The classic problems: browser flickering



  • von Bordwehr
    von Bordwehr Member Posts: 115 Advisor

    Traktor has had this issue for the past 15 years at least, possibly always. It has nothing to do with CPU, RAM, disc speed, etc. I've seen it on every computer I've used, regardless of resources/speed. I'm currently on a MacBook Pro M1 Max 64GB which ought to be fast enough, and it's still there.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,606 mod

    Stop what ? I have only brought it up in case of 'if' here ! And I even called for the developers attention in this thread ! I think that you need to take a long and deep look at your own attitudes towards communication and you own presence here. Also ! then this a forum ! It is not a personal space owned by your for your amusement only and you have no right to try to police civil conversation on the matter.

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,797 Expert

    What if NI was infiltrated by an KGB sleeper cell and is manipulating Traktor to tease capitalists?

    Can you prove with 100% certainty it's not the case? I'm just asking if statements.

  • dj_estrela
    dj_estrela Member Posts: 167 Pro

    What if we all live in the Matrix and nothing that we perceive as reality is really there?

    Can you prove with 100% certainty it's not the case? I'm just asking if statements.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,606 mod

    What if people here were a bit more tolerant if anyone dared question anything ?

  • von Bordwehr
    von Bordwehr Member Posts: 115 Advisor

    Tolerant of someone who, on the basis of nothing, starts questioning a well-documented issue?

  • von Bordwehr
    von Bordwehr Member Posts: 115 Advisor

    I.e. "Tolerate my baseless questioning of an issue that 1) users have complained of for more than a decade, 2) is well-documented, 3 ) has been acknowledged by NI many years ago, etc., or choose to ignore everyone else in this forum! Which will it be?"

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,797 Expert

    This is a old bug, it got worse over time. No Traktor release goes by where some people don't ask about this. On Reddit, on facebook, in here.

    Being on a gig, searching and going through a couple of songs becomes a frustrating task.

    All of this results in people who are affected being emotional about it.

    Then they come here, try to get more information but only read "well what IF vaccines cause autism?!?"

    We all know that not everyone is affected by this. If you don't know much about it, it's fine to ask. But don't come back with a "no one can prove anything".

  • dj_estrela
    dj_estrela Member Posts: 167 Pro

     But don't come back with a "no one can prove anything".

    Well - indeed Falsifiability THE deductive standard for Science;

    But Occam's Razor hints me we are not in presence of Karl Popper here.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,939 Expert

    Sorry if I enter the discussion… but…we liking or not what PoorFellow wrote or the way he enters discussions even when he doesn’t know what he is talking about (or he just googled a solution), this is NOT a reason for flagging his posts. That’s incorrect and not what flags are made for

  • DimGem
    DimGem Member Posts: 12 Member

    It’s ok for me I moved to Serato

    am asking this since 2019

    now the only thing is to sell the native gear

    If you really care about your programmes you would had already fixed this

    you care about the producers and it’s ok for me

  • Stevan
    Stevan Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,180 mod

    Traktor has big issues but so does other DJ software. We want to go to Mars but cannot get DJ application right.

    Just use what ever works best until (if) they all put their ****** together.

  • Stevan
    Stevan Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,180 mod

    People want to go to Mars but we cannot get DJ apps working perfectly. Just use what has least issues, all DJ apps are flawed. Probably we don't deserve better.

  • von Bordwehr
    von Bordwehr Member Posts: 115 Advisor

    DJ apps would have been a good deal more flawed if no one bothered to improve them or push for their improvement.

This discussion has been closed.
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