The MASCHINE+ Feedback Thread



  • Peter Harris
    Peter Harris Member Posts: 471 Pro

    Yes NI, you could certainly do a better job of managing expectations and not creating false ones. I think that bothers the squeaky wheels more than anything.

    That said, listening to all the endless complaining on here I just wanted to add my name to the much quieter majority of people who are happy with their Maschines and many other fantastic NI products. To the developers, please don't get discouraged! Many of us would rather have you take the time to do things right then rush and have to fix more bugs.

    I for one would rather keep using my M+ indefinitely without any further updates than have to go back to using my MPC One and its painful workflow. In fact I'd happy trade my near-mint MPC for a new S49 if someone wants to give up on waiting for the update. 👍

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0 Newcomer
    edited March 2022
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  • Vagus
    Vagus Member Posts: 546 Guru

    As someone who also works in software development, I know it can be slower than you'd like. Small updates can have significant changes that can be tested to the ends of the earth, but the moment their live, there's an edge case that happens that you never expected.

    And when you're dealing with tens of thousands of users who love the software, you cannot release something with major flaws.

    I'd much rather be told something is coming, knowing that their may be some issues that delay it, than have something drop that doesn't work.

  • Sequencesounds
    Sequencesounds Member Posts: 62 Helper

    I think the sad thing is that many of us are big NI fans and want nothing but success for this company that we have all invested large amounts of money and time into.

    I really love my Maschine MK3 - its a fantastic piece of gear that is a real instrument to me - so intuitive.

    I love Reaktor, Kontakt and the NI plugins I use - excellent products

    But is very frustrating to have this seemingly never ending list of improvements that are desperately needed for Maschine SW and M+ that seem never to get resolved

    I know nothing about programming, so I don't know how difficult they are to implement.

    But I do know that the list seems to be enormous and almost spiralling out of control

    Not sure what the reason is for never doing the feature requests and instead concentrating on things like autosampling - a very nice feature, no doubt, but surely there are more important things to fix?

    We all remain loyal to NI and the NI ecosystem - but sometimes it does feel a bit foolish

    I am sure NI staff are sick of reading comments like mine - but there is an easy way to stop them - just do some of the many feature requests that have been asked for year after year in this and the old forum.

  • [Deleted User]
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  • latoxine
    latoxine Member Posts: 10 Member

    I have a new feature request even better than autosampling:

    AUTO ON / fetching updates / your maschine is already up to date/ AUTO OFF



  • djneural
    djneural Member Posts: 38 Helper
    edited March 2022

    Sad to hear it's delayed again but it happens.

    I think people would complain a lot more if after waiting so much time we had a new but broken firmware on our units.

    Good luck to the dev teams. Will be gratifying to finally get this update out and start working on v1.5. I won"t be against having an insight on the features/fixes and I know v1.5 will certainly take another few months to be ready. I'm sure the ideas and priorities are already on the whiteboard though.

    Roadmap gives perspectives to the users it's always good, even if it certainly puts a bit of pressure to the dev teams. At the end, with patience, everything is possible. And while waiting, let's not forget to make music 😉

  • djneural
    djneural Member Posts: 38 Helper

    I've got hopes NI will do better. I've rarely been disappointed on the quality of their hardware products. The M+ is a good example of what they are capable of in terms of design/build quality.

  • andreu
    andreu Member Posts: 12 Member

    This is so true.

    Just add a month to the original expected date.

    Underpromise, and then overdeliver, like in any other client relationship.(as we are not only users but also clients)

  • Matt_NI
    Matt_NI Administrator Posts: 1,130 admin
    edited March 2022

    That's exactly what we did though ... the release being announced with a timeframe and a disclaimer.

    Of course, we’re still a month away from the update so things can change. We’ll keep you all updated if we hear anything and the changelog will be posted right before launch

    We only started to share dates when it was ready to ship but again the inevitable can always happen.

    You might not remember but going by "working on x feature, expect to ship during this time" is what we did countless time and the reaction was still the same and folks were asking for specific dates.

    Don't get me wrong, I take full responsibility on being a bit too optimistic and sharing as much as we did.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0 Newcomer
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  • Matt_NI
    Matt_NI Administrator Posts: 1,130 admin

    You can interpret the comment as such but it wasn't the intention, it was a call for feedback.

    The discussion did turn into a complaint board about the delay and again widely off-topic when considering why that thread was created in the first place. This isn't me saying, these complaint are unjustified but more this isn't the right space for it. It's also fair to remind everyone why the comms are made in such a way. A lot of folks in this thread were not part of the old community and might not have gone through the numerous iteration and feedback we received from the community. It's also fair to remind everyone that we keep being loud about dates being estimations.

    I understand you've been around for a while and have gone through the changes yourself but I can assure you that for the large majority of users around here, the sentiment isn't built upon the legacy of products you mentioned. It comes from expecting more, faster (which is totally fair btw) with the hardware they own today.

    I'd have to strongly disagree with your assumption about us "berating customers". We are showing up across dozens of channels every day (more so than ever) and we have engaging discussions about our products with literally hundreds of people every week. Sure, sometime we call things out as we see them to get discussions going and sometime we also disagree with the perspective being shared but all these discussions are constructive.

    Lastly, let's remember that we're still learning and experimenting around the topic of transparency. We have concrete data around what it means for everyone (beyond what you read here) and it's going to take us a bit of time to get the formula right, working for the community, the product teams and the rest of the company. There will be a couple of hiccups along the way but it won't stop us from trying (no matter what I call out).

    A lot of people asked for upfront info about what was happening and we delivered on that back in February. The release will come out, it will bring features users have been asking for a while and we'll tweak our approach the next time around. I personally still see tons of positive for the community no matter what.

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