Creating User MIDI Template with S61 mk3 and Komplete Kontrol 3.0.0



  • Oscar Morante
    Oscar Morante Member Posts: 71 Helper
    edited April 2024

    Are there plans for switching/modifying the midi templates via midi? I think that would allow for deeper/richer integration with more DAWs especially if you can push images.

  • Oscar Morante
    Oscar Morante Member Posts: 71 Helper

    Maybe what I want is a Direct Connection SDK, hehe

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,715 mod
  • Mishu Calian
    Mishu Calian Member Posts: 10 Member

    NI, you are such a dissapointment, always have to do work x2 because of your "improvements". Just THANK YOU!

  • Oscar Morante
    Oscar Morante Member Posts: 71 Helper

    having a bad day?

  • MorrisEd
    MorrisEd Member Posts: 166 Pro
    edited May 2024

    End of May 2024 and no MIDI templates and actually not one update to the Kontrol MK3. It is the exact same as when shipped last year. Anyone wanting to give NI the benefit of the doubt that they will deliver on promised features should take note. All that they’ve done this year is bug fixes, but they’ve created about as many as they fixed so really feels like standing still.

  • Prokat99
    Prokat99 Member Posts: 40 Member

    Yeah, this is a pretty sad state of affairs.

    I'd be happy with MIDI settings (even if needed to be connected to computer) and the ability to resize the plugins.

    pretty crazy in 2024 that these are not available yet. Not sure what's going on at NI but this doesn't bode well at all.

  • Oscar Morante
    Oscar Morante Member Posts: 71 Helper

    I think I've upgraded the firmware a couple of times.

  • MyStudioOne
    MyStudioOne Member Posts: 283 Pro

    Unsuprisingly when it come comes to updates and improvements, we are seeing the same old "glacial" pace as always. Imagine that by far the most expensive "midi controller" on the market could ship so incomplete and flawed. A midi controller that can't control midi.

    8 months later, only bugs are fixed. They say they have been focused only on midi templates for what seems like months now, and so here is hoping that the functionality/feature set are a lot better than on the MK2 which is really quite bare bones. We shall see.

  • Ruben5
    Ruben5 Member Posts: 12 Member

    A week ago they said that the Beta version would be ready in a couple of weeks, which means that it might be ready by Christmas

  • DunedinDragon
    DunedinDragon Member Posts: 1,034 Guru
    edited May 2024

    Wow…and I thought I'd just come into the Komplete Kontrol section of this forum, but apparently it was hacked this morning and replaced with the whiny baby room!!!!

    I'm not dismissing the slow pace, but anyone that's been staying abreast of statements actually coming from NI on this forum understands well all the challenges NI has been going through with making the transition to the newer technology that's being introduced and some of the self-admitted problems within the projects that's required them tighten their focus, shouldn't be surprised at all with what's happening. I know I'm not.

    Here's what I DO know from my practical experience with my S88MK3 since receiving it in January.

    It's functioned as designed with only ONE discernable bug which is a problem with the sustain pedal not initializing correctly, but even that has an easy workaround. In all other aspects I haven't had one single problem doing what I need to do in my studio every week at least 40 hours a week using Komplete Kontrol and my S88MK3 in spite of also applying all the updates to the core NI software such as Native Access, Kontakt 7 and Komplete Kontrol. Could it do some things better? Sure. But it has NOT been an impediment to my work in any way, because I can find ways to get them done rather than whine about it. That's how things work when it's not just a toy, it's a means to getting production done on a schedule, and so far it hasn't held me up.

    @mystudioOne As far as the "glacial pace", would you prefer it faster with more bugs or delivered when it's actually ready? And how exactly are you measuring this "glacial pace" without any information about the full range of task items, milestone dates/deliverables, critical paths/critical dependencies and team work allocations that are in the project?

    And as an added note, it's absolutely NOT the same firmware it shipped with. I know that because when I received my unit in January it was shipped with the notice of how to update my unit to the new firmware during the process of setting it up. Maybe you would have less problems if you did so?

    If you're going to whine, please try and whine knowledgeably.

  • Richard Vetro
    Richard Vetro Member Posts: 20 Member

    No luck…

    We are almost in June waiting for this midi controller to have the ablitlty to control Midi.

    When was this keyboard released to public?? I thought it was October.

    8 months of failed promises…

  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 1,080 Guru

    "Wow…and I thought I'd just come into the Komplete Kontrol section of
    this forum, but apparently it was hacked this morning and replaced with
    the whiny baby room!!!!"

    Now that's funny right there! Not saying I agree or disagree…just saying it's funny, in a "Larry the Cable Guy" kind of way. 😉

    Now for a moment, I'll get serious and remind everybody that @Matthew_NI (I think) told us that the current cycle for the devs is a big, fat, rolly-polly package that will include MIDI Templates or something else that we've all been whining for since Jesus was a baby.

    Big fat, rolly-polly updates require more time than getting a pizza delivered. A LOT more time. This I know from 40 years of being a dev, a lead, and a manager.

    So (and I say this with love in my heart), everybody calm down. It may be a few more weeks. And THEN it has to go to the beta team, and probably needs to simmer there for a few weeks before we probably get it.

    If you need some humor, please google "Crazy Train played on fruit" and have a laugh. If you want something more dramatic, go to YouTube and search on "Jan Hammer" and "Top gun theme live". Then recognize that summertime has begun (if you're north of the equator) and go outside and play. Or maybe stop cooking in your own juices and go grill something to eat. Yeah, that's what I plan to do. 🤤Mmmmmm, steak!

    As difficult as it is, we have to be patient now, and we need to show some grace. I'm hoping to cook a bone-in ribeye that's bigger than my head. How about you? 😏

  • Oscar Morante
    Oscar Morante Member Posts: 71 Helper

    Crazy Train played on fruit was pretty good. From now on I'm going to count time between software releases in "pizzas delivered".

  • MyStudioOne
    MyStudioOne Member Posts: 283 Pro

    @mystudioOne As far as the "glacial pace", would you prefer it faster with more bugs or delivered when it's actually ready? And how exactly are you measuring this "glacial pace" without any information about the full range of task items, milestone dates/deliverables, critical paths/critical dependencies and team work allocations that are in the project?

    I bought an MK2 when it came out and know how many actual improvements were made to KK over those many years and you'd have an easier time finding a needle in a haystack.

    What would I prefer? Isn't it obvious to you? A polished fully functioning software upon release would have been a good start. Or is that expectation to lofty?

    And you obviously don't use 3rd party plugins that don't work with KK. Like Studio One plugins for example. You simply need midi templates for that. And I am going to go out on a limb and guess that I am not the only one who uses them. And that is just one example.

    But good for you that you are the middle of the road user type that like to twiddle your knobs and scroll through your sample previews. You are the type they focused on for initial release. Others were not so lucky and they took the plunge on an MK3 without realizing the limitations. Just sayin! or should I say just whining! 😉

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