Sequencer/Pattern Editor improvements



  • Oleksii
    Oleksii Member Posts: 5 Member

    1. It would be nice to have a different track length for each instrument in the group. It would allowed to make polyrhythmic patterns.

    2 There is not enough randomization of events (note), generation of drum loops.

  • rrahim
    rrahim Member Posts: 21 Member

    I typically use Maschine in other DAWs. I would love to be able to trigger specific clips or patterns from midi.

    For example:

    -Add Maschine to an Ableton Live project

    -Create patterns in Maschine

    -launch patterns as needed from Midi track in Ableton Live

    -(optionally) route outputs from Maschine to different audio tracks

    I know there may be ways to do this right now, but it is always too complicated and never feels as an intended use case.

  • Marc Lemar
    Marc Lemar Member Posts: 4 Member
    1. Explode - makes new tracks for all note pitches inside clip/pattern, good to devide drum groups
    3. Please allow midi software such as Scaler and others alike to easily work in Maschine it’s terrible that they don’t.
    4. I hate to be that guy, but the arranger should allow for any audio any track to be edited much like a regular DAW. take Appleton for example in the arrange review you can pretty much do anything you want with audio files and routing, anything that you want. Machine is so close to being on top in terms of easy to use but many of the shortcomings have honestly led me to not even using the program anymore, because Native Instruments simply hasn’t been updating it to provide the features we want.
  • NC17z
    NC17z Member Posts: 20 Member

    This has got to be my Number One Request! Having the ability to manipulate -X2 and +X2 Times in plugins like the Abey Road series of drum patterns as well as the other plugins that NI offers such as the String/Horn Plugins. I'd also like to make this point. Kai, if your listening,... YES, it would give us so many creative possibilities that one could spend a lifetime experimenting with them if you could double time a sequence that was from an Expansion Library or a stock Maschine Pattern. I bet everyone over at NI might be thinking, "Why would anyone want to buy anything new from the expansion libraries? They're satisfied experimenting and playing with their existing purchases of expansion libraries." Believe me when I tell you, we'll still buy expansions! Its just what we do! NI Users are not just users of NI products, We're Fans, We're fans because nobody knows like we do just how fast you can get an idea down with Maschine, nobody knows like we do that if you are uninspired that spending less than 60 seconds with Maschine you'll suddenly become inspired. So, I guess you could say it would be like putting a fresh coat of paint Maschine. Oh, and I'm aware that many of the developers and employees are musicians and producers themselves. Run it by one of them, and watch their eyes open so wide with excitement because it will be like the very first time they used Maschine. Everything will suddenly become brand new again however, this time around there will be no learning curve and you can just get into using it with this feature. If you made it this far, thanks for listening.

  • Lowkus
    Lowkus Member Posts: 35 Helper
    edited December 2023

    I posted this in the Facebook Maschine group in 2017 and have been asking for it ever since Maschine came out. So here it is again...

    Please add notation pattern stretching. Attached is a theoretical image of what it would look like; you can see two identical groups of notes but one of them has the pattern start points stretched. I was eyeballing the note positions when I created the stretched positioning, so forgive the inaccuracies. When stretching the notes it is only adjusting the starting point positions, the note lengths remain the same as before the stretch. Pattern stretching would be extremely useful for recording without a click-track, where you naturally feel out a groove and then stretch it to fit the measures of the song.

  • Antonio B
    Antonio B Member Posts: 132 Member
    edited December 2023

    Thanks for the opportunity to offer feedback :)

    1. More aleotoric capabilities:

    a. Different track lengths (see Deluge)

    b. Per note probability (see Novation Tracks & Electron)

    c. Probability function for arpeggiator(s). (See Novation Peak & Bleass Arpeggiator).

    2. Visual Pattern/loop Position Indicator on actual pattern blocks.


  • Murat Kayi
    Murat Kayi Member Posts: 433 Pro
    edited December 2023

    @jolly Dodger

    (Wow, this mention is a remainder of a previous draft and the post editor won't let me remove it. I hate these new forum so much..)

    I see people asking for different pattern lengths within the same group for each sound.

    That sounds like a nightmare to handle and if it is because of polymetrics: you can just use two or more groups for that with different pattern lengths per group!

  • kbryarly
    kbryarly Member Posts: 43 Helper

    Allow us expand and create our own chords for the chord sequencer. Give us inversions, voicing and variations for chords. Also, let us access all 16 pads for chords.

  • tempsperdu
    tempsperdu Member Posts: 438 Guru


    Please add notation pattern stretching. Attached is a theoretical image of what it would look like; you can see two identical groups of notes but one of them has the pattern start points stretched. I was eyeballing the note positions when I created the stretched positioning, so forgive the inaccuracies. When stretching the notes it is only adjusting the starting point positions, the note lengths remain the same as before the stretch. Pattern stretching would be extremely useful for recording without a click-track, where you naturally feel out a groove and then stretch it to fit the measures of the song.

    Apologies in advance if I've misunderstood you, but how do you envision this actually working?

    You can do what you have done there manually already, but I am assuming you want a tool to do this in an easier fashion. Is that correct?

  • Rilkecat
    Rilkecat Member Posts: 62 Helper
    edited December 2023

    Working with AUDIO modules for audio loops is super tedious as you cannot change its own starting position within the pattern. MIDI notes can be nudged to try different combinations, but not the AUDIO starting point, so its super difficult to create grooves with audio loops.

    As a workaround I change AUDIO to SAMPLER, so I can choose the position in which the audio loop gets triggered. However, as SAMPLER does not have adaptative tempo, any change in tempo and everything gets out of sync.

  • Darin McKinney
    Darin McKinney Member Posts: 4 Member

    The ability to enter event time and velocity amount by key instead of using sliders. Unless I'm missing something. If you could select all events for one sound and enter the velocity amount, or set a velocity limit, that would be great. The MPC hardware would let you enter in the exact time stamp for a note played. You could move notes forward or left by slight adjustments. Sort of like nudge, but it's more precise. With nudge you really don't know what time stamp the event is on.

  • Darin McKinney
    Darin McKinney Member Posts: 4 Member

    To allow the Maschine to work as a VST in other DAWs, while still maintaining full functionality of maschine software via the Maschine controller... Allowing the maschine to be used as a master, or slave to the current DAW. Right now if I want to sequence on Maschine, and then record vocals on a DAW, I can't do both at the same time. We used to be able to do both with hardware. Simulating the same with software would open up a ton of doors for workflow. You can open up the Maschine currently in the DAW and the sequence will play and sync, but if you want to make Maschine sequence changes, you can't do it within another DAW.

  • Rikk Show
    Rikk Show Member Posts: 111 Helper

    A midi file is just notes with a timing offset. If you multiply all timing offset with 1.05 as an example everything is moved/stretched with 5%. It is really simple math to implement. Just set the cursor as an anchor as well and you can stretch from or before that point. Unless the NI engineers invented some strange unusual way to manage the midi notes.

  • Rikk Show
    Rikk Show Member Posts: 111 Helper

    Just dropping it here. ARA2 version?

    Unsure though how patterns work in this case and moving on the time line. But ARA really is the "new Rewire".

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