Sequencer/Pattern Editor improvements



  • felipeazucares
    felipeazucares Member Posts: 37 Member

    As a maschine+ user I want to be able to send program changes to MIDI outs to external gear when I switch groups and the ability to create/edit MIDI program control messages and embed them into clips on the M+ itself, currently only way to do this is on the software and then get it on to the M+ via storage mode.

    That way the MaschinePlus can work as a true PC-less central hub for my workflow and live setup.

  • Rikk Show
    Rikk Show Member Posts: 111 Helper

    Midi preview/player. Now I have to drag in a midi clip to audition. Not great.

    (Drag and drop midi from PC browser.)

    The preview function should include.

    * Click on midi file in browser should auto audition (with auto on/off button)

    * A graphic representation of the midi. Can be a tiny view like Toontrack.

    * If multi track, a selector for which track to use. The track names should be shown with buttons to choose one.

    * Option to auto truncate so empty bars at the beginning of a midi file are ignored. Ie if the midi starts on 4.3.1, you should truncate to 1.3.1.

    * Option to auto quantize and add swing, include button to ignore short passing notes filter based on note length and/or time before next note.

    * Option to double or half time, force manually or set to auto, or no change (bypass/ignore). Math should be auto, then force. Ie 200bpm listened to in a 100 BPM project should be played 100bpm, if I also have force to half time it will play in 50bpm. Preserve time signature or force to new. Tempo taken auto based from the midi data. (if not available from the file name, if neither is available use analysis, probably not needed).

    * Ability to see midi file length in bars and option to choose play whole file or loop at the end of the Maschine clip. Shorter midi than Maschine clip will auto loop, option to loop even bars or at end of midi file. Ie a 3 bar midi file previewed in a 4 bar Maschine clip will loop at bar 2 or bar 3 respectively.

    * Read the key from the midi data, if not available from the file name, if neither is available use analysis and have an option to auto transpose to a user defined song key.

    * Option to auto transpose to a selected key range 1, based on first note in the midi. If my selected key range is E3 to B3 and the first note is G2, all the midi data will be transposed +12. If F5 then -24. Option to ignore key range 1 and use key range 2.

    * Option to restrict all individual notes to key range 2, minimum 1 octave, so if your key range is D3 to D4 and a note is E4 it will be transposed to E3.

    * Manual transpose buttons -24 -12 0 12 24.

    * Option to filter out CC's. Simple and advanced. Simple only shows buttons for AT, PB, MW. Advanced has all CCs, the ones existing in the file are highlighted.

    Option means a switch button.

    Key includes the idea of various scales and should be around 20 of the most common ones. Yes, bye bye to only major/minor options.

    The above * should probably be applied mathematically in the order I wrote it.

    Yeah, I've been thinking about this...

  • Shed Maa
    Shed Maa Member Posts: 81 Member

    we need a verical zoom on the paino roll

  • Shed Maa
    Shed Maa Member Posts: 81 Member

    Quantize to the 1/64

  • louismarcell
    louismarcell Member Posts: 8 Member

    GROOVE QUANTISE: use quantise from different rhythms and loading them into a quantise or global swing.

    CHANGE PPQ: to different groove boxes, samplers, i.e mpc 60, mpc3000, Asr 10,korg electribe,

    POLYMETER: for polyrhythmic measures euclidian etc ability to switch different pattern lengths

    VELOCITY SNAP: snap velocity on 16 levels and choose what each pad allows

    16 LEVEL: filter and auto-chop control.

    CLIP: more control and ability to transfer back from clips back to patterns

  • Phatnik
    Phatnik Member Posts: 19 Member

    Piano roll workflow à la Ableton 12 / FL studio and more shortcuts.

  • Murat Kayi
    Murat Kayi Member Posts: 433 Pro

    I realize there are some people who would like to have per Sound patterns only to implement polymetric rhythm.

    Considering you already can work fully polymetrically by just using different lengths for patterns in different groups I would like to say that per Sound patterns sound like an utter nightmare to handle for something you can already do quite easily. So I vote against that.

  • Schmapps1
    Schmapps1 Member Posts: 141 Pro

    The problem there of course, is that having to create a whole new group, for each single little sound that you might want to play polymetrically, is not exactly an ideal or efficient situation either.

    I think there are ways to implement an elegant compromise

  • Phyia
    Phyia Member Posts: 11 Helper
    edited December 2023

    Maschine + standalone needs external midi hardware Program change, msb/lsb, CC learn today.

  • Phatnik
    Phatnik Member Posts: 19 Member

    I love the professionally made patters and projects the Expansions to learn about different styles, but it is so hard to follow what is played in the piano roll. I would love to be able to collapse it to to used notes and to a scale like in Ableton.

    It would be helpful if you had made a topic "other suggested Maschine improvements".

    As it does not exist (yet) I will write them here:

    • As you can see on Social Media, many people additionally have an SP404 for performance effects. I think you can make that unnecessary with a host of DJ etc. effects that you have from Traktor, Guitar Rig etc. it would be awesome if each group AND THE MASTER could host a SET of 8/16(with pages) DJ effects that can be switched on/off with the buttons on top and adjusted with the knows (like Turnado by Devious Maschine for example).
    • The Finger and the Mouth are so awesome and often overlooked, they would be a killer if adapted to Standalone. That would add playable glitches and pitch correction, sound to MIDI, sound so synth etc. That should be possible as they are older Reaktor ensambles.
    • There is such a vast amount of Reaktor ensambles, what about converting the best ones for Maschine standalone like Blezz Beats' conversion of the Reaktor Pitch Correction? Few people know about it and think that AKAI has pitch correction and Maschine does not. You could add that in a heartbeat!
    • Some Maschine/Traktor combination would certainly be well received
    • Also Stem Separation via the Izotope Algorhythm
    • I guess it's asking far too much from the processor to have Guitar available in Standalone. But generally Guitar Rig could be more Maschine friendly, so Maschine can be used as an effects processor
    • Lastly, I don't understand why Maschine + only has SOME Kontakt Instruments. I deeply hope that the FULL Kontakt 7 library will be added to Maschine+. Then it would be unbeatable in factory sounds!!!
    • ....maybe technically not possible, but I wished the Play Series would be available on Maschine +....

  • basehead617
    basehead617 Member Posts: 137 Advisor

    There needs to be a better way to nudge in the piano roll - on the Studio controller you could press the Shift+Nudge button and use the big wheel to make small adjustments in timing of the selected note, but since nudge is already a Shift+Pad command on Mk III you can’t Shift-Shift for smaller increments.

  • dmori
    dmori Member Posts: 91 Advisor

    Be able to use keyboard shortcuts without having to have a window highlighted. It's a real pain as you have to click in a window to use a shortcut. Things like zoom in/out should be able to be achieve by pressing one key (i.e. +/-)

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,612 mod
    edited December 2023

    There is a bigger issue that affects that, Maschine's shortcuts work only when the area relevant to the shortcut you want to use is "selected" but it offers zero visual feedback on whats is actually selected, so we never know...

    For example: You just clicked something in the Ideias View area, and you want to use the CMD+UP/DOWN (CTRL in Windows I guess) for horizontal zoom in the piano roll/pattern area, it won't work because the Ideas View is selected, so you have to click on the piano roll first. The currently selected area should be highlighted so we know if the shortcuts will work, ideally also have a shortcut to move between the possible areas of selection.

  • dmori
    dmori Member Posts: 91 Advisor

    Yeah exactly. That's why I think if there are certain keyboard shortcuts that only work for specific windows, so it doesn't have to be in focus. For example, the only area I see we need to zoom in/out would be in pattern view/piano roll & sample window. So whichever was visible, that would be the one that zoomed.

    I think highlighting area is a good idea too. Can be a bit like adobe premiere which has an outline on the highlighted window.

  • Eric Rabb
    Eric Rabb Member Posts: 47 Helper

    please add the the ability in the piano roll to visually overlay all patterns in a group vs the “soloed” pattern for easy editing and note copying to easily keep things in key, like in Fruity Loops. Also when you edit notes in the piano roll, when you click that note with a mouse have an option to “hear” that note, even as you move that note up or down the piano roll.

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