Sequencer/Pattern Editor improvements



  • r s v
    r s v Member Posts: 17 Member

    It would be nice if one could press a Pad (or a keyboard note in a MIDI controller) and listen to a pattern without pressing Play in the sequencer, similar to Roland's RPS (Realtime Phrase Sequencing) or Korg's RPPR (Realtime Pattern Play/Recording).

    The ability to listen to a pattern and scrolling different sounds/drumkits to listen to it with other sounds, therefore, the "load" option would be transformed in something like "accept".

    Different Tempo per MIDI Pattern. With this option it would be possible to have a project with several songs, without losing time loading a project, similar to Elektron's approach.

    MIDI learn without the need to connect to a computer.

  • Falko Freund
    Falko Freund Member Posts: 4 Member

    i dont know, if it is the right topic, but it is important:

    Ideas View: possibility, to change the patterns at the end of the patterns, like in Ableton

  • jolly Dodger
    jolly Dodger Member Posts: 56 Member
    edited December 2023

    Disarm/arm midi record.

    Currently you cannot combine a M+ with an external sequencer, I.e a drum machine that you want a group to recieve midi from, while not recording a pattern events on the m+

    This might be achieved in a different way on the MASCHINE than the classic arm/disarm controls, but the need to get round this problem anyway would be awesome to achieve whatever way..

  • jolly Dodger
    jolly Dodger Member Posts: 56 Member
    edited December 2023

    Internal midi routing

    Currently if I want to browse between kits, but have a different finger drumming layout on the pads for the main kick/snare/hh, I either have to rearrange every kit, or send midi out of the m+, transform the notes(I use a blokas midihub) and then pipe them back into the m+.

    note: without the above arm/disarm request you can’t currently use the record function, as your getting midi feedback, and events recorded into groups you don’t want when routing midi.

  • Murat Kayi
    Murat Kayi Member Posts: 433 Pro

    @jolly Dodger

    Currently if I want to browse between kits, but have a different finger drumming layout on the pads for the main kick/snare/hh, I either have to rearrange every kit, or send midi out

    Hey, I don't know if I understand you correctly, but you should totally be able to configure any pad in a way that it sends midi to another pad the way you want it already. What kind of kits are you referring to? I ask this, because in order to decide what to root for, I need to get what people are describing.

    I have a similar problem understanding what the request is about in @Falko Freund 's post above...

  • jolly Dodger
    jolly Dodger Member Posts: 56 Member
    edited December 2023

    Hi Murat.. of course let’s sanitise the request and get some more clarity.

    …All NI kits have kick on pad 1, snare on 2, and HH on 3 i.e. a horizontal layout.

    I however play with the kick on 4, snare on 8 and HH on 12 i.e. a vertical pad layout

    So I use groupA as a finger drumming layout kit, and groupB as the kit generating audio, and link the two with midi. This is good for me as in provides flexibility and speed efficiency:

    • I don’t have to rearange kits I own (x2408) every time I want to try a different fingering
    • swapping out kits is really easy, while keeping the same pad fingering
    • there are lots of use case example that could be used if M+ had more flexible midi-routing

    Is that clearer? Can I currently do this sort of midi-routing on a M+?

    Although at the moment I am happy with my hack of using a blokas midihub to feedback the transformed midi, but the lack of arm/disarm stops me from using the M+ sequencer to record any midi input, and that limits my use.

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,948 Expert

    I just tried the following:

    • Load Kit to Group A1
    • Select Group B1, Pad 1
    • Navigate to the Pad -> Channel -> Output -> MIDI -> Destination

    but the Loaded Pads of Group A1 don't appear as destinations. So, you can't. But it would be really nice, and it could be integrated with the Maschine UI quite naturally.

  • Inseptic
    Inseptic Member Posts: 9 Member

    The sequencer should go from top left to bottom right, not from the bottom up like it is now 😅

  • jakubpatok
    jakubpatok Member Posts: 67 Advisor

    I agree with the opinion on Ideas View! I absouletly love it. While there might be some potential improvements to this section considered, I'd like to be able to use it in the future versions of the software (and hardware). It's one of the main reasons why I use Maschine.

  • Daanz
    Daanz Member Posts: 3 Member

    Chord editting and loading/saving option to use my own chord progressions easier

    Generating random sequences in key with chord settings, before and after testing and able to decide to use or save results.

    Better way to change chord base note when in chords mode would help as well

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