Messages from TRAKTOR



  • kosta x
    kosta x Member Posts: 5 Member

    I would have purchased the s4mk3 if it worked with the the iPad app, but sadly they removed removed this feature from the mk3 model. I posted about this in the old forum and it was deleted by admins. I can understand lower end hardware having limitations, but the flagship hardware should be able to work with all versions of traktor software including the iPad app (even if limited to 2 channels like the S3 and needing to be plugged in for adequate power).

    I hope the NI team can address this instead of censoring it from this new forum. @MichaelK_NI @Matt_NI

    Since the beginning Traktor's roots were an open and flexible ecosystem. I understand the decision to remove 3rd party hardware support, but the open ecosystem should have remained flexible within traktor's own unique hardware setups. This was one of the main features that made Traktor special and different from the other dj software available. From what I've read online, remapping and MIDI has also become limited on new traktor controllers.

  • markski
    markski Member Posts: 26 Helper
    edited April 2022

    I'd swap a drum machine & improved FX for proper third party HID support for spinning platter devices (Phase, Rane One, Denon SCM 5000M/6000M, Pio DDJ-REV7) - even proper 'scratch' support for 3rd party static platters would be a start. After always having great MIDI mapping capabilities and opening up the software to 3rd party audio interfaces, these have become the real show stoppers for me and hope they are resolved sooner rather than later.

  • Bonjah
    Bonjah Member Posts: 18 Member

    I just hope you guys take a look at Joe Easton work with his screen mod for s4 mk3. Its amazing that a dude like him made so much more helpful information on that little screen. Just take it all in and give him credit for his work. This should be basic stuff imo.

  • Bonjah
    Bonjah Member Posts: 18 Member

    Not so sure about that, as this was posted May 20, 2019.. Have been some updates since then and nothing have happened. So I just wish they give us this now in the next update.🤞

  • olafmol
    olafmol Member Posts: 217 Pro

    NI-h-s: Not Invented Here Syndrome ;)

  • Iceman the Dj
    Iceman the Dj Member Posts: 32 Helper
    edited April 2022

    Hi. I know there are others mappings/mods for kontrol s4 mk3 but I really would like to see an NI update for s4 so we can change the effects in global section fx units with the controller. That's why I use a controller, not to use the mouse... I don't want to install other mods. For me is ok how it is, except what I said above!

    Thanks, best regards!

  • Stevan
    Stevan Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,216 mod

    The S4 MK3 development has stopped 3 years ago unfortunately......

  • Iceman the Dj
    Iceman the Dj Member Posts: 32 Helper
    edited April 2022

    Aaaa... oh ! 

    Anyway... Mapping a midi controller in traktor was not a problem for me, but the s4 mk3 was not showing in the devices list for mapping. Now that I loaded a simpre mapping from djtt it apears. Like magic ! I don't know, maybe it was there all the time... (silly me, if that is the case 🤪 ) The mapping I loaded modiffy the "only browser" function to deseapear when a track is loaded and in that mapping I made the mapping for the effects to be selected via the fx knobs ! 😁 😉

    All good now ! Maybe I'll also add more functions if I feel the urge...

    BTW... I saw that the "loop"and "move" encoders transmit touch sensitive midi message ! I have some ideas... 😁

  • GabrielGozz
    GabrielGozz Member Posts: 3 Member

    Is there an approximate date for this wonderful traktor 4?

  • GabrielGozz
    GabrielGozz Member Posts: 3 Member

    What are the possibilities of being able to add vst in the master out? like compressors, corossover, aural exciters. Useful tools for mobile djs.

  • GabrielGozz
    GabrielGozz Member Posts: 3 Member

    or maybe send the master out directly to ableton live

  • Tellmeaboutit123
    Tellmeaboutit123 Member Posts: 493 Guru

    They have said soon for the drum machine add on. I presume that would mean Traktor Pro 4 as well. What ever soon means is anyones guess. They seem to post a bit then go all quiet. Seems to be their way of communicating. Hopefully not too long.

  • Iceman the Dj
    Iceman the Dj Member Posts: 32 Helper
    edited April 2022

    I would love to have two of this. This way I would have a 4 channel controller with 4 decks... I just hate to switch decks ! 🙄 [ I know I'm dreaming... but is my dream ]

    DJ WIKKI WIKKI Member Posts: 19 Member

    When? Waiting

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