NIPatcher - Tool to modify Maschine (MacOS)



  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,948 mod

    Thank you for your effort and for sharing ! 🙂

  • Max Trau
    Max Trau Member Posts: 39 Member

    just to let you know :

    it doesn't seem to have broken anything on my setup

  • Kaldosh
    Kaldosh Member Posts: 418 Advisor

    @D-One After a long time i could finally test the patch for the Jam focus.

    I can confirm it indeed allows to change pattern without loosing focus on the group, it is a nice step forward for some used cases, though Controls are still matching on both controller and having distinct focus on each controller allowing to control 2 sound or group controls at the same time is the ultimate goal in this case I think

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,426 mod

    ...we are still hoping desperately for a Windows version! 🧐

  • Max Trau
    Max Trau Member Posts: 39 Member


    I can't open NIpatcher on sonoma 14.2.1

    I checked the box to avoid software protection, but the app won't launch

    Any idea how to solve this ?

    Thank you

  • macchinista
    macchinista Member Posts: 52 Advisor

    100% - There is a lot of functionality backed in the LUA scripts, and many "low hanging fruits" feature requests could be implemented with limited amount of code changes, if anybody at NI really cared. So your point is made!

    As for the focus system, I don't think that's possible. I looked at the LUA code at some point and I found out that all controllers have access to the same sound in focus in the Maschine software. So because you can only have one sound in focus in the software, you can only play that one. Hope this makes sense....🤣

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited January 2024

    That's what i assumed since focus is such core functionality.

    Would you say that creating new functions and classes for a hypothetical focus#2 where most of the code is copied and just slightly modified is a feasible task or would be weeks of work?

    With JAM dead and S-Series not even supporting Maschine it looks like we are heading to a future where NI HW products are 100% segregated anyway... so, probably no point in even trying tbh.

  • macchinista
    macchinista Member Posts: 52 Advisor

    Hard to tell. The current "focus" mechanism is tied to what's shown in the Maschine software as far as the controls and the pattern editor go. So I am guessing a focus#2 would not be a straightforward implementation. There would have to be another mechanism specifically designed for multiple controllers at the same time.

  • Rilkecat
    Rilkecat Member Posts: 62 Helper
    edited February 2024

    Just noticed about this project. Amazing work, keep it up @D-One !

    I am not a developer myself but have some understanding, will try to do some tests on some functionalities and see how it goes.

  • Speaking Colors
    Speaking Colors Member Posts: 4 Member
    edited April 2024

    Same here. File is recognized as malware. The only way to open it is to right click then get info then "override the malware protection".

    Considering most will have update to the last macOS by now, especially the less tech-saavy gent out there, I would recommend to sign in the app or make it clear somewhere that these are the steps.

    Thanks anyway for the work 🖤🫶 Finally having a stop button that makes sense makes this toy a whole lot better.

    P.s. The new default installation path for Maschine 2 seems to be /Applications/Maschine 2 rather than /Applications/Native Instruments/Maschine 2 as the tool wants. I moved it manually to the path the tool wants, testing right now if that fixes why it didn't work. The codesign stays like this forever but who knows:

    Nope, even after correcting the path it doesn't work. That's sad, I was so excited to finally get a standard Stop button.

  • Kaldosh
    Kaldosh Member Posts: 418 Advisor
    edited April 2024

    The poor are segregated it is already proved and true. Now you know that it has always been true and unfortunately global society in its majority by wrongdoings / ignorance or even power mischief is going towards that, if you don't get out of that, you certainly know where it goes indeed... also the process of programmed obsolescence has been accelerated by apple and it is very wrong

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited April 2024

    Hello! Offitial pre-signing requires a Apple dev account, it's 100$ I think, I won't be paying for that for a free open-source app.

    It should just require right-click and "Open" to get around gate keeper and display the "are you sure" dialog but adding instructions is a good point. I'll add it to my to-do-list, I need to update all this anyway!

    The path didn't change, could it be that you changed in Native Access? All NI apps still go to /Applications/Native Instruments/ AFAIK.

    I'll check whats wrong with the codesigning code but note that you only need it if you're using Ableton, other DAW's don't care about modified Plugins, for the you can try the right-click and "open" trick.

    What is your MacOS version? Sonoma?

  • Rilkecat
    Rilkecat Member Posts: 62 Helper

    Hi dear ! Well today I have been studying the thing . I am really looking forward to try some mods for myself. I.E to allow UNPIN for the Pad Mode / Keybard/ Chords / Step buttons. After many years I still find it counterintuitive that they are always pinned (even considering I have NOT been a mk2 user).

    However, after dowloading could not open it due to my OSX. Is there a chance to have it working for OS 10.13? Thanks !

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