Creating User MIDI Template with S61 mk3 and Komplete Kontrol 3.0.0

Member Posts: 3 Member
edited October 2024 in Komplete Kontrol


I am a user of the NEW S61 mk3 keyboard, and I'm currently using Komplete Kontrol version 3.0.0. In the past, with the older KONTROL mk2 model, it was possible to create user MIDI templates in the Komplete application by clicking on the round MIDI input icon.

However, in my current version of Komplete Kontrol (3.0.0), I cannot locate this MIDI icon. Instead, I only see the piano icon labeled "61" in front of it.

I would like to know how to create USER MIDI templates with the KONTROL S61 mk3 in this newer version of the Komplete Kontrol software.

Any guidance or instructions on how to do this would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your assistance.


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  • Product Team Posts: 54 mod

    As this is not a widely used feature, we had to deprioritise for the initial launch.

    That said, those people who do use it (myself included!) need it. It is already being worked on and will ship in a free update most likely in the first half of next year.

  • NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,367 mod

    I'm seeing it but maybe it only shows if you have a MkII as I thought the MKIII was supposed to be able to handle MIDI config in the keyboard?

  • Member Posts: 37 Helper
    edited October 2023

    No matter how much I try, I simply cannot take this internal meeting investor pitch out of my head:

    "NI will become the Apple of music instruments. A close ecosystem, where both users and developers will pay to enjoy eye candy wallpapers and shiny lights. The >majority of people< just want to play simple chords and turn a few knobs. We'll dumb things down and we'll dictate what and how people play. We'll get to the rest as well - but we'll re-evaluate and invest in updates later on, if absolutely needed".

    You are a business first and this a valid long term direction, and I have nothing against it if properly communicated. Business wise, it's a far more realistic objective and too coincidental to simply ignore.

    Is there something, anything in these new hardware and software releases to show you are vested in other things outside your ecosystem? I want to invest into more of your products, but it's really hard at this point - because I am not interested to be dictated how I should use my instruments, and I am also not super optimistic long term knowing that developers have to pay for the privilege to list their libraries on that shiny new screen, and MIDI 2 is just around the corner which will feature a lot of the same advantages for free.

  • Product Team Posts: 54 mod
    edited October 2023

    The NI ecosystem is about building experiences that otherwise could not happen. However, it is inaccurate to suggest that it is a closed ecosystem.

    NKS is open, 100% free for developers, and gives them control over how their Instruments appear on hardware (with planned features deigned to give more flexibility over time). There are thousands of instruments from hundreds of developers that support NKS.

    Similarly, Kontrol Mk3 supports MIDI 2.0 for exactly the reason that you state and our new tech stack is architected so that we can pick up MIDI 2.0 features as they roll out. As you say, MIDI 2.0 isn't quite there yet, but we believe in it and continue to contribute to it as part of the MIDI Association.

    Along the same lines, we are in discussions with our friends at the major DAW manufacturers to extend integration to built-in DAW Instruments and integrate more deeply with the DAWs.

    Regarding custom MIDI Mapping, the vast majority of instruments can be mapped to any MIDI message. It's still an important feature, but we have to make difficult prioritisation decisions all the time and this was one such prioritisation decision.

    Hopefully this helps to clarify how we are approaching this at least in broad strokes.

  • Member Posts: 1 Member
    what a desappointment ! I just received my s88 mk3 and there are fewer functions! basic functions that still existed in version 2.9. the midi keyboard is at the center of my studio to control both the plugins and my hardware synths and expanders! and now it's no longer possible! how is it possible that Native Instrument removes such an essential function! have your own midi templates!!! what a desappointment !

  • Member Posts: 3 Member

    I appreciate your response Tim, but I must express my deep disappointment. When I purchased my KONTROL S61 mk3, I was specifically motivated by the ability to create templates, a feature I was familiar with from my experience with the mk2.

    This means that I invested in this new model with the expectation that these features would be available. The need to wait several more months to access this function is extremely disheartening, especially as I use this keyboard for my stage performances.

    While waiting for this update, I find myself in a difficult position where I must consider purchasing a KONTROL mk2 to meet my immediate needs. This goes against my desire to use the latest available equipment.

    I hope you understand my frustration and will take into account the importance of this feature for users like me, who use these keyboards professionally. I look forward to this update and hope it will be available sooner than anticipated.

  • Member Posts: 2 Member

    Glad I found this thread. I was going nuts trying to find that Midi symbol on my new S49 MK3. Really hope it will be soon implemented.

  • Member Posts: 3,094 Expert

    That was also never an option on any previous model either, when connected to a host the MIDI In/Out is now a computer MIDI interface, not direct from the keyboard.

    A simple internal setting in the keyboard could have been added (I mean, even the ancient Akai Advance keyboards had this feature), sadly I feel that will never be considered tho unless at least 60,000 people ask for the same thing, it's always been clear (as demonstrated here) that only features with enough demand are considered.

    Maybe we all should of all demanded basic usability for any new release be the top priority :)

  • Member Posts: 63 Member

    @Tim_NI sorry if I jump in with a question that is not 100% inherent to this discussion but is there a way to create banners for non NKS libraries and make the MK3 screen show it when the library is loaded? I HATE to see that general Kontakt banner on non NKS libraries.

  • Member Posts: 122 Helper

    I was also wondering why I can't find a MIDI template area anywhere on the KK stand alone.

    Few plugins are NKS 2 ready and the FLS integration isn't done. So looks like you guys starting shipping an unfinished product. That is going around all too often lately. I'm glad these things are being worked on but sure gave me a jump scare when not finding these basic things.

  • Member Posts: 1,325 Guru
    edited January 2024

    MIDI template editing is NOT planned for the future of KK3 software.

    For some reason, NI is (currently) planning to make MIDI template editing EXCLUSIVE to being an on-device activity.

    Users wanting to edit MIDI templates for use in KK will be required to do so using only on-device screen and navigation controls.

    I hope that NI re-thinks this and makes MIDI template editing possible both on-device and on computer screen with mouse/trackpad.

  • Member Posts: 701 Guru
    edited January 2024

    Which is great 🤣

    Different people have different opinions and needs, my friend.

    I want to have everything (Midi template editing and Play Assist) on device only (I do not and will not use KK software even if it’s improved, out of principle - the time of plugin wrapper software is gone, IMHO), then I will buy Mk3 for Kontakt and Midi and will post a photo of it in my studio as a proof 😜

    I know that you would like the opposite to be true. I understand, but disagree.

  • Member Posts: 1,325 Guru

    I have already purchase a S-61Mk3 to see how it evolves as NI's new design strategy for keyboard controllers.

    Only bits and pieces of NI's roadmap of their new controller strategy have been shared... so it's a bit of a mystery how they envision a new ecosystems coming together.

    It it becoming more apparent that they chose to chase the concept of "hardware-dongle"..... sort of like Universal Audio had accomplished with external DSP.

    I personally am not a fan of hardware dongles to use software.

  • Member Posts: 701 Guru
    edited January 2024

    If midi templates editing and play assist functions are executed in hardware, this makes the controller the exact opposite of what you describe. Such midi controller can be used with ANY software on ANY hardware platform, as it is not tied to any particular piece of software, driver or utility tool, thus making it timeless and universal (as long as the controller itself is technically sound).

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