The MASCHINE+ Feedback Thread



  • cybo
    cybo Member Posts: 15 Helper

    As much as I enjoy using my +, you guys really suck with updates. Wait a week…. No wait a day….. actually just wait.

  • [Deleted User]
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  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,325 Guru

    Bring up the trombone preset...

  • ridin4biden
    ridin4biden Member Posts: 9 Member
    edited March 2022

    for sure this is terrible expectation management… but I think they are announcing the updates because the + has been so unstable that by promising improvement it's simply that they are going to try and keep us from running from the platform

  • djadidai
    djadidai Member Posts: 527 Pro

    There are bigger and more important issues in the world today, rather an update that works than a buggy update that make certain people sound like a broken violin and find criticism no matter how things go.

  • ridin4biden
    ridin4biden Member Posts: 9 Member
    edited March 2022

    For sure but just saying 4 delays is silly… it leaves customers with the impression that they don't know what they are doing... I've been avoiding using my + for the stability issues I've had and I keep thinking the day has come as have been told so I keep checking and that's what is irritating... of course I just use other tools it's not a big deal but anyhow... if I knew they were just going to notify the community when it's ready I'd stop checking... but do they do that? I get multiple emails a month about expansion sales, etc, but I haven't noticed that + updates are mentioned... if there's just a list I can sign up for I'll be done with this thread checking I'd much rather have the info pushed to me then polling/pulling it out

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,645 mod
    edited March 2022

    I agree that it's silly and about the impression it gives, no doubt... I'm way too critical in nature to even spit out an opinion on this topic because it wouldn't be pretty and I am trying to stick to positive things. The above was really just to explain communication is not here to deceive customers, it has good intentions.

    Sorry, no, there's no list about updates, sometimes NI does roll out emails about SW updates but it's rare I think. But you did bring up an interesting observation about update notifications, it's hella annoying to deal with 500 messages on update threads...

    This forum has an option to receive emails when people comment in a thread that you bookmarked, here, so If the NI team adds a new post on the "Update Status thread" for each update like they used to do in the old forum (instead of just editing the OP) users like you can get notified about updates without being spammed with unrelated stuff. That sounds like a good solution to me, I'll talk with the team tomorrow.

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,317 Expert

    The three week delay on the fix for the broken Lunar Echoes expansion (not being seen by M+) is one thing, but then to release Playbox and have that fail too... 🙄

    One would imagine that before release, these things would be checked by someone, or ideally a team, to ensure they work correctly. It seems as if they're not.

    I'd sign up for the beta, so I could install that (at least then the expansion would work) but the beta area is in need of some love too. One of the sign up requirements is that you don't have a Maschine - apparently that's an "old typo". No mention of Maschine+ presumably as the text is out of date.

    Much as I love my M+ this type of thing is disheartening.

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,325 Guru

    My thread about a "new direction" with NI's product line resonates with this situation in a few ways:

    • It helps explain why the evolution of current products is slow due to legacy decisions.. being painted in a corner so to speak.

    • It helps explain why the evolution of current products is slow due to major resources being poured into the "next big thing".

    But it's not as if anything could be done any differently at this point. In fact, I am optimistic for where things will end up. NI has made some very smart recent moves towards a foundational shift.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0 Newcomer
    edited March 2022
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