Sequencer/Pattern Editor improvements



  • Daanz
    Daanz Member Posts: 3 Member

    Cannot find a place to post this:

    Folders for projects in project list!

  • gbalzo
    gbalzo Member Posts: 6 Member

    Euclidian sequencer ( along independent sequence lengths in Pattern already said ) . And not shure if this belongs here: Midi FX: midi delay, scale, etc. ( Squarp pyramid ).

  • Omnidelic
    Omnidelic Member Posts: 9 Member

    Drage and drop midi from maschine to your daw.

  • Friz
    Friz Member Posts: 4 Member

    I'd like to have a notepad to note my settings or particular things in my arrangements.

    I'd like the name of the chord to be indicated when I play it

  • Murat Kayi
    Murat Kayi Member Posts: 433 Pro

    @jolly Dodger

    Please check this (I am not home right now and reply from memory):

    When you have any instrument plugin loaded on any pad, you can from within the same group send midi to that sound from any other pad. That way I load for example a drum plugin on sound 1 and then configure the rest of the pads to trigger various notes on the plugin on sound 1. One plugin loaded, all the pads in the group play on that.

    The sampler Plugins in Maschine Kits receive Midi mostly on channel 1, C3. If you load a Kit you should only need to remap the outgoing midi of any pad within that same group to re-order which pad triggers which sound.

    In short: map pad 1 to pad 2, pad 2 to pad 1, kick and snare have been swapped, no additional group necessary. Save group with routing. Done


  • Greg82
    Greg82 Member Posts: 6 Member

    I wish you could add scale locking in software and general integration of hardware scales with software even if it would be only visual it would be a step forward.

  • Lifer
    Lifer Member Posts: 1 Member

    Euclidean and mathematical sequence options (and/or etc)

    Data edit mode like on old MPC’s so each notes position, length and velocity can be seen in a row for quick and precise adjustments

    Easier ways to slip time and pitch like the Yamaha RM1X does with its performance knobs.

    Less menu diving and more knobs!

  • Psyearth5
    Psyearth5 Member Posts: 351 Member

    Sequenceing is effective for me but I have idea so for example if I could change part of pattern by using Touch Strip It would be easier to navigate 16 bar pattern and be more focused.

  • jolly Dodger
    jolly Dodger Member Posts: 56 Member

    1) Yes within a group I can change midi dest. or create link groups. But using both those methods, how to I get the pad being pressed to only trigger the sound of its linked or midi destination pad, and not trigger its’s self? (Without muting the pad, and then it would not be able to sound receiving midi from another pad).

    2) The request or imagined workaround, here is to be able to set up a dummy group that is able to send midi data to another group. Being able to route midi data between groups would be very flexible.

  • JammesB
    JammesB Member Posts: 6 Member

    Just generally in the UI it would be good to be able to maximise any section, e.g. if I have 20 patterns, I can only expand this section big enough to see about 8 at a time.

  • Psyearth5
    Psyearth5 Member Posts: 351 Member

    You can do it by using empty pads for triggering the notes from Chords you choose and color code them . I am aware that it's halfway solution that need preparation and it makes me more focused on Music I Play and I spend more time preparing sounds for later use but it would be great to have all options like other DAW'S have for easier learning and faster Workflow. 👍

  • Psyearth5
    Psyearth5 Member Posts: 351 Member

    I would be specialy happy if I could reverse polarity phase so I can use it for different approach to EQ , Extrating or removing elements from Audio but if Ozone had such capabilities I would be happy and sure it would be useful for everyone if you make navigation through Patterns via Touch Strip. And Lock Screen View size to mirror screens on Maschine. When I jump from Scenes to Arrangement View I have to change scale every time, i have to go from Scenes to Arrangement several times before I convert to clips and then everything is easier. But to navigate via Touch Strip would be great, we already see light's following Play head .

  • Felipe Paiva
    Felipe Paiva Member Posts: 28 Member

    I had to switch to Ableton Live a few years ago when I started playing Electronic live sets, since the Patterns management in Maschine is not at the same level. I'd say that the following 2 simple elements are the basics to have something better:

    • sync the Pattern start with the music : when you request the activation or swith off of a Pattern, you should be able to do in the begining of the next mesure, not immediately when you press the button :)
    • the Patterns should be able to evolve differently in terms of mesures : when you activate a Pattern, it starts from its begining, not from the same place as the other Patterns playing

    Moreover, there is a huge need to have a next "Maschine Jam" product to support the use of Patterns...but this is for another topic :)

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