Kontakt 7.7 Release Update



  • NodeOperator
    NodeOperator Member Posts: 12 Member

    I’ve not used the Kontakt version being discussed here, but the notion of ‘Ad Ware’ being present on a NI, gui, honestly, starts to make my bile rise. There must be a dozen ways you can engage with ‘new riders’ without resorting to (and I think I’m not alone here, in saying ) ‘the lowest form of direct marketing technique’ available, please reverse ⏪ the decision to include this feature, my eyes are already burning, and Imhavent even seen it yet. 😣

  • MLW
    MLW Member Posts: 12 Member

    Hi Can hi, can I just check with you as I unfortunately was on Monterey and after a security update my Mac Pro silicon died on me.When revived nothing worked including native keyboard except already recorded with native on Logic.So 7.7 actually works with Silicon and Sonoma.Thank you.

  • sdyoung
    sdyoung Member Posts: 1 Member

    I knew you guys would get the CPU thing fixed! Thanks...all works perfectly with Sonoma right now..thanks so much for the update. I didn't know how much I rely on NI for my projects. I'm sure Apple drives you crazy but so good to know you're working as hard as you do to dance with them. xxoo

  • chlady
    chlady Member Posts: 4 Member

    Please no adds in KT7 !!! I agree put that in NA if you really have to have that in a product .

  • bloodysnare
    bloodysnare Member Posts: 14 Helper

    Putting ads in an instrument I paid for is a complete and utter insult to your customers. Shameful. Please remove these.

  • KenV99
    KenV99 Member Posts: 6 Member

    Why not make a lot of things configurable options?

    Ads or not?

    Double click replaces instrument or adds to rack?

    Show or hide libraries?

    Being spoofed what the developer thinks is best underestimates the sophistication of the user base.

  • lahatte
    lahatte Member Posts: 96 Member
    edited November 2023

    Thanks for the hard work.

    Can you please add a search to the Files list section? As in, search within the currently selected folder.


  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 1,366 mod

    The ad choice is being added in an update so you'll be able to turn them off completely.

    -- Mike

  • tempsperdu
    tempsperdu Member Posts: 407 Pro


    The ad choice is being added in an update so you'll be able to turn them off completely.

    -- Mike

    Some might find it a remarkably disturbing misunderstanding of the user base in the first place.

  • Rene-NI
    Rene-NI Member Posts: 1 Member

    Ads? Really???

    Wow someone’s losing their job over the decision to force ads down the throats of customers who’ve invested a substantial amount of money into the Native Instruments ecosystem.

    This was never a good idea. :-/

    RJPSAX Member Posts: 2 Member

    i still use Catalina and the update before this one stopped working, so I doubt I’ll be updating to this version. I reinstalled the last version and it works again.

  • tempsperdu
    tempsperdu Member Posts: 407 Pro


    Ads? Really???

    Wow someone’s losing their job over the decision to force ads down the throats of customers who’ve invested a substantial amount of money into the Native Instruments ecosystem.

    This was never a good idea. :-/

    What if it came from 'above'?..................................................

  • delioroman
    delioroman Member Posts: 2 Member

    Am I the only one who despises that Shop link? Can we at least get the option to hide it in 7.7.1? For us who don’t need it showing all the time.

  • Ibanezmango
    Ibanezmango Member Posts: 1 Member

    I'm still mad about wasting my money on the useless Guitar rig 6. They owe us a fix for this!!!!!

    Now they want to sneak adverts into their software?

    This software is too expensive for this nonsense.

    They are losing my trust.

  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 1,366 mod

    I don't think the reaction was quite what was expected !

    -- Mike

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