Traktor 2024 outlook



  • Member Posts: 42 Advisor

    @lord-carlos You have inside info that it has not begun yet or you just assume? Because if that information is 100% legit, this is becoming worse than I thought 🙂

  • Member Posts: 19 Member

    I still wanna believe in modern updates

  • Member Posts: 333 Pro

    I'm still a beginner with a traktor.^^

    I still wanted to thank you 😁

    But I'm still very grateful to the developers for the openness of the software hardware, making modifications without the risk of bricks is just great🤗

    keep it up😃

  • Member Posts: 28 Member

    It's been a month, did the private beta release? If not, when will it? I come check this everyday hopeful to so ANY update but nothing

  • Member Posts: 16 Member

    Same story, wanna see that live stems

  • Member Posts: 347 Guru

    I was referring to MIDI sync with Traktor and Soundswitch.

    I don't use LINK with Soundswitch, because I play HID on CDJs and like the freedom to beat match manually, which we can't do when LINK is enabled.

  • Member Posts: 24 Helper

    you can just... turn off sync on one deck and beatmatch manually? or set any deck to master, which will adjust the global Link tempo? I use Phase, and do it all the time. but maybe I don't fully understand your problem. what works for one person doesn't necessarily have to work for another.

    I wonder if resetting the Link downbeat will reset the downbeat of MIDI clock out if it comes from a Link-capable DAW... I'll try this if I have too much time. sometime in November 2026 probably.

  • Member Posts: 347 Guru

    You physically can't beat match manually when LINK is enabled.

    The pitch faders become greyed out and can't be adjusted.

  • Member Posts: 24 Helper

    the way I understand it, you can't beatmatch when Link and sync is enabled. which, you know, makes sense.

    I can have 3 decks synced, with Link enabled so my VJ software and DAW can follow the set... and say I want to beatmatch, or cut (not a turntablist **cough**) acapellas on the 4th deck manually - that works all day. I just deactivate sync for whichever deck I don't need sync on, and then reactivate it when I need that deck for "regular" grid based mixing again.

    maybe we have a different approach to beatmatching. I think it's a basic monkey skill I've learned 20+ years ago and can now bypass by pushing a button, so I only whip it out when I intentionally don't want beats to line up perfectly. as is sometimes the case with acapellas, or when you're doing weird shît with offbeat loop patterns, or when that one unquantized "human" track comes along that you HAVE to keep in check manually because Traktor doesn't do flexgrids yet.

    since I control visuals at the same time, in general I'm super happy to just not waste time on beatmatching. you seem to want to, and that's cool. "the freedom to beatmatch manually" however also means that you don't get the nice things that come with Link, because no software is clairvoyant enough to know which of the decks you're currently adjusting is supposed to dictate BPM for Link, see? imagine the chaos if it actually did that :) there's always a trade-off, and among all DVS out there, in my opinion Traktor is the best at handling a Link-based workflow.

    so I guess SoundSwitch integration is a fair request coming from you, but my approach is also a fair alternative solution to that request. we can agree to disagree, but you can also agree to maybe try it out while you wait for it to be implemented. I did say something about November 2026... LOL

  • Member Posts: 14 Member

    Hi all,

    For those who still believe in Traktor like I do and want to get ready for real-time stem separation or want to have control over 4 Stem decks at the same time, I uploaded a new version of my mapping for the Akai APC40 MK2 including full 4 Stem deck control, even in combination with Freeze & Slice, and a load of other new stuff.

    I also uploaded a few tests..

    Hope you like the possibilities.



  • Member Posts: 4 Member

    its about damn time for the stem in app support, we should have had that years ago , ****** even months. since we the first to put stems in our program first.

  • Member Posts: 9 Member
    edited March 2024

    i know it doesn’t really count, because their code is browser based, but a DJ software company that’s been in business for only a year or so announced in January 2024 that they were working on flexible beatgrids and stems. They just released it, a couple of months later? (scratches head and sighs)

  • Member Posts: 3 Member

    CMON NI! Even VirtualDJ and Rekorbox has those features... I'm with you 16 years already! I don't want to switch... but you were once the best company for DJs and Traktor was on the top, what happened? Please work up!

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