Traktor 2024 outlook



  • arkaei
    arkaei Member Posts: 24 Helper

    true, but announcing that you're leaving does nothing for anybody either. it's like "coolcoolcool, now what do I do with this information?". someone decides to make a big deal out of jumping ship, they're already gone. I would be focusing my attention on the ones who are still here, bîtching 🙃 they might still be motivated enough to actually spend time on a beta and supplement the clearly underpowered team.

    what I'm really missing is an open convo, but current leadership has basically sanitized communication to death and we're being strung along. this isn't fun for anyone on the Traktor team. they're reading all this and it's hurting whatever is somehow still miraculously left of their motivation. I did some damage of my own 2 years ago, and I'm not particularly proud or happy about it. but I was hoping that this feedback would eventually make its way further up (I even wrote a slightly more SFW version, parts 2 and 3 focus more on Traktor). but if it did, it was obviously ignored. which is bad for **gestures at everything**

  • ekwipt
    ekwipt Member Posts: 39 Member

    yeah i've seen these, the controller looks amazing as well. Do you guys do the lightning while DJing (that's crazy if you do)

  • wayfinder
    wayfinder Member Posts: 416 Guru

    yeah, i get what you mean. i do think that what SOME people announcing their departure are hoping for is for the company to realize their mistakes and improve their product and/or behavior so that the person can eventually return. in a power balance so one-sided, leaving is one of the very few levers the weak side has, or at least imagines having. and depending on the particulars of both the relationship and the more powerful partner, it may even work. i don't think it works on NI, the people who decide these things are probably thoroughly sheltered from user reactions and will never notice, but the hope is always there that at least someone within the company who is themselves completely powerless to change anything will see enough of these departures and escalate it to the next layer or something. they're like pain signals in the body: annoying but potentially useful

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,823 Expert

    Can be common for some DJs, like small events and weddings.

    And the whole points in a dmx/light integration is that you don't need to do as much, as the light software can read your beatgrid etc.

  • arkaei
    arkaei Member Posts: 24 Helper

    everyone who owns their own lighting rig or has a residency where they could regularly interface with the same lighting setup could use SoundSwitch. but even without a beat grid, you can make this work in so many ways that I'm often just stumped as to why full integration is a request. the software is quite capable, and it can easily sync... what am I missing?

  • viper9711
    viper9711 Member Posts: 224 Pro

    I'm not a software programmer, but the effort involved in implementing the Soundswitch interface shouldn't be that great.

    NI could certainly gain a number of new customers who simply lack this lighting interface. Especially in the area of mobile wedding DJs and bedroomers.

    I hope we hear a comment from NI about this.

  • arkaei
    arkaei Member Posts: 24 Helper

    a lot of stuff that seems easy when you're not a coder and have no idea how much there is to account for when you're messing with an ancient codebase. to be fair, a lot of these things can be managed when you have a giant team and can delegate a couple of people to just work on that one feature. but I'm going to play devil's advocate here and say that the Traktor team hasn't been able to do anything like that for a while, or we wouldn't be where we are. and unlike fixing the browser or implementing instant stems, you can absolutely use SoundSwitch right now if you really want to. it's not rocket science. most of the time you're going to have universal presets and not make custom sequences for every track. you can have that right now if you push the LINK button in Traktor and in SoundSwitch, and do a couple of custom mappings. or get a dedicated SoundSwitch controller.

  • viper9711
    viper9711 Member Posts: 224 Pro

    Autoloops via Midi Sync works - but the greatest potential with Soundswitch lies in the autoscript files of the tracks

  • leesinthemix
    leesinthemix Member Posts: 347 Guru
    edited March 2024

    I use it like that, but it truly sucks as you are always out of phase.

    I actually moved away from Soundswitch, because their implementation with moving heads is truly woeful.

    Traktor just need to fix the bugs with Ableton Link. Sort out the phase issues and allow us to manually beat match.

  • viper9711
    viper9711 Member Posts: 224 Pro

    It would be a great when Ableton Links allows to follow the Auto Tempo and not only the Master tempo.

    I think than the phase problem is solved.

  • Thales de Paula
    Thales de Paula Member Posts: 130 Advisor
    edited March 2024

    I'm not trying to access the release candidate or beta posts (normal alpha access)

    Could it be a bug in the forum?

  • arkaei
    arkaei Member Posts: 24 Helper

    do you have a DM from someone telling you off for being naughty? 🤣

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,823 Expert

    AFAIK there is no alpha, only closed beta that has not begun.

This discussion has been closed.
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