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  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,013 mod
    edited November 2023

    My 'tag' says 'PoorFellow' , yes! I am poor compared to many others , but the tag is actually about making a statement and about an attitude...

    Being interested in sound more than in music then what initially spurred my interest and brought me to were first and foremost Lores and Choir : Omnia . I spotted those when Komplete were version 13 (?) and when Lores and Choir : Omnia were new arrivals not included with Komplete. With respective prices (?) of (now) € 200 and € 400 then I realized that I would not have so much money that I would ever invest that much money into single library purchases like that. But then Komplete 14 arrived. I bought the Komplete S-61 MK2 and got the Komplete Select , and when spotting the upgrade prices on the sale I then upgraded to Komplete 14 Standard.

    Then yesterday I finally bought the upgrade from Komplete 14 Standard to Komplete 14 Collectors Edition and finally got both Lores and Choir : Omnia . Now , of course after all that time then most any inspiration that I may have had are washed away by the sands of time , but maybe it will return.

    At least now I finally got what I wanted !

    Thank you very much at N.I. for the nice prices at the recent and still ongoing Sale ! 🙂

  • Milos
    Milos Member Posts: 2,021 Guru


    I am Milos and i use couple of NI products.

    They are really cool and mostly stable now!

    I am trying to enrich the music I compose with Kontakt, enrich the tone, vibe and even master the mixing with GR (almost at it!), and with Reaktor experimenting with electronic sounds and effects!

    Composing nearly every genre as a hobby, and practising sound design for fun (to create unique and traditional Hollywood sound effects with Noise Machine as a sound source, and plugins from Modify, Filter, EQ, Reverb and Dynamics as the shapers of the sound)!

    Just having fun for now!

    Who knows?

    Maybe I will become the indie producer one day?

    Only God knows!

    Stay safe, people.

    And enrich your life with music.

  • philmusic39
    philmusic39 Member Posts: 3 Member
    edited April 2024

    [Translation inserted by Moderator (translation by DeepL) ]


    my name is Philippe , pseudo philmusic . i am 67 years old . former guitarist , keyboardist , and saxophonist , i enjoy playing on Yamaha tyros 5.

    Webmaster of the forum, I got interested in NI by buying VSTs, especially guitars, which completed the one I already had on other brands.

    I've just bought an S49 MK3, and I'm going to discover these new VSTs and effects, in order to make my compositions a little more elaborate.

    I love good sound.

    I'll probably have some questions for you, but with the google translator, it'll be hard to make myself understood, but we'll try.

    I'm a fan of 80s rock. my favorite band is the floyds. my current song is Uncle Lucius: keep the volves away.

    Community Code of Conduct - Please read before posting :Quote : Our community is currently only available in English. Please be advised that we retain the right to remove any posts in languages other than English.

  • innerdrum
    innerdrum Member Posts: 93 Member

    Hola all! I'm Nicolas from Argentina.

    I'm in my 40s and for the first time with a controller (S2 mk3) since last year i broke my dj mixer.

    I play a lot of downtempo, hip hop, fusion, disco and house. Streaming on twitch twice a week.

    I heard this dark dub recently and love it! hope u like it too

    Automat - Standing (can't post links yet 'cause new member)

  • joe_soul
    joe_soul Member Posts: 2 Member

    Hello! I'm Joe Soul, or "soulREBEL360", and I've been making beats and collecting records for nearly 30 years of my life. My early days of music production involved a Roland VS-1680, Alesis HR-16, MPC2kXL, and a Yamaha DJX keyboard. Portability lead me down the path of building my first computer that would be exclusively used for music production. Started off using Magix Music Generator until Fruity Loops came out and blew my mind. From there, I eventually moved to Acid Pro until I copped a Digi002 that came with a full copy of Pro Tools 7. I hated that DAW with a passion because, to me, it was overly I moved to Ableton Live, which is where I'm at to this day. My journey with NI with the MK1 mini. I discovered that I could make the same shxt I was making back when I was 100% hardware. I on I copped a Maschine MK2 that eventually broke (dead pads and janky pots ... I bought it used and trust me I WORE IT OUT!), and then Maschine Studio. I currently rock both a MK3, MK3 mini, and the A61 (to accompany my Push 2 and APK mini MK3).

    I have literally COUNTLESS unfinished tracks, which seems to be the common theme here in these forums lol! You can check me out on my SoundCloud page (search for "soulREBEL360" ...mostly old stuff but still dope, nonetheless), and Instagram (under the same name). Let's make dope music together!

  • G3n05ha
    G3n05ha Member Posts: 3 Member

    Hi everybody,

    i'm G3n from France, 3 words about me: emotions, sensitivity and creativity.

    I'm using NI products since my first maschine micro mk2 and fell in love instantly.

    I'm working with:

    . Maschine +

    . Maschine micro MK2

    . Komplete Kontrol M32

    . Komplete audio 2

    . next dream: Traktor Kontrol S2

    I love movie scoring, video game music, Hip Hop, Drum&bass, orchestral, classical... everything that sends me energy.

    Very happy to be here <3

  • Jacco
    Jacco Member Posts: 15 Member
    edited January 2024

    Hi Music lovers,

    Myself in 3 words: Technician, musiclover, DJ

    I'm Jacco from Holland. Music collector and DJ started in 1985 as a hobby. Together with my full-time IT skills .. it's still a hobby ;-) I'm using Traktor (on a Windows laptop) since like forever (since 2010) without NI hardware. I'd like to stay brand independent. I own a few Allen & Heath Xone:4D's, a pair of Technics SL1200 MKII's (from 1992) loads of records and timecode records and recently got a pair of Rane Twelves. A few time a month I DJ for audience with a Pioneer set connected to Traktor. Personal taste: (Electronic) dance music for all ages.

    Song I've been listening recently: Kraftwerk - Spacelab

  • Roman_B
    Roman_B Member Posts: 3 Member

    Hi ladies and gents,

    I'm Roman and I would call me a music collector - Mainly main stream, with some special interest in German music.

    I use my collection for sometimes for Party and want to bring it on a next level and bought me a S2 MK3. Some years ago (approx. 15 to 20 years), I had already an interface and used traktor and was very happy. So it was clear to stay with NI and traktor.

    Now I'm trying to get me organised and get used how to prepare a set list for the next party and be able to react on the wishes of the guests ...

    Do you know a tutorial how to start from scratch? Beatmaching and harmonic mixing would be for me only the second step.

    already thanks and looking to start a steap learning curve!

  • TigerZA
    TigerZA Member Posts: 1 Member

    Greetings! I am Zubin Ali, aka TigerZA from Leesburg, VA. I am a newbie Jungle/DnB music producer, video game music producer (small indie studio), and eventually want to produce film scores. I was a professional DJ from 2009-2016 doing night clubs and raves. I went cyber security because I needed money lol, and am now a Principal Security Engineer/Consultant doing Splunk Professional Services and premium app stuff. Since I have work on autopilot, its back to making music on my free time, aside from raising a family.

    I have probably like 50 or so unfinished projects and the tracks I do have are just not where I want them to be. Sooooo, I purchased Komplete 14 Standard today and it is time to step up my game! I messed around with Massive back in 2009 on a friends machine and didn't understand it then. But today, I have some better knowledge to help guide me (use Serum, Hydrasynth Deluxe, Jura, etc.) So yeah, can't wait to learn, have fun and meet everyone here!

  • saltpoke
    saltpoke Member Posts: 7 Member

    Hello I'm Sam- i have had my maschine1 for years never really used it. Then purchased a maschine2 and just starting to understand the process. I just purchased a maschine+ to round out my gear. I guess in a gear head (My Samplers:Roland MV 2000 and 700, AKAI MPC 2000, 2000XL and S612, Peavey SP, and EMU ESI-32) .

    One of these years I hope to learn the complete ins and out of just one of these samplers.

    Music: I really don't listen to anything.

  • JEANJEAN1603
    JEANJEAN1603 Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Hello everyone, my name is Jean-Marc, I am 53 years old and I am from Belgium.The three words to define me are: Rigor, Perseverance and music.A pianist since my childhood, I invest a lot of time and money to help my 24 year old son.“” is his professional name for his compositions.An article in the Belgian press was dedicated to him.The road is very long to achieve our dream, but we will persevere :-)
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