The classic problems: browser flickering



  • wayfinder
    wayfinder Member Posts: 416 Guru
    edited January 2024

    Well, if one concentrates, he will see that something is written on the screen. It is there for few miliseconds. 

    sounds like you do have the flickering then.

    for screen recordings on windows, I usually use ShareX

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,125 Expert

    It is not FLICKERING. I recognize it only if I really focus on recognizing it. And I do not use/sort playlists of 3500 tracks, anyway.


    Sadly that is not enough, because sometimes it blocks for input. Or delays the input. You want to scroll 3 down and preview a track but thanks to the flickering it might happen that it only scrolls down 2 and no preview. It's just overall annoying and makes Traktor feel unreliable.

    But, what you describe is not flickering. Simply, the calculation takes time. I do not know how many tracks you have, but certain folks have 100k and more.

    Maybe, that better computer does not help, because NI optimises Traktor for run on average and below average computer.... And there is not a special branch/optimisation for powerfull ones.

    I do not use searching engine much, I have tracks organized, and I am satisfied with few thousands of tracks. So, that may be explanation, why no flickering shows in my case.

    @von Bordwehr

    OK, if I add search and edit metadata, it redraws the screen and it is recognizable. I have not recognized it till now. So, it was not bothering me at all. As, I would have recognized it, if it has bothered me.

    I agree that in that case, redraw is not needed. But probably UI framework NI uses does it and not much can be made about it...

    But scrolling through sorted and filtered list is without any problems. And as well the sorting of the list.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,125 Expert

    Here comes the screencapture.

  • von Bordwehr
    von Bordwehr Member Posts: 117 Advisor

    It's not sorting itself that causes the browser to flicker as much as loading tracks from a search result sorted by another column than #. When sorting the browser by clicking on a column, I get the "Please wait while filtering…" message one time briefly, but when loading tracks (as described above), it happens repeatedly, typically 3-4 times, and interrupts whatever you're doing, blocks shortcuts, etc.

  • dj_estrela
    dj_estrela Member Posts: 167 Pro

    its so sad that years later we are still showing these videos around.

    The bare minimuim workaround would be an option to disable this useless text. Let the users decide if they want to see it

  • von Bordwehr
    von Bordwehr Member Posts: 117 Advisor

    Even if the message wasn't shown the filtering process itself would probably still interrupt what you're doing.

  • von Bordwehr
    von Bordwehr Member Posts: 117 Advisor

    By the way. Earlier today I came across this Reddit post from 9 years ago: The one thing I hate about Traktor... that never seems to get fixed.

  • wayfinder
    wayfinder Member Posts: 416 Guru

    Thank you! Whatever you call it, that's the flickering we are talking about. It's on display all throughout the video. The thing that makes it really annoying to me is visible at ~15 seconds into your video, when you have sorted the list by something other than # and go to edit a field. These flickers that happen when you do that can interrupt your input, invalidate clicks, and they're just plain annoying, and, in my opinion, unnecessary. This is what we all have come to hate.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,125 Expert

    Yes, there are few blinks if searching criteria is used and load track to deck. There is less blinks, if added to preparation list and even less if added to shortcut list (which is what I do).

    There is generally no blink if searching criteria is not used.

    Yes, it might be anoying with huge collection if one also uses searching criteria. I guess, it is not easy to change the behaviour. Otherwise NI would change it...

    But it is still OK (well workable) with few thousand tracks on my rather weak computer.... With stronger one 10-20k might be workable.

    So, the question is. Do one really need more tracks? Yes, it may be fine to have huge collection. But, is it needed? In times of LPs one could have thousand or so... In times of CDs maybe 10k?

  • von Bordwehr
    von Bordwehr Member Posts: 117 Advisor

    As with all other software, people use Traktor in different ways, and you can't expect everyone to use it the same way as you.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,125 Expert


     These flickers that happen when you do that can interrupt your input, invalidate clicks, and they're just plain annoying, and, in my opinion, unnecessary. This is what we all have come to hate.

    Yes, it flickers if one uses filtering and edits mp3 tags. I haven't tried, if it flickers if one chooses not to write tags to file, but to DB. Maybe it behaves differently.

    IMHO it is not the thing one does frequently. Filtering and editing tags at the same time. It does not flicker if filter field is empty. It does not flicker (visibly) if one does not edit while filtering.

    Worse is the case that it flickers if one loads filtered track from filtered list to deck. But one could go around and copy track to nonfiltered list and load it from that list.

    I do not use filtering, so have no noticeable flickering.

  • wayfinder
    wayfinder Member Posts: 416 Guru

    I get the flickers even with playlists that have just two tracks in them... It's not about the size of the collection!

    And as to this:

    I guess, it is not easy to change the behaviour. Otherwise NI would change it...

    You know that's not true. This is the program that starts up with the wrong window size every time. They don't just fix bugs because they're easy to fix.

  • von Bordwehr
    von Bordwehr Member Posts: 117 Advisor

    What, exactly, is your point? That the issue isn't important? That other people should just use Traktor the same way you do and shut up about it?

  • wayfinder
    wayfinder Member Posts: 416 Guru

    I would LIKE to sort by various different columns (which produces the same amount of flicker as filtering - I don't filter a lot either). I want to sort by date added to collection when I add new tracks to the collection and write comments (mostly because that lets me have new tracks at the top, which # won't do). I want to sort by Key when I am confirming that the detected key is really the actual key the tracks are in. I want to sort by Genre when I'm adding star ratings for "relative energy within genre". Maybe YOU don't, but that's no reason to say it's no big deal for anyone. If it were up to me, I would be sorting by something other than # most if not all of the time. The only reason I am biting the bullet and sorting by # is because it reduces the flickering.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,125 Expert

    As with all other software, people use Traktor in different ways, and you can't expect everyone to use it the same way as you.

    Sure. NI develops SW and tests for certain usecases and optimises for those. Does not test all usecases. Hard to say why NI did not improve it. It may hit marginal percentage of userbase, or simply it is hard/impossible to change it with curently used thirdparty libraries.... NI would change the library and so rewrite big part of Traktor. Lots of work and money invested.

    It does not seem NI hurries up with changing how it behaves.

    One can: switch to another SW or use Traktor in a way that avoids expression of that behaviour.... Or just live with what it is.

    If one has car that is designed to go 80 mph and you drive it 120 mph.... It may cause certain problems.

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