The Sheer Joy of 3.10.2



  • johnthemiracle
    johnthemiracle Member Posts: 13 Member

    i am impressed that someone has the patience to wait for 30 minutes to load some instruments. for me, if something is loading and gets stuck, i kill the process after 20 seconds. no, i am not patient. but i expect that software that is sold nowadays for actual, real money does its job flawlessly and, yes, quickly. after all that's what i bought a fast and powerful computer for.

    so thank you NI, but try again.

  • B.Minor
    B.Minor Member Posts: 195 Advisor

    At least something positive can also be reported about NA 3.10.3:

    All those empty "ghost icons" which were recently displayed for any installed "legacy products" are finally gone now!

  • Paul B
    Paul B Member Posts: 169 Advisor

    "It works for me" is a phrase that as a developer I've learned never to say in response to a bug report. At least not in the way that it was being used here to dismiss the possibility of a bug in Native Access. Nor is it reasonable to assume without evidence that the problem is user error (even if it is more often than you might expect).

    Different systems are different. A bug may show up only for some configurations. Other bugs can be universal. Those are the easier ones. Replicating someone else's configuration is complex (and sometimes means we have to ask the user to help in debugging). So those bugs are more difficult to find. But it is never good to start from the assumption "it can't be our software at fault".

    It is weird that NA (or rather NTKDaemon) is scanning VSTs that are not connected to it. Mine is as well, though a very small subset of the ones I own (the same 9 each time). It gets weirder. After not finding an active serial for these plugins, none of which are NI or related company products, none of which are managed by Native Access, it tries to activate them, and reports each is already activated, with a message like "'Chromaphone 3' is already activated. Likely using a different user account". Why is NTKDaemon doing this?

    It then scans a second time, again reporting those 9 as having no owned/activated serials. Only twice in my case, and only a small number of non-NI plugins. This all takes less than 2 seconds. But I can imagine that on some systems it might repeat more times, with more irrelevant plugins being scanned and maybe that takes a long time.

    Then at the end of this second scan it does not try to activate again, and prints "found 64 products: 55 owned (3 bundles), 53 installed (9 unowned)" – those 9 being the non-NI plugins.

    There's clearly something wrong in how NI determines what plugins to scan. There is no good reason for it to be looking at plugins not from NI. It should be a simple case of loading a list of what you own (which is easily available, either recorded on your system or in your online account) and checking only those. Anything not in that list is not the business of NA to manage.

  • tempsperdu
    tempsperdu Member Posts: 438 Guru

    Will you please actually answer the question rather than rudely attempting to arrogantly patronise because all I do is launch the is that not using it correctly?

    If I've deleted the NTK Daemon, it is because NI have instructed me to and the problems have occurred prior to this.

  • SmokeyJ
    SmokeyJ Member Posts: 9 Member

    This is baloney.

    As I posted, I've never deleted a Daemon.log file and I have Native Access pointing to "Native Instrument" specific folders. I've never stated otherwise and neither has @tempsperdu

    I still have the same long scanning and frequent scanning.

    You have an odd goal of trying to find something those who are having the problem "did wrong" to explain why they're having trouble.

  • SmokeyJ
    SmokeyJ Member Posts: 9 Member

    I regret that I only have one "Vote Up" to give to this. Well said.

  • tempsperdu
    tempsperdu Member Posts: 438 Guru

    Paul B

    It is weird that NA (or rather NTKDaemon) is scanning VSTs that are not connected to it. Mine is as well, though a very small subset of the ones I own (the same 9 each time). It gets weirder. After not finding an active serial for these plugins, none of which are NI or related company products, none of which are managed by Native Access, it tries to activate them, and reports each is already activated, with a message like "'Chromaphone 3' is already activated. Likely using a different user account". Why is NTKDaemon doing this?

    I find this remarkably disturbing... it's like NI version of the Post Office scandal.

  • tempsperdu
    tempsperdu Member Posts: 438 Guru


    Please NI, can we have a preference option to set the "startup view" after launching NA so that the "Library" tab can be directly selected without unnecessary additional clicks? We are all mature customers and we know exactly where to order any NI products if we'd really like to do so!

    It almost makes you think that the current 'version' of NI with the wall-to-wall attempts at selling to the point of offensiveness to many, where the software is now like a constant predatory sales assistant, and the almost complete lack of support, that money is the only thing they are interested in..............................

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,251 Expert
    edited April 2024


    I just completed a deep daemon.log analysis here and here is my summary (theory) - at least on the plugin angle:

    The VST plugins listed in my log - correlate exactly - to the third party plugins (NOT NI plugins) that I have allowed Komplete Kontrol to scan and use. (Edit->Preferences-VSTplugins)

    There are 332 total plugins in my system right now of all shapes and sizes - but of those - I have same listing of only about 40 third party plugins appearing over and over in my daemon.log file.

    These 40 represent NKS compliant third party plugins that I use with KK v 2.9.6

    This is most likely the reason why my scans are practically instant and others are having a time of it.

    The "why" of NTKDaemon needing to audit these plugins and then try to do something with them - when it is VERY clear that none of them could ever be "activated" by NA - is unknown.

    But one thing is certain - NTKDaemon.exe and Komplete Kontrol have a thing going on - what that is - only NI can explain.


  • tempsperdu
    tempsperdu Member Posts: 438 Guru


    The VST plugins listed in my log - correlate exactly - to the third party plugins (NOT NI plugins) that I have allowed Komplete Kontrol to scan and use. (Edit->Preferences-VSTplugins)

    I'm now assuming that in my case it is doing likewise with my Maschine preferences (which are the same as KK)

    In my case, it is also apparent that it is scanning and rescanning the same plugins over and over, particularly those from Blue Cat and UAD, in fact after UAD's reinstall last week, the scanning times got noticeably worse.

    Just as there's no good reason anyone has come up with so far that NA2 or Kontakt can have for scanning VSTs, there should be no reason that KK or Maschine need to do any kind of scanning other than any products that have been added or updated. NI appear to be the only company I am aware of seemingly unable to operate like this, and perhaps some of the reasons are seeming to lend themselves to very dubious inferences.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,105 Expert

    Oh…look…now all of a sudden after Hayo acknowledged things, everyone is starting to see them…

    And all those reports of NA and Daemon making all these stuffs…is quite worrying…

    It comes to mind a lot of things people said, when last year Hayo started to publish some infos about NA and some users were asking “why should we have this Daemon tool constantly running in our computers from startup for a program we just need once in a while to install/update our NI products?” (questions without an answer…).

    People accused the ones wanting to have infos of seeing conspiracies everywhere…

    ”We will put in your computer a program constantly running to be able to lower the access time from 9 seconds to 7 seconds”…

    And now…not only the access time is not even close to the previous 9 seconds…we are also facing BIG doubts on what this program is even doing…

    More and More happy to have kept my NA 1 on almost all my computers… but guess what? They already announced they are making their moves to not allow us to use it anymore very soon…

    Frankly, NI obscureness is getting more and more worrying…

  • tempsperdu
    tempsperdu Member Posts: 438 Guru

    Daemongate!!!!!! 😁 😲 😮 🤐

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,251 Expert

    I am thinking this scan is not nefarious in any way - if it was - I would see 332 plugins in my log.

    Judging by the log - it appears to me (anyway) that NTKDaemon (and it's related logging/checking) is tied (poorly) to what KK/Maschine is expecting to see - but instead of performing a checkpoint/smartscan (AKA - "I see we have new plugin - better add it - and know that for next time) - it scans everything all the time.


  • tempsperdu
    tempsperdu Member Posts: 438 Guru

    Why is it questioning whether the plugin is licensed or not and actually getting it wrong?

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,251 Expert
    edited April 2024

    Poor coding or some other grade 8 logic here.

    Just how in the world is NTKDaemon going to license u-he Diva for me?

    Again only NI can explain this thing.

    Clearly it is doing a ton of stuff it simply does not need to.

    Wasting our time as we go.


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