Komplete Kontrol VST2 missing after 3.0.0 update



  • Alfonx
    Alfonx Member Posts: 12 Member

    @Sunborn - this is really kind of you!!! Thank you for giving constructive advice-i will dive into my projects and will give it a try!!! Bigup to you!! 🙏

  • Jupiter F1rst
    Jupiter F1rst Member Posts: 1 Newcomer


    KK version 3.1 is released now. I did the downgrade and got back the VST2. Ableton LIVE also showing them and processing it properly. After the update to 3,1, as reccommended by @Rich_NI , VST2 instruments were unfortunately gone again.

    My steps so far:

    • downgrade
    • rescan Komplet Kontrol
    • open LIVE
    • LIVE plugin scan folder action
    • with the 3.1 version of KK, VST folder does not show Komplete Kontrol. It is only displayed in VST3 folder of LIFE
    • with the older version Komplete Kontrol is in both folder visible and accessible.

    Am I doing something wrong here, or did I miss a step? Or is V3.1 not covering thi sissue now?

    Please please help! It is really annoying and also threatening in a way to have all of my projects all with VST2 version of NI instruments at risk. It is not possible to open every single project of the past 4 years and asign VST3 instruments manually! I could stay on the old version but, I would rather prefer the new one with a respective patch and fix of the issue.

    Looking forward to any helpful feedback and advise on next steps.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,345 mod

    It didn't delete the VST2 for me but I had it backed up anyway - that's the best strategy for preventing this in future - I just keep a zipped copy of the VST2

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,440 mod
    edited December 2023

    Komplete Kontrol 3 does not have a VST2 version, as most modern applications too, they do not offer VST2 anymore. It is known since few months. People going back to older version only because the developers can not do the simplest thing! To maintain backwards compatibility. So, many users found their hard worked DAW projects empty! And of course they feel rightfully angry and they going back to the old version, because they used the VST2 version for their projects.

    On the other hand, and with the risk to sound boring, since i repeat those words several times in this forum, please stop using this VST2, it is a dying format. Even Steinberg gave it an extra year of life, just for compatibility reasons. I can not understand this obsessive fixation for something old and half-dead since VST3 is far-far more superior in any aspect.

    However, Native Instruments has a great responsibility here! They should fix this migration problem ASAP. It is far more important than anything else right now. It is a matter of company's reliability.

  • Super8boy
    Super8boy Member Posts: 138 Advisor

    I think what you are failing to understand there, is that VST2, having be the DeFacto standard for many years is present in a multitude of existing projects, that people still need to access and are struggling to migrate from, between a lack of knowledge, sometimes a lack of seamless integration/migration within their Daw (Ableton Live doesn't convert VST2 to VST3 automatically unlike Reaper/Cubase) and added complications the way Native Instruments has engineered their latest hardware/software + how they communicated about it.

    I have a MK1, a MK2 and a MK3 Komplete Kontrol. Migration from KK2 to KK3 and migration from VST2 to VST3 is a particular nightmare in the Native Instruments KK ecosystem because it forces one to use a plugin "wrapper".

    I haven't created a single new project with VST3 in the last year or two, but have many many projects I still want to be able to use with my Kontrol S MK3 keyboard, and it's not a seamless experience, but a very frustrating one.

    At my last gig, I had to choose whether I was going to play only new content since I've installed KK 3 (in conjunction with my MK3 controller) or was going to revert back to 2.9.6 and possibly mess up my latest content, not being able to perform new material I had spent dozens of hours on.

    How is that for a user experience? Frustrating & unsettling

    Many people are on the same boat, so telling people to stop using VST2 is totally missing the point. The issue is migration.

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,440 mod
    edited December 2023

    I am not failing to understand anything dear friend. I use Cubase for more than 20 years, since the end of the 90's and i am extremely familiar with the VST case.

    I am also a musician and my music gets released since 2004, so i know very well this frustration you described. Like you and other people, almost all my projects was made with VST2.

    But from the time i knew (almost 2 years ago) that VST2 is ending soon, i knew exactly what i must do, willingly or not. So, i chose to go boldly into the future instead of hiding behind the "known and convenient", even if that costed me lot of favorite sounds that had to be replaced.

    So, at last, in the summer of 2022 i sit down for some days and i started to transform all my projects! Old plugins (such as the Albino) were replaced by new and fresh plugins and completely deleted.

    Then i went to my projects and start replace every single VST2 with its VST3 version, and where ever that was not possible, i simply extracted the original sound as audio sample and then replaced the plugin with a new one. And at the end, not only i successfully transformed all my projects, but i even make them much better than they were!

    I followed this simple process:

    Replace VST2 with VST3 for non-migrated plugins:

    • Open your project, and duplicate every track with a VST2 version.
    • In the duplicated track, delete the VST2, and load its VST3 version.
    • Load the correct instrument (the same you used in the VST2 version).
    • Copy all other settings (Mixer setting, FX etc.), from the original track (in Cubase, is just a simple click) and paste them to the new one, the one with the VST3 version.
    • Delete the original (VST2) track.
    • Save project.
    • Do the same for all your projects who have VST2 versions.

    You can apply this procedure easily on the Komplete Kontrol case, and when finish you can install the new version (KK 3.1) and you are good to go. You do not have to wait eternally for a migration!

    Why i did this? You see, i don't like to waste my time waiting for the others (companies, people etc.) because their speed is usually the turtle's speed, while mine is "Star Trek" class. This is not some kind of impatience, it is an inner need. "Fast" is my natural speed. Thus, i am used to find my own solutions on many things.

    The reason that i urge people to do so, is that they risk to loose their projects. At some point in the near future will be no such thing as a "compatible VST2" and no one can guarantee you that every company will do the migration or if they simply, "by pass" the problem.

    Of course, you can sit and wait for a migration, that's totally up to you, i am just offering a way out of this, for those who, like me, want to move fast instead of waiting.

    Have a good day! :-)

  • Alfonx
    Alfonx Member Posts: 12 Member

    Hi @Sunborn ,

    i just migrated my latest song from vst2 to vst3 in Ableton live 11. 🎉

    Because its my latest Song there was not much todo here - 95% already vst3. And i had automations - but with native ableton instruments/devices.

    But i think the real pain is migrating vst2 with mapped and automated parameters... i think i have to map them in firstplace (vst3) and then i can copy the automations... from vst2 track to the vst3 track we will see....

    I t would be cool someone coded an ableton max4live device for doing this steps....

    Keep the groove!


  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,440 mod
    edited December 2023

    Eh... one more reason i dislike Ableton and choose Cubase, every time, dear Alfonx :-)

    In Cubase the "mapped and automated parameters" you mention, are instantly copied to the duplicated track so i have nothing to worry about... and on some rare cases, it is just a matter of a simple copy, and paste to the new channel ...1 sec job, on each channel :-)

  • Alfonx
    Alfonx Member Posts: 12 Member
    edited December 2023

    Hi @Sunborn ,

    to correct me:

    of course the mappings and automation got copied to the duplicated track. But if i remove the vst, the mappings and automations will be gone. So i have to test: insert vst3 and copy the automations from the vst2 track to the vst3 track. i guess it will work.

    But in ableton you can also create mappings of individual synth parameters and then automate THIS mapped parameter. So i bet i have to remap the vst3 parameter and then i am curious if it works „copying the automations from the old track to the new“ if the new vst3 got new mapped parameters (of course in same order like i did with vst2)…. I will test it….

  • rdalcroft
    rdalcroft Member Posts: 204 Advisor

    You Keep mentioning Cubase? But Cubase already auto Migrates from Vst 2 to Vst 3. So, there is no need to do this in Cubase, as Cubase will always choose the VSt3 version over vst 2.

    If Ableton had this Vst Migration, then this whole topic would be a mute issue.

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,440 mod

    @rdalcroft hello,

    yes of course i keep mention Cubase, because indeed Cubase does the migration automatically, but NOT all plugins are migrate-able yet!

    For example, most of U-he plugins, Rob Papen plugins, Spire, FabFilter, Softube and more, are NOT migrating.

    So my example has to do with those plugins, and not with Cubase itself. :-)

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,345 mod

    And for some they are not migrating only on Windows - on Mac the NKS capable u-he plugins do migrate, and so do most Rob Papen ones now, but Softube as far as I can see have abandoned NKS completely, and FabFilter are simply not interested and don't even seem that interested in fixing bugs.

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,440 mod
    edited December 2023

    Indeed it is like this. And i foresee that some of those companies with extinct soon. In the crossroads of changes, there are always those that can not follow.

    Companies that once were on the top, failed to follow the changes of time. I can remember, Opcode, Muon, D-Lusion, Virsyn, just to name a few... i think there is a good chance that FabFilter will be on the top of the next list.

  • Martin_NI
    Martin_NI Product Team Posts: 25 mod

    Hey @Alfonx,

    Sorry for the late reply (I have been out sick for a long time). We are aware this is an issue for users, and it is why we only stopped supporting VST2 when it was officially dropped by the owner Steinberg. We on the engineering team have worked a lot with Steinberg, DAWs and NKS plug-in vendors to try to make this as smooth as possible, though, as you pointed out, it is not smooth for all users.

    DAWs that support VST3 can automatically update the VST2 version of Komplete Kontrol to VST3 if they support the feature outlined in the VST3 specification (Komplete Kontrol and Maschine support this for example, for plug-ins that support the feature). This means the user is not required to do anything, and you will have no data lost.

    If a DAW does not do this, they are missing a feature, and you should file a request for them to add the feature as we have no way to do this for a DAW.

  • Alfonx
    Alfonx Member Posts: 12 Member

    Hi @Martin_NI ,

    i hope you are well and I wish you a great new year! Thank you for your reply. Since my last post i calmed down…

    I think I was more shocked that KK VST2 was removed just like that. This could have been included as a clear warning message when installing KK 3, as it is intentionally deleted in this step.

    So … I installed the latest kk 2 version and i am currently migrating my most important projects to vst3 (a bit disappointed about Ableton … but like @Sunborn mentioned, it will be the safest way to go because i can make shure the migration is done correctly by doing this manually).

    Keep the groove!


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