The Sheer Joy of 3.10.2



  • Wassup
    Wassup Member Posts: 15 Member

    Some people have more than one machine if different ages of hardware.

    It's rare to have 100% no install issues with NA. BTW this isn't the only forum on the planet with complaints.

    I find it annoying when someone says it works for me. It offers no help.

    In defense of developers they do have to deal with the (d)evolving OS. I miss the says of Windows when it was just service packs.

    I suggest anytime you have to deal with the "you have no choice" in upgrading NA you do an image backup before.

    The legacy NA is great but wont show updates for K7.

    It seems the wisest people never update anything until it's broken. (exception is Reaper)

    It is sad how the 3 headed monster has become. See what happened to PA, Izotope's had bad ratings on Trust Pilot for their support. NI will be next.

    Oddly enough the sympathizers are mostly here and not on other forums.

  • Wassup
    Wassup Member Posts: 15 Member

    BTW if you are on Windows the NTKDeamon doesn't fully uninstall. My only work around is to use the old Windows Cleanup Uninstaller. The reg tool from NI is the same thing. Add/Remove and Revo do not remove it completely. There are a zillion registry entries that are removed for it to install correctly.

    They need to redo this app and scrap the "Demon".

    Also direct downloads.

  • Kaldosh
    Kaldosh Member Posts: 415 Advisor

    Crazy right ?

  • rdalcroft
    rdalcroft Member Posts: 193 Advisor
    edited April 2024

    Native access does not scan VST folders, there is no plugin scanner for native access..

    Native access goes by what has been installed on your system looking at the installer log.

    So having a 1000 vst plugins, has no effect on native access.. as the only thing Native access is looking for are whats been installed from Native instruments. It has no interest in what VST's you may have installed from other companies......

    Yes it looks for its own plugings from what you have entered in the settings, but thats it. It does not go through all of your plugins, like what Komplete kontrol plugin scanner does..

  • tempsperdu
    tempsperdu Member Posts: 438 Guru

    You really don't get things at all, do you? Your installation has no issues so of course you won't see it scanning VSTs and you won't even if you had issues unless you use Process Monitor, but for those that have this issue so you think they are somehow hallucinating???? What do you think is happening??

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,301 Expert
    edited April 2024

    So you're claiming that your copy of Native Access is only scanning VSTs because there's an issue?

    As far as I'm aware, you're the only person who's claiming that Native Access is scanning VSTs.

    As I said, I can find no evidence anywhere of Native Access needing to scan VSTs - it doesn't need to.

    Actually now you've got me wondering. What do you have set for VST location in Native Access?

    It should be C:\Program Files\Native Instruments\VSTPlugins 64 bit for your 64 bit VSTs.

    Do you have it pointed at another folder (the one where you have over 1000 VSTs)?

  • tempsperdu
    tempsperdu Member Posts: 438 Guru

    Of course it doesn't need to, which is why it is so bizarre, but it isn't NA2 itself but the NTK Daemon in this case. There are others also commenting asking what the NTK Daemon is doing..................

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,955 Expert
    edited April 2024

    The answer is quite easy, and we already said multiple times:

    if the problem is a “dinky VST from 2017 (that no one else has) that has had an obscure internal issue for 7 years”, why the other hosts don’t have the same issue? Same is valid for “configuration issues”. Same configuration doesn’t cause those problems with other hosts. Which doesn’t mean the configuration has nothing to do with it. But probably it’s NI programs that have issues with that configuration, if no other program does.

    If the same system, with the same plugins, gives issues only with NI, what does this mean?

    I would like one of you to answer at least one time to this question…

  • Hayo_NI
    Hayo_NI Product Team Posts: 316 mod

    I'll also add that the excessive product updates is a timing thing. We rolled out Sonoma support for a lot of our products and it just so happened to occur during one of the three releases we shipped this week.

  • rdalcroft
    rdalcroft Member Posts: 193 Advisor

    Thank you for replying to this thread. Hopefully it stops all the arguing, lol

    send in your logs people..

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,301 Expert

    does not mean it didn't occur for someone else

    I don't think anyone's denying that the users have problems.

    What we're trying to get over is that it's not being caused directly by the software - as if that was the case, every single user would be having the same issue.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,955 Expert

    I think we can all discuss about what is causing what.

    And this discussion can only bring to good things: a different approach, a different point of view that could help to see things under a slightly different prospective, a suggestion that even if not the right one can light a spark to control something else…

    The only thing I find hard to understand is when the argument “it’s working for me, and we had the same downloads” is brought to the table…that is not helping in anyway, and often it just sounds like “the fault is on you”.

    It’s like when something breaks and doesn’t turn on anymore and somebody answers you “I turned it on yesterday and it was working”…😂

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,301 Expert

    is not helping in anyway

    I respectfully disagree. Determining where the fault lies and eliminating things is part of the fault finding process (and I've been involved in the business of fault finding as a career for decades).

    I've seen this on many forums for many products over the years too. Someone posts and says X is happening, and blames the software. Others (including the devs sometimes) respond by saying that it works for them, therefore it's not a software fault.

  • SmokeyJ
    SmokeyJ Member Posts: 9 Member

    First of all, thank you for replying. It is indeed helpful when someone working on the team acknowledges there is an issue and is saying that NI are paying attention to it. I appreciate that.

    This is definitely NOT a one-off thing. Every time I start Native Access, I get an exceptionally long loading time (usually with the loading products message). Watching the Task Manager, this only stops once the NTKDaemon finishes its very long run time. Once the products come up, I cannot install more than one or two products before NTKDaemon appears to do the exact scan. I have to wait until it finishes to proceed.

    If I install one product, I get a message saying that the product was successfully installed but the interface does not update to reflect this. What happens? You guessed it. NTKDaemon starts its long, long scan. Once it finishes, the interface reflects that and I can proceed to the next thing. This is how you waste hours trying to update 20 products.

    I have located my Daemon log file, and I will send it to you via PM.

    I am glad to assist in any way that I can to help pin down the issue.

This discussion has been closed.
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