna be and fix for this?

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod

    Unfortunately there is no date for a fix at the moment. Have you tried the workaround that was proposed?

    1. open the session, 
    2. resolve the missing samples, 
    3. save the patch per instance, 
    4. delete all instances (but not the MIDI tracks), 
    5. save the session, close the DAW.
    6. Open the session again, load the instances, load the saved patches, save the session.

    Not ideal, I know. We're sorry about the inconvenience.

  • 5nap3
    5nap3 Member Posts: 2 Member

    I'm having a similar experience after updating my MacBook Pro from 2015 15inch to 2001 M1Pro.

    No Windows in sight, same external drive. Just installed Logic and NI KU 13. Battery can't consistently find it's own and my user samples.

    Battery fail. Lol!

  • portthames
    portthames Member Posts: 49 Member

    They're aware if it, but no guarantees of a fix. I went back to Windows.

  • buckycore
    buckycore Member Posts: 1 Member

    I find the so called "solution" from the Native Instruments specialist terrible. We've paid good money for these products, and to be told "yeah, it's a bug. We're not going to fix it. Do this elaborate workaround and hope for the best." Seems like those stock Drum machine plugins in Studio one, Logic, Abelton, and Bitwig sure do look like better solutions right about now

  • portthames
    portthames Member Posts: 49 Member

    @Jeremy_NI Happy Christmas Jeremy, any news on this please?

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod

    @portthames Merry Xmas and happy holidays to you too!

    I have reached out to have news about this or an official comment to share.

This discussion has been closed.
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